Which ground radar ? Help me !!!

Jerome: The machines you are talking about are not ground penetrating radars, first are vlf with real time software and last ones are magnetometers with imagining system and software too. The GPR are another kind of machines and they are not very good for treasure hunting, I do not know what are you going to find, you must first know what are you finding before to buy any kind of treasure machine.

I look for a machine to do research of the family properties(goods) (ingots).
I want to buy a detech SSP3100 to complete with the first machine.

This machine is OK, it is a pulse induction detector and will be good for your survey.I think you will need a GPR only if your treasure it is in a void, tunnel etc, but if this is not the case, you will be right with the ssp3100. Good hunting.

Bonjour Jerome,
Comme te la commenté Jesus les Jeohunter et companie (golden etc...) ne sont pas de GPR mais ce sont des VLF flanqué d'un software imagerie BIDON ...si tu veut jeter ton argent par la fenetre ...tu sais!!! il y a de belles pub aussi avec OKM .... de la vraie arnaque .
Avec un bon PI comme tu pense acheter et aussi tu peut te renseigner pour louer un "vrai" GPR lún des meilleurs que j'ai personellement travailler c'est le Ramac X3M de la boite MALA suedoise
c'est un tres bon GPR qui te donne des details tres fins avec un antenne de 500Mhz (de 0 a 4 metres ) et une de 800 Mhz( de 0 a 1metres) si tu veut aller plus profond mais avec moins de definition c'est l'antenne de 250Mhz (0 a 20metres) mais attention avec 250 tu ne vois pas de details plutot les couches geologiques ...ok
j'espere que cela t'aideras
salut depuis le Mexique

oui Jerome moi aussi je te confirme que les Jeohunter n'ont absolument rien à voir avec un radar de sol, c'est pratiquement de la publicité mensongère, comme les OKM d'ailleurs, qui ne sont pas non plus des radars de sol mais des magnétomètres. sur cette page http://www.detecteur-de-metaux.com/radar-de-sol.html j'ai fais la liste de tous les appareils vendus en france comme radar de sol alors qu'ils n'en sont pas.

I purchased a Radiodetection RD1000 not very long ago. I have only used it about 12 times my self. They only pay for them selves if you work in an industry where it is needed or if you have a certain target you are after and know a general area. I have used mine to locate bunker entrances in Germany, many bunkers where just covered up and left full, but bunkers are pretty darn big and locating a single door makes it sort of hard.

I would say that if you are not 100% certain that you will pay for it your first time out then there is no point in getting one. I got my used, only it had never been used, it was a purchase my agency made and then it just sat there, a year later when someone saw it had never been logged out they stuck it on the auction block. I would suggest calling calling Interpol HQ in Lyon France and ask to be transfered to the auction house.

I buy lots of stuff out of our auction house, a great deal of it has very little wear, and sells very cheap.

Or you can just go rent one from a machinery shop in your area. For France you are looking at paying about 120 Euro a day.

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