Where is the NRA? W.V. 8th grader ARRESTED for wearing an NRA T-shirt to school!!!

A West Virginia teen who was arrested and suspended for wearing a National Rifle Association T-shirt to school returned to class Monday wearing the same shirt that got him into trouble.

Jared Marcum, a 14-year-old student in Logan, W.Va., said his NRA T-shirt with a picture of a gun on it ignited a dispute Thursday between him and a teacher at Logan Middle School that ended in his arrest.

He returned to class Monday with students across Logan County sporting similar shirts to show their solidarity.:headbang:

that teacher must me shaking in his/her shoes worrying that one of those Tshit guns
is gonna jump off a T & shoot him :tongue3:


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Ben said, "If anyone has anything intelligent to say about this, I would love to debate the topic.
If you want to jump to irrational conclusions and spew nonsense propaganda, then don't even waste my time. " If you feel I'm wasting your time, please click on the ignore button. If you don't do that then you'll have to read what I write or just don't read it. If you ignore everything that you don't agree with you will only know your version of what is going on around you. We used to call that "wearing rose-colored glasses". That's what is going on in our schools right now; the kids have to all put on their rose-colored glasses and sing kumbya. The students at my granddaughter's high school weren't allowed to wear anything that represented guns or violence. She couldn't even wear her "Remington" t-shirt although there wasn't even a pic of a gun on it. Just the name of Remington was too scary for the brainwashers. The school's mascot is a "Spartan" wearing armor and carrying a sword. Can anyone else see the ludicracy here? I think the kid probably went too far in his own defense and it caused his arrest. Cops "usually" have to have a reason to arrest someone and the kid didn't commit a "crime" by just wearing something.

The student went to several classes wearing the shirt and nothing was said. Then some teacher makes a public issue out of it. I was in a high school and saw this crap for almost 30 years. There was always a small group of teachers that felt like they were the fashion police and the moral authority on everything. I taught next to one and spent my days running her butt ragged by pointing out the kids with radios, cassette players, cd players, ipods, cell phones, various clothing styles and cute t-shirts in that order. She would run down the hall chasing them. I was really happy when the kids learned, studied and passed. She would single kids out and try to flunk them. They moved her to another school finally and that was that. I just was shocked that someone would give a kid a problem over an NRA t-shirt. The district has backed down now, the kid came back wearing the shirt and there may be a civil suit. NOW, do you really want to give all these teachers guns? Really???? And we wonder about our education system?

NOW, do you really want to give all these teachers guns? Really???? And we wonder about our education system?

Hopefully if they arm the Right ones,
teachers (& i use the term teachers loosesly)
like this will Quit & go hide under their beds.

The student went to several classes wearing the shirt and nothing was said. Then some teacher makes a public issue out of it. I was in a high school and saw this crap for almost 30 years. There was always a small group of teachers that felt like they were the fashion police and the moral authority on everything. I taught next to one and spent my days running her butt ragged by pointing out the kids with radios, cassette players, cd players, ipods, cell phones, various clothing styles and cute t-shirts in that order. She would run down the hall chasing them. I was really happy when the kids learned, studied and passed. She would single kids out and try to flunk them. They moved her to another school finally and that was that. I just was shocked that someone would give a kid a problem over an NRA t-shirt. The district has backed down now, the kid came back wearing the shirt and there may be a civil suit. NOW, do you really want to give all these teachers guns? Really???? And we wonder about our education system?

Hope they sue the heck our of her and the school, if it was my kid I would already have a lawyer working on it......At the very least my child's college education would be paid for before I was through, sue for cost of the lawyer and all expenses paid 4 years of college at the college of OUR choice.........

4/23/13 Yahoo News reported that the student was arrested because he "created a disruptive environment in the school setting".
It was the Teacher who started the conflict; it was the Teacher who held the power. Yet it was the student who was arrested.
How sad is this incident.

4/23/13 Yahoo News reported that the student was arrested because he "created a disruptive environment in the school setting".
It was the Teacher who started the conflict; it was the Teacher who held the power. Yet it was the student who was arrested.
How sad is this incident.

When a lawsuit is settled the school may not be as quick to have a kid arrested for wearing a T-shirt.....The students used phone cameras to record it, should be interesting....

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Ben said, "If anyone has anything intelligent to say about this, I would love to debate the topic.
If you want to jump to irrational conclusions and spew nonsense propaganda, then don't even waste my time. " If you feel I'm wasting your time, please click on the ignore button. If you don't do that then you'll have to read what I write or just don't read it. If you ignore everything that you don't agree with you will only know your version of what is going on around you. We used to call that "wearing rose-colored glasses". That's what is going on in our schools right now; the kids have to all put on their rose-colored glasses and sing kumbya. The students at my granddaughter's high school weren't allowed to wear anything that represented guns or violence. She couldn't even wear her "Remington" t-shirt although there wasn't even a pic of a gun on it. Just the name of Remington was too scary for the brainwashers. The school's mascot is a "Spartan" wearing armor and carrying a sword. Can anyone else see the ludicracy here? I think the kid probably went too far in his own defense and it caused his arrest. Cops "usually" have to have a reason to arrest someone and the kid didn't commit a "crime" by just wearing something.

I notice now that the school has back peddled and the BS has been called on the whole matter someone has not chimed in anymore.

I think the kid probably went too far in his own defense and it caused his arrest. Cops "usually" have to have a reason to arrest someone and the kid didn't commit a "crime" by just wearing something.

Packer, I agree with this part of your post, as quoted.

BTW, it has nothing to do with ignoring what I don't agree with. There are facts and then there are opinions. Plain and simple. Also, note that while I do not have anyone on "ignore", I know for a fact that several people have me on "ignore".

He was arrested for causing a disturbance, but according to kids in room, they were only supporting him.... If parents get a good lawyer not only should he get off, I would go after a college fund as well....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

He was arrested for causing a disturbance, but according to kids in room, they were only supporting him.... If parents get a good lawyer not only should he get off, I would go after a college fund as well....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Yes, then you and I can pay for the lawsuit just so a few people can "prove a point" even though there weren't any real "damages".

Sue happy America. Gotta love it.

I find this very unusual. And while, most times, I tend to disagree with Jerseyben, I think that he might have a point. There might [not must] be more to this.

And even more odd; Up here , in restrictive Canuckville, we have course in gun handling, hunting and general outdoor activities in our secondary and senior school. Who knew that Canada could be a 'LITTLE' more progressive.

I have a feeling that teacher watched a commercial to many times. (Remember that one (Was it apple where everyone was dressed in gray ) and that person threw that hammer thru the screen. Well that kid is the one with the hammer. Can't find that one.( Just a analogy )

Yes, then you and I can pay for the lawsuit just so a few people can "prove a point" even though there weren't any real "damages".

Sue happy America. Gotta love it.

Did you miss the part where he was arrested and hauled off....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Did you miss the part where he was arrested and hauled off....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

TH, I am not gonna play your circular logic games. My points have already been stated, clearly. Several other people have agreed - that if the kid was arrested, it was for good reason. People do not get arrested for wearing a shirt.

TH, I am not gonna play your circular logic games. My points have already been stated, clearly. Several other people have agreed - that if the kid was arrested, it was for good reason. People do not get arrested for wearing a shirt.

Do you know how many bad arrests are made ever day nation wide...

What you just said is if your arrested you must be guilty..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Do you know how many bad arrests are made ever day nation wide...

What you just said is if your arrested you must be guilty..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Circular argument, circular argument, circular argumment...

I have talked to several people in my life including coworkers, friends, family, etc about this article. Every single person stands with me on the same points I made much earlier in the thread. I am done defending them. If you choose to have a different opinion, that is your choice. I am telling you this though: You are wrong on this one. Even several people in your own camp (see posts above) have agreed with me...

Bartholomew, what's funny is the NRA has programs that support and teach youth programs in gun safety, marksmanship etc. so there really isn't cause to deny a student the right to wear the shirt for any reason other than the NRA has been demonized by the anti-gun camp and the teacher just became part of the feeding frenzy. As far as I'm concerned, a student should not be allowed ANY logos or words whatsoever. Could he wear a "gay pride" shirt? A "Boy Scouts of America"? "NAACP"? "USA"? "VIVA MEXICO"? How about logos from his favorite sports team? Someone could get upset if they didn't like that team ya know. It's not like he was wearing Black Panther apparel or KKK. The NRA is a legal organization that does much more than just lobby for gun rights.

What are they going to do if he gets a tattoo? NRA.... Non Resident Alien.

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