Where is the NRA? W.V. 8th grader ARRESTED for wearing an NRA T-shirt to school!!!


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Feb 16, 2013
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With all the horrific things going on this past week, this story might have been missed, but I am OUTRAGED to even think something like this goes on in our schools, in the USA, and against OUR CHILDREN, by school officials & TEACHERS! EVEN THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT JUMPED IN!!!

I'm so enraged to have seen this story I can't quite get a grip on myself to even comment.
Just check this out and you'll see what has my blood boiling...:angry4:

Eighth Grader Arrested For Wearing NRA T-Shirt
Video Landing Page - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports
Jared Marcum, an 8th grade student, was suspended, arrested and is now facing two charges after refusing to change his shirt.


From the moment 13 News first broke this story on 13 News at 11 on Thursday, emails, Facebook posts and phone calls from people all across the country have been pouring in. Despite all of the attention, Jared Marcum and his family say they're no closer to a resolution than they were when it all began.

Student reportedly arrested, suspended after argument with teacher over NRA shirt | Fox News

1. This is a 1st amendment issue.
2. Constitutional or not, students have to follow the rules of the school. If a student believes his/her rights were violated, it should be brought up to his/her parents and taken before the administration/school board.
3. I know you all see this as a matter of the kid's 2nd amendment rights being violated but in reality, we don't know what happend. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean all the rules just fly out the window and you can now do whatever you want. If the kid got arrested, I am sure there was a good reason.

As I say in most of these threads, 1 + 1 does not equal 3.

I guess to some the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment are rights to spit on and kick into the trash. Well as long as they are only insulting pro gun, American flag, Christian, white males, .... shirts, rules, laws, ect are ok then.

Seems on par with kids writing reports on ( hunting ) & fishing with family and getting a failing grade because the report mentioned firearms . I understand dress codes , but people can find offensive pictures or slogans on anything if they so choose . It's CENSORSHIP plain & simple . That's NOT what America is about .

I see this as the same issue as the children kicked out of school in CA for wearing the American flag while Hispanic students wearing the Mexian flag were ok. We have let the P.C. B.S go to far.

Now if this kid was smart he would become a community organizer (Who knows were that could end up) and hand out shirts at the front door therefore closing the school down until they get rid of the political correct goofs. (Just a thought) I think that would be more fun then crying about it.

My point is made. Who would of said anything he would have had on a Support Sandy Hook gun control now shirt or My parents voted for Obama?

Do you even have a point? Who is to say someone wouldn't have said something about the shirts you mentioned? Hypothetical and irrelevant.

Typically, a school's intended purspose is to educate children. Therefore, political statements really have no place in a school setting. While I am sure most schools tolerate politics, it is a school's job to keep everyone on topic and to avoid disruptions/distractions. That is why most schools have dress codes and all schools have rules of conduct. If someone wears something that is controversial, it could most certainly be seens as disrupting education. Therefore, you have the story that unfolds.

If anyone has anything intelligent to say about this, I would love to debate the topic.
If you want to jump to irrational conclusions and spew nonsense propaganda, then don't even waste my time.

If there is a no Tshits with sayings rule,
and IF

something like this


would have got him arrested also

Then I agree he should have followed the rules.

However I find it hard to believe their Dress code includes
arrest for refusing to follow a dress code :icon_scratch:

If there is a no Tshits with sayings rule,
and IF

something like this

would have got him arrested also

Then I agree he should have followed the rules.

However I find it hard to believe their Dress code includes
arrest for refusing to follow a dress code :icon_scratch:


I implore you to dig a LITTLE deeper than this...

Please dont tell me you actually think the kid got arrested simply because he violated the dress code.

You KNOW there is more to it than that.

I'm hoping so.

It's certainly a scary thought.

It's a shame Parents don't stick together.
an entire school of children in NRA Shirts would not be suspended or aressted

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I'm hoping so.

It's certainly a scary thought.

It's a shame Parents don't stick together.
an entire school of children in NRA Shirts would not be suspended or aressted

Better yet, the school could send home a letter clarifying the policy. Then, everyone could, you know... follow the rules.

Remember, this is a school we are talking about, not a political forum.

I'll wager the kid was being recalcitrant and belligerent, just like I was when I was his age and got suspended for refusing to get a hair cut. Being arrested is a bit ridiculous, though.

Also, if you all would take a minute to educate yourselves on the limitations to the 1st Amendment rights that have historically been maintained in and near school zones, you'd realize that the banning of inflammatory messages on clothing--though likely blown out of proportion due to the currently polarized political atmosphere--is within historical precedent.


The most worrying point here should be that you actually can arrest a 14 year old kid. Never mind for what, he is 14, if anything it should be the child services handling this.

The most worrying point here should be that you actually can arrest a 14 year old kid. Never mind for what, he is 14, if anything it should be the child services handling this.

Cant agree more ... he didnt have a gun or drugs or assault someone serriously or murder someone ... if anything he should have been punish by his parents with a kick in the butt if he needed it. Now you have a 14 year old with an arrest reccord...droped, win, or loose the case that will follow him for years. Seems to be the P.C. way ruin a child for life rather than teach them.

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The thought police have arisen. Beware even the slightest unnormal will make you suspect. And then its off to the ministry of love.

Utoh looks like the school is attempting to kiss up and hope a lawsuit dont come its way.

Student suspended for NRA shirt back in class - Washington Times

There you go Jerseyben , first they say it's because he would'nt remove his shirt . Then they say the shirt had NOTHING to do with it ? Then change thier story to say HE was disruptive ? ( Lieing to cover thier A$$es ) The SCHOOL made the disruption because of the shirt !!!!!!!! I hope he sues the SHIRT off the teacher that caused the problem to begin with !

I think I am going to start being offended by EVERYTHING. Its all about being P.C. right so you have to not offend me.... I am offended by pink, It is a color of masculinity in the Japanses culture they were our enemy in WWII and wounded my Grandfather so it offends me. Grey and Tan common colors of the German army in WWII wounded my other gradfather they offend me. Being a Christian the phrase Happy Holidays offends me since I celibrate Christmas so cant use that phrase anymore. ANY display of public affection offends me holding hands, kissing, putting your arm around somone, high five, shaking hands, pats on the back so no physical contact in public. The word Cracker offends me so we have to change all foods with that name to something else.

This is why this happend that teacher did not like the NRA shirt, so he/she chose to make a scene. If something offends you that is YOUR problem suck it up and move on. He did not harm anyone. This P.C. bs is a 5% minority that cry cry cry and force their racist, hatefilled, anti anything that is not them, think my way not you way, beliefs on the other 95% of the population.

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