Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers dont bite me hand)


Bronze Member
Oct 13, 2005
C.R. HKt.B Sometimes there's not a right way, or
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Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

mastereagle, Those would work good. I like the protection they give the arm.
I'm talking with the company now by email to see if they are snake proof.

Thanks for info. Roadquest

Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

Sounds good , but how do you plan on testing them out? :icon_scratch: Please keep us up dated about the gloves .

Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

I would hate to be the glove tester..lol

Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

txkickergirl, Come on now, I need someone to test them for me.
Just kidding. I will just have to get what I think will work and go with it........Clayton

jayallday, I checked that site, That looks like the real thing, They are out of stock.
I'm going to ask if they can get a pair for me.
I bought a differant kind of glove from another site. $59.00 an found out they were
not telling me the truth about the gloves.
Thanks you for the site you sent me. ......Clayton...........Roaquest

Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

I would'nt be as worried about my hands-If my face is that close! If i'm reaching into brush I Always let the detector do the snake-shake.

Re: Where can I buy snake proof gloves (so the little buggers don't bite me hand)

anything that can pierce the skin is very hard to protect against. steel plating would be best, kind of like fish scales. most protection is resistant to bites, not bite proof.
all it takes is a scratch from a fang to be infected

I would'nt be as worried about my hands-If my face is that close! If i'm reaching into brush I Always let the detector do the snake-shake.
EXACTLY! If you're close enough for a rattler to strike your hand, I'd be more worried about the face & neck! A piece of 1/2" pvc pipe with a tee on the end and 2" stubs in it will let you stir up the brush & won't affect your loop. YOUR EYES ARE YOUR BEST TOOLS! And ears are a close second.

First rule...don't put your hand into holes or under rocks that you can't see into...

If a snake can bite your hand, it can bite you anywhere on your body.

The majority of people snake bitten are men from ages 16 to 25, and usually alcohol is involved.

The majority of people snake bitten are men from ages 16 to 25, and usually alcohol is involved.

You forgot to include idiots proving Darwins theory.Then again that could be included in the above:laughing7:

First rule...don't put your hand into holes or under rocks that you can't see into...

If a snake can bite your hand, it can bite you anywhere on your body.

The majority of people snake bitten are men from ages 16 to 25, and usually alcohol is involved.
So I guess that means I'm way too old to get bitten, guess all I have to do now is to save a sip or two to pour over the wound. OK! good to go!

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