Where can a person Highbank in or around Shasta County?

Also for those that might google this thread looking for info on the area's around here, aside from the very small Horsetown Preserve on lower Clear Creek you CAN use non motorized prospecting methods in the lower Clear Creek open BLM area's.

Like I said I have "seen" people HB on Clear Creek...since I dont high bank I never looked it up. Thanks for the info. I have been sluicing on CC for the last 5 years and never even been approached by BLM or any other agency. As long as you stay on the NE side of the creek Horsetown doesnt even come into play.

I'm thinking also while on this subject that a mineral claim owner, with private property rights, gets riparian rights which means no permitt is needed on a persons mineral claim? correct me if i'm wrong i don't know :happysmiley::dontknow: but thats how ima reading it.

Thanks for posting that but I already posted the short version that applies to us as prospectors and included the document ID.

These are the current regs for the Whiskeytown Unit. If you want to call a pan and a trowel in wetted areas only mining then have a ball as you can't use ANY other tools,not even floating fanning as outlined here in exacting detail. No detecting either ANYWHERE. We spent years doing panning demos for the Camden House restoration twice a year and raised many 10s a thousands using tools,detecting lessons and fanning lessons for the public. They took all the money,we fixed,cleaned,rebuilt the orchards and trails and were promptly kicked out once the bureauratz got what they wanted. So yes no-not-nyet nuttn to me. By the by there is a ,at 1999 appraisal price, a $24,000 platinum ring on the trail to the El Dorado mine tour trail that a GGGrandma lost fulla diamonds and kids,gkids birthstones that slipped off her finger on the hike. I was dating a ranger at the time and even with her and me paying the in house archiologist for his time to come along the filthy bureauratz would NOT let me retrieve this ladies cherished memento FOR FREE TO HER. So yes much anger/angst/frustration to whiskeytown unit as each new boss-3 now-tightens the regs and bites the hand that created the historical sites-John


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Now lets get into highbanking and mining mess of insane rules on the Clear Creek,Horsetown,Cloverdale,Need Camp Greenway from the Whiskeytown red area to the Sacramento River. Sory as that's the only way I could post as bureauratz played games with it on the net.Under gold sluicing it states SPECIFICALLY no mechanized equipment on clear creek--butte you can get permits but ZIP-ZERO-NATHE on clear creek. BUT--Horsetown preserve absolutley nuttn'-not even pans. Cloverdale unit. No motors nowhere and no admittance with any mororized vehicles even as entrance has steel posts and huge signs everywhere NO NO NO sic sic sic. This entire area from the Placer street bridge down to the clea rcreek bridge at Horsetown bridge is 1,000's a feet of vertical cliffs that have killed many. When Asher trust owned it 3 of us spent 2 weeks with mcclouds cuttn' a trail down over 1,600 foor 70-90- degree cliffs to get my lil'ol' 6" triple down there and absolutely no other access. I hiked in the many miles to it and after 18 years worn out and gone.As the photos show good way to die. Up from the bridge is private property for a few miles with old patented properties. The few who own are RIGHTEOUSLY POd at miners who tresspass,trash,detect,leave messes so we have spent YEARS trying to undue bad vibes --even their relatives/lifelong friends not let in anymore. So you will be shot,no questions asked as every square inch to the NEED camp is clearly marked-camp is 100% closed to all for everything now also.At the Stoney Gulch trailhead is a grandfathered claim with cameras,and a zillion signs taking pics all alng their trail. They filed a special years ago,cost over $2,000 to process 2 cubic yards in the gulch. EXTREMELY HOSTILE FOLKS and no legal access. There is a single claim by the horsetoen uniy grandfathered but 100% vertical from end to end and no gas engines anyhow and VERY HOSTILE ALSO. From there to the sacramento there are a few parcels of private intermixed in but as BLM rules mandat NO GAS ENGINES . Yes you may have seen some but you didn't have to pay their fines or do their time. Tnet will kill this thred and tooo busy to finish now-will add more maps info later-must go MINE-John


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Man thats a boat load of frustration you carry john,and understandably so.

It's so true that this didn't just start yesterday the take over has been going on for decades now as john has seen, and the big squeeze gets tighter and tighter by the year, land takeover by government agency's, people depriving there own of a future outdoors, SAD F'n SAD..........

Was doing some more looking into this whole new can of BS the highbanker permits. "To apply for a permit, you must file a Report of Waste Discharge with the Regional Water Board."
OK and here is the fee schedule for the waste discharge report. Notice in the chart the minimum as they said is $1120 and goes up from there. What a freakin' mess we have in California this is way out of hand.


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Heya everyone;

As some of you know I traded my Gold Bug Pro for a Proline 3" Dredge/Highbanker Combo and now I need to figure out where I can use it. :)

I have no clue where to go to use it or if I have to pay the near $1300 dollar permit even if I dont empty into the water.

I read that no matter what you have to get a permit to highbank, even if it is not going back into the water, how true is this?

Aside from that, where can I go that is open to prospectors to highbank?
Can I highbank on open BLM land or out at Swasey or are there specific area's that I am only allowed to highbank at? (Aside from Claims and private land that I have permission to be on.)

Thanks everyone. :)

Give the BLM Dept. a call they can assist you on BLM Land in Shasta County N. Calif. BLM land is OK to Gold Mine, Metal Detect Etc.

Last installment on Clear Creek Legacy--Here is the map showing the 22-23 miles of insanity. The last pic I posted above is a pic of over 100 cubic yards I dredged for the CDFG after they came to me in the canyon and begged me for clean loose non impacted gravels to conduct a feasability study to create the Clear Creek Greenway project. I spent over a week working lousy cemented gravels to fill the areas above the rapids with salmon spawning grounds materials as best for aireation of reds beds. Done for FREE to get a chair position on the formulation council. Pic of hole and the stop gate included here as proof. There was a wall 5' thick over 10' high constructed down the center of the vertical canyons length to split clear creek from 1 side to the other to be mined. That notched timber was part of the release gate. When the committee was formed and meetings held the fishermen wanted all others excluded,same with horsemen,same with bike riders,hikers and one lone dumb arse miner ME wanted it open to all. NOT 1 single thang could be agreed to as nuttn' but environutz mine mine mine. Committe disbanded and they all got a part to play in places and as usual the miners got the SHAFT WITH NO KY. End a my story as screwed,lied to,as common practice of CDFG,BLM,Forest Circus. John


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Hey John, THANK YOU for all glory hole of info that you are adding to this thread.
I guess your not as bad as a lot of the locals say. :P

I was just talking about swasey area which I found out is ok to highbank in and I already knew much of the info that you are sharing but there is a lot of other new info to me in there too and for those googling there is going to be a ton of good info here.

Take care John and keep fighting. :)

The ONLY locals who say anything bad about me are jealousy lazy shatz who did nuttn' but snivel,whine and complain when it was time to fight. And newcomers who are jacks of all trades and masters of none as they flit from one type a mining to another,never learn how to do anything correctly and pontificate their extensive experiences as experts. Then newbiess do everything wrong,get ticketed,ruin their lives as their kids watch Daddy go to court,hauled off and family loses their vehicle. Organ envy has raised it's ugly head as I come to club meets with poundages and win finds of the month,even after contributing the majority of the prizes. And people moan,groan and urinate themselves. Perfect example was a detector contest-last one I ever went to at the picnic. I ran my antique Golden Sabre to level the playing field and my 12 year old son ran a $25 Radio shack piece a junk as the old farts with their many $1,000 dollar high falutn units pushed and shoved others outta the way during the coin hunt. Well the kid and I tied for 1st hahahaha and the filthy dogs tried to ban us from hunts ....clubs are sooo much bs----and haters can kiss my crusty ol'arse---John

A simple "Thanks for the complement" would have sufficed. :)

"That's our Hoser - re-defining the term "crusty ol fart". In the politically correct future you'll only find his kind in dusty books.

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John did yuh keep the gold after movin all that yardage as a trophy?

lmao your to much john you put a lot into helping it is appreciated, thing is when you help you don't always get the pat on the back, might get a swift kick, im done helping most guys in the trades i've had guys who i thought were great men let me down with customers I gave them, had a guy try and steal a 200+ year old fireplace mantel from one customer I had, spent a month tracking him down to woop on him personal, finally almost had to send the cops on him but i talked him into giving it up before i made the call, never did get an apology.

We can't win in this state sad part is it's going to spread and i hate to see that happen to, where these united states turns into an environmentalist democracy

Like my bud Mad Dog pontificates-Ya kick'm around,beat'm up constantly,badger,berate and belittl'm long enough and screw'm around ,sooner or later the sob turns mean and just wants to tear your face off...... he was refering to our miners rights commrades in arms who kept mining open and legal for over 50 years and now kicked to the side a the road like last years trash.....lost their means of survuval,dignity and respect,not to mention wives and homes...hahahaha yep he's right. John


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