Where are all the Veterans?

But back then it was just buying silver at the coins value wasn't it....:laughing7:

He did mostly cents. Filled an entire IH book and memorial book. He has told me stories about going around to banks and asking the tellers to dig out the cent rolls at the bottom of the drawer/box. Some of his finds from back then are amazing.

It is fine if some choose to walk away. Things change. When the old timers feel like jumping in, they do. Otherwise, they lurk. Members come and go for various reasons.

I disagree with the contention that all of the goods ones have left. There is ample encouragement and congratulation. It doesn't have to come from someone with a joined date pre-2010 to be a positive contribution.

Granted, there is too much negativity and arrogance (it doesn't take much of these to amount to too much), but that is not new. Notice that the only other lasting "pinned" thread other than the beginners guide is titled "Having Issues with Other Members?"

Control what you have control over, post with forethought and respect.

As long as all members follow TN rules there are no reasons for mods to have to to step in, we prefer not to, but the same rules apply to all forums... Treat other members with the same respect each of us desire and deserves. Enjoy TN...

I for one have had enough of all the pointless bickering between newer members. Having threads locked by mods because flamewars have erupted, such a thing was basically unheard of on the old TN. I also find it hard to read the street talk that people are now shifting towards using. I still lurk around here but so many posts are not worth reading. This forum just isn't what it used to be.

Maybe it would be better instead of locking threads we should start issuing 1 week timeouts to all members involved in a flame war. TN rules are pretty clear..


hi i have a question so like when i found a copper penny where do i go to sell it? i have like 3 or 4 of them but i think there wurth more than a penny?

Fyi to whom it may concern this board belongs to TreasureNet..Our rules will be enforced here as well.

All members welcome new and old, any that try to take over board and run any members off will find out TN owns the forums.

I specified in my OP that I am not trying to cause any trouble, it was simply to locate what the members that have not been active recently on how their hunts were going.

I specified in my OP that I am not trying to cause any trouble, it was simply to locate what the members that have not been active recently on how their hunts were going.

No problem MrS, I never for a moment thought you were, nothing wrong at all with your opening post...

BOO, I am here,not a vet of this site but howdy ya"ll

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No offense intended by this but I personally got sick of the back and forth banter that took hold after RH passed. Lots of hostility and one up attitude permeates this forum. Am I a vet, not really but I have moved on to other sites that are a better fit for my personal objectives. I do lurk and read some of your finds from time to time. Wish you all the best and may I be the guy in front of you in the teller line. :thumbsup:

NSDQ, You need to refresh your memory of our rules as well.......

Don't "SHOUT" in large type. Use bold, red, or other special type only when necessary. (Exception: birthday greetings, special congratulations, etc.)



Sorry life is good here. I wellcome all to enjoy and ask what ever. HAPPY HUNTING!!!!!! To all

I noticed a couple of references to the "hood" language that has sprouted as a possible explanation for the decline in old timer participation. It's hard to believe such an innocent jocularity could be the cause of dedicated hunters leaving to get away from the nonsense.

That "hood" language has been on the CRH forum before and it didn't seem to drive the old timers away. Some "respectable" vets participated in the gag:

walkin way wit his gal dis time--youse pimped him fo sho---
What it doin P earl.My man Kennedy weren't no redneck anyway,bein from the north and all,sucka must be a fool.Anyhow,I been seein dat mark down here in Hollywood fo a while now.How da he!! some fool gonna miss sumtin like dat anywayz,know what i'm sayin? Big ole ho all laid out like dat,just ripe fo da pickin.Where's my grits and cheeze? Later much my nizzle!

Immy, where ya been dawg? I haven't seen you post about hte casino finds lately. taking a break? ...

You lucky dawg you!

Grats man, that is some sweet silva!


I'm a veteran in more ways than one.

I'm still here - don't post as much but I don't search as much. I've seen quite a few people come and go over my few years. Myself I've moved more into coins and spend more time on forums that deal with them. I still have the crh fever and enjoy associating among fellow addicts. After a few years though people just move on to new things here plus if you do the volume like I've done the odds of getting a dream box is pretty slim, most of the tellers have finally figured out the deal and the competition is so heavy with newbies that almost every bank has at least one crh come in looking for the goods every day. As for the trolls who occasionally find this place I just ignore them. I do enjoy reading and seeing cool finds!


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