When is a yard sale not a yard sale?


I'd say you found some humor there!! One local family had decided to paint their garage, but a mile past their house was an Estate Sale. They ended up stopping their morning work as we left the Estate Sale and started to stop when we saw a big sign that read: "NO SALE HERE. GO THAT WAY." and had a big RED arrow pointing the way!

Around my neck of the woods, the Dealers are out early, very early. There was a sale out by the North side of the city lake. It was to start a 7:00 A.M. My wife with me, we got there 30 minutes early only to find one of the Dealers already parked.

So, allowing for a back driveway to stay unblocked and add two more car links, I pulled behind the Dealer, turned off my lights and waited. No sign of house numbers, but the dealer must have known more than us. Stuff was piled out on the driveway and there were two pickups parked in front of it. This Dealer is truly a "Type A" personality and patience is not one of his strengths. As it slowly became light, he pops out of his vehicle and starts walking around the people's yard. You'd still need a flashlight to see well, but you could just see his Silhouette was going through the piles of boxes and looking in the back of the pickup beds.

No sign of the owners opening at 7:00 A.M., so we left him still prowling.... Later that morning, we came back to the garage sale and followed the signs..... They went past the place the Dealer was digging in and 6 more houses down... Even a 8:30, I found some Sterling jewelry.... Have to quietly laugh every time I see this Dealer!

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I'd say you found some humor there!! One local family had decided to paint their garage, but a mile past their house was an Estate Sale. They ended up stopping their morning work as we left the Estate Sale and started to stop when we saw a big sign that read: "NO SALE HERE. GO THAT WAY." and had a big RED arrow pointing the way!

Around my neck of the woods, the Dealers are out early, very early. There was a sale out by the North side of the city lake. It was to start a 7:00 A.M. My wife with me, we got there 30 minutes early only to find one of the Dealers already parked.

So, allowing for a back driveway to stay unblocked and add two more car links, I pulled behind the Dealer, turned off my lights and waited. No sign of house numbers, but the dealer must have known more than us. Stuff was piled out on the driveway and there were two pickups parked in front of it. This Dealer is truly a "Type A" personality and patience is not one of his strengths. As it slowly became light, he pops out of his vehicle and starts walking around the people's yard. You'd still need a flashlight to see well, but you could just see his Silhouette was going through the piles of boxes and looking in the back of the pickup beds.

No sign of the owners opening at 7:00 A.M., so we left him still prowling.... Later that morning, we came back to the garage sale and followed the signs..... They went past the place the Dealer was digging in and 6 more houses down... Even a 8:30, I found some Sterling jewelry.... Have to quietly laugh every time I see this Dealer!

Yes I really Dislike these early Bird Dealers,
Except when I was set up at a Sale.
the early birds showed up with flashlights while I'm still
unloading boxes, &
cleaned out all my best goodies before dawn.

Nice thing when you have 3 competing dealers snooping with flashlights at one time.
Non want to risk walking away & come back .
may not be there then :laughing7:

However When I'm the wanna be Buyer, it almost makes it a waste of time to start looking a 7AM

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I pulled up to one a few years ago. The yelled out no yard sale here, we just had a skunk in the house. They we're airing out everything on the front lawn. Glad I didn't get any closer. LOL!!!!!

I had a dude look in my kitchen window before dawn to try and get me to come out and show him my garage sale stuff. I flipped him off. It wasn't nice, but neither was invading my space to make a buck off me before I even had a cup of coffee. The guy had some nerve.

This is what happens when you live in a cookie cutter house in a subdivision with zero lot lines. It's like living in a cage with a bunch of other rats. It was an honest mistake on your part. The jerk off should have a little more common sense and put up a sign that people can actually read. It's a Saturday morning for Christ's sake, what did he expect? I'm sure you were not the first to stop and ask, hence his pissy attitude. I would have reciprocated verbally as well. Yes, you get what you give.

If she TRULY wanted to clean out her garage she would have let you pick.

Dan, don't sweat the stupid stuff on this thread...it is the internet, and any time you involve people into something, you can expect it to go astray.

Yes, it did look like a garage sale. I would have stopped too.

I once started a thread on another forum about breaking ground for a new garden plot. I asked if I should pay $100 to hire a guy with a tractor, or dig it up with a shovel and till it myself. I was astounded when the thread hit almost 3 full pages of people spouting off...basically how stupid I was for even thinking about using a shovel.

In my life, I've turned many new gardens with a shovel, mostly because I don't own a tractor, and God willing, I'll do it again in my life.

Nonetheless, the funniest thing about this thread is that for those who gave you mean spirited grief over spouting off to the guy...aren't they, in essence, doing the same thing when they've spouted off to you??

Reminds me of my Grandfather who used to routinely stop at all yards sales with my Grandmother on their way home from church on Sundays. I remember him telling me about one busy yard he stopped at, went up to the first table and looked in the brown paper bag setting there and saw a big bucket of KFC, turns out it was a family picnic and he wasn't part of the family. lol

Reminds me of my Grandfather who used to routinely stop at all yards sales with my Grandmother on their way home from church on Sundays. I remember him telling me about one busy yard he stopped at, went up to the first table and looked in the brown paper bag setting there and saw a big bucket of KFC, turns out it was a family picnic and he wasn't part of the family. lol

ROFL :laughing7:

Dan, don't sweat the stupid stuff on this thread...it is the internet, and any time you involve people into something, you can expect it to go astray.
97 as usual you don't know what you are talking about! just kidding ;)

Thanks, I keep telling my self that. I did expect everyone who has done their fair share of sales to know exactly what I was talking about and get a chuckle.

I am the arbiter of all internet controversies. Dan clearly was classless in his reply and I therefore sentence him to spend a month of weekends in my city listening to the stuff I hear at every garage/yard sale, so he can practice holding his tongue: "I'm actually not selling that." "I looked them up on ebay and they go as high as $50.00 so I want $50.00." These 1991 Topps cards are very rare, and they even come with the box!" "Someday, this will be a real collector's item!" "I need to research this before I commit to a price." "Dang, I meant to bring what your looking for, but I left them at my parents house. Give me your number and I'll call you." "Craigslist said Friday? I swear I typed "Saturday." "I know the markets down for those widgets, but you know its going to go back up - it always has". "That's mine, I was going to buy it before you saw it." etc.

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