Whats the most important aspects of metal detecting to you?


Bronze Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Golden Thread
Eastland Texas
Detector(s) used
Whites V3i - Ace 250 (backup) - Garrett Pro Pointer - Lesche Digger
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
There are many many aspects of metal detecting... lots of things we all need to know and lots of things we need to practice not just preach!

Theses are a few of the most important things to me...

always get permission to hunt any privately own property! If there are issues with metal detecting in your area hunting public places you might wanna make sure its OK or at least let someone know what you are doing this will prevent problems later down the line... it will also open up new places you don't know about. Building a good reputation in this hobby is very important not only for you but for the hobby itself!

I don't care if you 20 miles from civilization or your on a beach or its your own property fill your holes and make it look like you never been there. If you can make it look better than it was before you dug your hole then go for it. this practice also help your reputation and the hobby too. Take the time to do this and you will be rewarded with more hunting sites than you know what to do with.

I know this is a tough one because there is so much of it... but especially if you dug it pick it up and throw it away! Once again this goes towards your reputation for you and the hobby, and again it will lead you to more hunting grounds.

all of these are good practices... if anything its good Karma for those of you that believe in that... do the right things and it will come back to you eventually!

Please add to this if you wish comments and criticism are welcome.


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Tom is very right in his assessment of what happens when you ask for permission. You don't ask for any permission when you go to a park to toss a Frisbee, lay on the grass, feed the birds or such. If it isn't written down as a law or policy it is OK to do it within reason. We all know we shouldn't dig up the plants to take home or nail signs to trees, I think. Though some guys will erect a deer stand not caring if they drill foot hangers into the trees. This is defacing property, but removing a coin from the grass is not if there is no evidence of it.

Though metal detecting is allowed in our county parks there are restrictions, like no detecting in the swim areas because of fabric under the sand. Being seen with a Lesche or shovel will automatically get you followed around with a video camera and deputy with good reason. The fines are stiff for damaging property but be seen helping picking up trash left by others goes a long way to getting the wink even if carrying a shovel.

Sandman said:
Tom is very right in his assessment of what happens when you ask for permission. You don't ask for any permission when you go to a park to toss a Frisbee, lay on the grass, feed the birds or such. If it isn't written down as a law or policy it is OK to do it within reason. We all know we shouldn't dig up the plants to take home or nail signs to trees, I think. Though some guys will erect a deer stand not caring if they drill foot hangers into the trees. This is defacing property, but removing a coin from the grass is not if there is no evidence of it.

Though metal detecting is allowed in our county parks there are restrictions, like no detecting in the swim areas because of fabric under the sand. Being seen with a Lesche or shovel will automatically get you followed around with a video camera and deputy with good reason. The fines are stiff for damaging property but be seen helping picking up trash left by others goes a long way to getting the wink even if carrying a shovel.

Sandman you said it! I fully agree with your entire post. It's just like making U Turns....if there's not a "No U Turn" sign, it's okay to do it.

well I see even the world of metal detecting is divided just like our country... I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post and that is my fault... I was meaning something different than what I wrote... I didn't proof read my post... which I did this morning... I was meaning something else.

for one... I don't ask permission to hunt a public place... like a school or a park, now if someone comes and asking me what I am doing I'll tell them. how ever if there are issues in your area about metal detecting public places then that is when you should be asking permission or letting someone know what you are up to. I usually re-read what I post to catch things like this... and yeah it took me this long to figure out why there was such an issue here. I'll modify the original post for the new readers.

I just added a line I did not re-word it. I also noticed that I typed my name twice at the end of the post... so that proves to me I didn't proof read it.
I write a majority of my posts on the fly in between my running around and my work.. it no surprise to me that some of my posts are not 100%... I guess that is just my life and how it works... I said a long time ago that I was going to restrict my opinion on facebook and I have... I'm thinking maybe I should do the same here... keep it factual.


chukers said:
well I see even the world of metal detecting is divided just like our country... I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post and that is my fault... I was meaning something different than what I wrote... I didn't proof read my post... which I did this morning... I was meaning something else.

for one... I don't ask permission to hunt a public place... like a school or a park, now if someone comes and asking me what I am doing I'll tell them. how ever if there are issues in your area about metal detecting public places then that is when you should be asking permission or letting someone know what you are up to. I usually re-read what I post to catch things like this... and yeah it took me this long to figure out why there was such an issue here. I'll modify the original post for the new readers.

I just added a line I did not re-word it. I also noticed that I typed my name twice at the end of the post... so that proves to me I didn't proof read it.
I write a majority of my posts on the fly in between my running around and my work.. it no surprise to me that some of my posts are not 100%... I guess that is just my life and how it works... I said a long time ago that I was going to restrict my opinion on facebook and I have... I'm thinking maybe I should do the same here... keep it factual.


It seems most of us agree on the issue (now that the dust has settled). None of us are perfect Chuck! Quit beatin yourself up. No harm, no foul. Right?

merry Christmas chukers and everyone! :)

Tom_in_CA said:
merry Christmas chukers and everyone! :)

Merry Christmas to everyone!! May your stockings be filled with ProPointers & Lesche's!

The History, and being outdoors! ;D

C&R Santa's other elves said:
Be really Careful When Handling Lead Objects, Don't Ever Put them In your Mouth It Might Cause Dame Bramage!!! I'm seeing some Evidence of it Now!!! ( responces to this Post)))) I Know Bad Chug!!!!!! Really Bad I'm Going to the Corner!!! >>>>

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