Whats hot?

When you say you don't think that pedal car is very old, just how old (or new) do you think it is?? Personally, if I had the room, I'd probably keep that one. It certainly has appeal!! However, I wold also have to invest a little elbow grease and $ to spruce it up a bit. All the rust is very distracting, IMO. But if not keeping, then I wouldn't touch it!!

As for your Michelin finds, that's a bit harder to nail down as far as collectibility. I never make it a point of knowing what "other" people like, but I know that there was a time when Michelin items were in great demand, as well as Goodyear. Now, I don't even know if racing stuff in general is very collectible. My question is, what makes you think they're reproductions? I'm sittin' here looking at the one with the "99" on the tag and, first off, trying to figure out what it is he's sitting on. However, it looks to me to be from the 60's or 70's, maybe. Same with the motorcycles.

Looks like you did pretty well. However, the real test will be in seeing what your return is on these investments.

The thing that has me thinking the car is not that old, is the plastic lights and plastic steering wheel, guessing maybe 80's. I do want to keep the car and tinker on it, I found a site that sells parts for old peddle cars, and would be great fun to work on, it is complete and still peddles, the axles are a little out of shape.

I am thinking the Michelin man is a repro from the early air compressors as it is just an empty cylinder, I found some similar on google that were advertised as pencil holders.
But I did notice these were slightly different as the hand on his mouth was away from his face. And I noticed a bit of chatter about reproductions and restored items at this auction.

Research the costume pieces! Many times I've made enough off the costume pieces to cover my costs. I've got a Girls Guide pin that is very rare. That box looks VERY interesting! Are there any markings on the bottom? The reason I'm asking is it might have been custom made. = one of a kind = $$$$ The Dizzy Land plates are all over the price range. You just have to find a buyer with a "gotsta". A gotsta? you say? Gotsts have it!:laughing7:

No markings on the bottom of the box, other than some fine decorating, it does seem to be a good quality item. It was with a lot of military items, so you may be right about being custom.
At the moment I have not found the exact plates, and have been thinking to leave them for my kids. Maybe in another 30-40 years they will be worth a few $'s unless I find a gotsa :) might put them with a high start price on Ebay and see if there is any interest, just to get an idea.

I wonder if your sailor statue is a bookend?

Not sure but he is one heavy piece. I thought he looked okay and was surprised no one wanted him.

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