Whatcom county


Jr. Member
Dec 9, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Seeing if anyone on this WA site is around my area. New to the hobby and finally got my first detector. Just trying to reach others in my area who maybe able to steal me in a direction of locating areas around me to try out.

I contacted whatcom parks and rec and they are a firm no way for metal detecting. Not 100% sure on what to look for for other public land or even what the best private land to seek permission.

Overall looking for someone to who is willing to help me out getting started in this hobby. As I also have two young sons who are saving up to get their on detectors, which me even excited to learn so I can teach them


Side walk stripes in Bellingham have gotten me a few goodies!

Hello jasonw77! I am down in Tacoma, WA …….. but ……. I am looking to possibly be spending some time up in Whatcom county!
Not sure on the when's yet, but …..when I do , I will reach out and maybe we can do some detecting!


Hello jasonw77! I am down in Tacoma, WA …….. but ……. I am looking to possibly be spending some time up in Whatcom county!
Not sure on the when's yet, but …..when I do , I will reach out and maybe we can do some detecting!

That sounds like a plan, let me know when. Hopefully I'm not working than

I would use assessor maps to begin looking for pockets of old houses from the 1800s and early 1900s you could seek permission at. Also, I would have to think there are some interesting beaches up there. Look up anywhere there used to be a lot of activity (steamboat stops, fishing wharves, worksites, etc.).


I'm in Bellingham and would be down to join you for some detecting if you want the company! I used to do some metal detecting with a bounty hunter, but just got a simplex in the mail today, so I'd welcome any excuse to take it out. I know there's an area in Larrabee state park where they allow it, but it looked like a fairly small area near roads so I'm not sure how good it would be. I talked with Bellingham Parks and Rec today and the Director said that metal detecting was allowed in all of their parks, but not digging, so that limits things a bit...

I'm in Bellingham and would be down to join you for some detecting if you want the company! I used to do some metal detecting with a bounty hunter, but just got a simplex in the mail today, so I'd welcome any excuse to take it out. I know there's an area in Larrabee state park where they allow it, but it looked like a fairly small area near roads so I'm not sure how good it would be. I talked with Bellingham Parks and Rec today and the Director said that metal detecting was allowed in all of their parks, but not digging, so that limits things a bit...
Sorry for the late response back, been working. I think that would be cool to meet up and do some detecting. I'm really new at this so I'm still learning. Unfortunately it will have to be in a couple weeks as I'm tied up with work. But if you don't mind I'll message you once I get some freed up time and we can meet up

Jason/Thisis, I'm down in Concrete (Skagit County), and have recently
been re-infected with the coinshooting bug. I started detecting way
back in the 60's and was pretty active up til the mid-90's when
life got in the way.

Plan to pick up a Nokta Simplex soon, and once I do it would be
great to get together and do some detecting.

Have you considered going up to Ferndale? There is a huge park
there you may be able to detect in.


Jason/Thisis, I'm down in Concrete (Skagit County), and have recently
been re-infected with the coinshooting bug. I started detecting way
back in the 60's and was pretty active up til the mid-90's when
life got in the way.

Plan to pick up a Nokta Simplex soon, and once I do it would be
great to get together and do some detecting.

Have you considered going up to Ferndale? There is a huge park
there you may be able to detect in.

DizzyDigger, I live just north of Ferndale in Birch Bay. Which park are you referring too?

DizzyDigger, I live just north of Ferndale in Birch Bay. Which park are you referring too?

Pioneer Park has been used for celebrations since the late 1800's..:icon_thumleft:

Sounds good, DizzyDigger! I also want to figure out if detecting is allowed on the beach by Pigeon Point in Skagit County, because a train apparently used to run over the water there a long time ago. Screen Shot 2020-05-10 at 11.25.09 PM.png

Thisisnomine, went and checked out Laberabee and talked with the ranger. He said we need to register with the park. Currently the area we can detect is closed off since its the camp area but we are able to walk in and detect still. Area is completely empty, until they open camping up again.

Dizzydigger, been trying to reach someone about getting permission to detect at pioneer park. Sent emails and left messages. Still waiting to here back. I'll let you know once I here what they say

Welcome to the forum and to detecting! It is a fun hobby.
I am down in the Seattle area, so a bit too far to detect together, but wanted to offer some advice. When looking at public parks, whether they are city, state, or community parks, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Look on the park website, and if there is nothing blatantly stated about detecting, go for it. If you call some random city number and ask permission, the person you speak to is going to say no, because they do not want the liability.
Note that this advice does not apply to private property. Always get permission first. Sidewalk strips are public property, and a great place to detect).

Good luck and happy hunting!

Thanks for the advice and also about sidewalk strips, was wondering about that since people maintain them

Hello from Anacortes. I am up for some prospecting, beach combing or whatever.

There used to be a native village a bit south of that section of track below Chuckanut Drive. I have seen a mint metate stone from that location.

I also know of an old racetrack that would be fun to search.

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