Well I have sold costume jewelry on ebay a few times and there is some costume stuff that is very expensive. If you had the time and patience to sort through it you could sell individual signed pieces for a very nice return. Take the rest of the unsigned pieces and hit the flea market. I throw loads out from time to time when I can get them from estate sales and a buck a piece is kinda the norm. You can get $2 - $3 for bigger gaudy pieces. Throw out 3-4 tables of the stuff and your table will be mobbed constantly. Might want to bring a helper.

Even the little old asian ladies that never buy anything but look for a solid hour help you because whenever a table has people standing around it others just have to come and check it out.
On a decent day you could do $300-$400 in sales. I would run it through the flea market as many times as needed. Then whatever you have left after that put it into 15 pound lots or whatever you can shove into a priority USPS box and sell them on ebay.
That is the best way to maximize profits. But if you want to just move it, just break into into lots and ebay the hell out of it.