My best find? Actually there are two, but I'll do the best one. In 1981 I bought a Garrett 500 underwater metal detector. I have been scuba diving since 1969, and finally had enough money to buy one. So I remembered a little man made lake that was very very old, and remembered there was a floating dock in the water way back in 1967. It had been moved, but I remembered where it was. I just got done learning how to use the Garrett, and was pretty excited. Off I went. I found the old cement block that held the dock, and proceeded to wave the metal detector over the sand. I got about 50 beeps. I knew that the detector was somehow broken and my heart sunk. I thought I had it set right. So, I just fanned away the sand, and there in front of me was a layer of coins. I kid you not, a Layer. I hurried and picked those up and thought I had them all. I waved that thing over again and by golly, there were beeps all over the place. $1000.00 and and two weeks later, I went and bought a dryer for 200.00. Lots of coins, rings, barretts, silver coins about four layers down, coin purses filled with silver coins, OMG. It was heaven; actually colder than *(^$//. I was so cold after awhile underwater, I couldn't pick up the coins anymore and had to go get warm and come back. I had a mesh bag I was putting coins in, and gave that up for coffee cans. I haven't been back there in about 15 yrs, maybe it's time. Anyone out there interested? I'll bring ya, it's 20 feet deep. A minerlab or what ever metal detector would probably work better. My unit is very old, but I know how to work it, so I am not fond of the idea of getting a new one. I'm in IL. Gayle