What was your best find ever?

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mine was a "green river whiskey" token about the the size of a 50 cent peice with a man and horse on one side and a clove r on the other, found in in my inlaws back yard which my wife and my mother-in-law grew up in. found it using a my first detector a radio shack discovery! now i swing a whites, but it was enough to get me into this hobby get out when i can now..but my 4yr old like to so i need to get another detector soon.....

Thus far, my favorite finds are an old cast iron skillet that my scout troop still uses, and a 20 quart cauldron I found buried in my yard. The best of all though, is the finding the time I get to spend with my sons on lazy Sunday afternoons looking for nothing in particular generally finding them. Some things you can loose and recover, some things once lost are gone forever.


An 1813 30 cal. flintlock pistol, I was with my ex father in law when he was helping to tear down an old farm house. Pistol was found in the Bannister going up stairs the banssister was hollowed out and the ball decoration
on top of the Bannister was wedged in to the hole like a stopper. Also found a bag full of indian head pennies at same location. This was about 20 years ago, before I got into detecting. You never know what you'll find in those old homesteads. HH Bob.B oh yeah the pistol was from Beligum

My folks who are both gone found a broken hand pistel down by the Minoela Motel,Fox Lake Ill where the gangsters hung out....40+ years ago all buildup and nothing to find now!
My brother now gone found a cache of western /civil war type guns in the middle of Arizona and reported it to his army base and the Historical Archeology Society took it all land closed the area. This was not a local historical battle ground until after that!.They told him that if he touched anything his but would be in Big trouble.....The army thanked him for the find but then it was closed! and it was all gone!
Note : Anything over 200 years old is a no-no to pull out of a ground.
I have no idea where it was or found...I would advise anybody not to pull a find like that out, if you don't want to go to prison unless you are an authorities with the state arhceology Society!
And Antique sellers will ask about that find anyway and will question it's authorization in your hands.
I surely would ask if I was!

Hard to quantify. But recent oldest find 1783 Half Reale sure made me smile, just the day before my friend pulled out a quarter, and he yelled for me to come look, he said it says 1783! Sure enough, he found a new Maryland quarter that had a commemorative date on it. He was let down as he thought he had finally found something good. He said that would have been great if it really was... so when I found that the next day it had made my day in an unusual, foreshadowed kind of way.

After spending a whole day hunting this old farm we were walking to the truck with the machines still going and i just stumbles accross a V.M.I. buckle

Well,when I dug this bracelet up I just knew it was my best find.I couldn't wait to get home to clean it up.Thats when I discovered it was 925 silver.I haven't had the stones checked,but they can't be paste ,maybe cz's.They have beatiful color to them,no chips and clear with some yellow.Double safety clasp.The ring is sterling and antique.Found in the same yard as the bracelet.
Heck,there's still plenty of yards to go!

Re: my was found march 27 2004

sorry for this picture but the coin is out being graded and my son deleted my picture by mistake. it's a noe 26.2 1652 pine tree shilling. i'm still smiling.hh don

Re: this was march 27 2004.

sorry for this picture but the coin is out being graded and my son deleted my picture by mistake. it's a noe 26.2 1652 pine tree shilling. i'm still smiling.hh don

So far three silver quarters, one sliver dime, and three wheat pennies. But I have a new metal detector coming and cant wait to start looking.

Some of my best finds are 1775,1782 ,no date spanish 2 reales,620.00 dollars in bills dated from the 50s and 60s and 7.00 in kennedy halves and a gold crown filling. ;D

My best find? Actually there are two, but I'll do the best one. In 1981 I bought a Garrett 500 underwater metal detector. I have been scuba diving since 1969, and finally had enough money to buy one. So I remembered a little man made lake that was very very old, and remembered there was a floating dock in the water way back in 1967. It had been moved, but I remembered where it was. I just got done learning how to use the Garrett, and was pretty excited. Off I went. I found the old cement block that held the dock, and proceeded to wave the metal detector over the sand. I got about 50 beeps. I knew that the detector was somehow broken and my heart sunk. I thought I had it set right. So, I just fanned away the sand, and there in front of me was a layer of coins. I kid you not, a Layer. I hurried and picked those up and thought I had them all. I waved that thing over again and by golly, there were beeps all over the place. $1000.00 and and two weeks later, I went and bought a dryer for 200.00. Lots of coins, rings, barretts, silver coins about four layers down, coin purses filled with silver coins, OMG. It was heaven; actually colder than *(^$//. I was so cold after awhile underwater, I couldn't pick up the coins anymore and had to go get warm and come back. I had a mesh bag I was putting coins in, and gave that up for coffee cans. I haven't been back there in about 15 yrs, maybe it's time. Anyone out there interested? I'll bring ya, it's 20 feet deep. A minerlab or what ever metal detector would probably work better. My unit is very old, but I know how to work it, so I am not fond of the idea of getting a new one. I'm in IL. Gayle

My best find EVER ? I would have to say my Minelab Sovereign XS-2. my Most Valuable Find ? 1/4 Karat Gold Masons Ring. Most Memorable Find ? 1879-S $5.00 Gold piece, & my most Intresting Find(S) 2 SLOT MACHINES.? UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, Maby, I Should Consider My Minelab my most Valuable Find Also, as I may not have found these things without it.? :)

Man neil, sounds like a great place. i would be there tomorrow with my dry suit if I lived nearby. Cladius

Hey Claudis, Find the dive flag, that's where I'll be. 8) My best find on land is this true story....beleive it or not....without a metal detector. I am a scuba diver and have an underwtaer detector. Well...It was a cold fall day out and one of the divers was a real estate agent. We all hunt bottles and junk, so this girl asked a bunch of us to come and see this abandoned drug lord home. It had an elevator in it, and it looked like a castle. It was abandoned and trashed. Everything had been ransaked and piles of stuff were in the yard. This was in the middle of nowhere. The roof was flat and had areas where people with guns sat to protect this drug house. Anyway. We pull up to the house and I said, "There is treasure here." I could somehow feel it. Well.... of course the other members of the group consisting of five, had their tounge in their cheek, needless to say. They think I am nuts. THey told me while I was searching like some madwoman in this house, to take a look. It had been ransacked already, there was nothing there. Well, they went hunting up some bottles out in the yard, and I was in the elevator shaft digging. I took every drawer out and looked for panels. I knew it was there. Well, the group came back in the house and proceeded to go into the garage. I wasn't far behind them in my search. They were IN THE GARAGE for ten minutes before I got there. I put my foot on the threshold of the garage and pointed to a shelf and said. "There it is!" And lo and behold, a mason jar full of money. Before they could even turn around, I grabbed that jar right off the shelf. It was in the same shelf as nuts and bolts in other containers. I opened the lid and poured out silver coins from Mexico and America. The room was quiet after that. Of course I shared in our treasure find, and we all had a great time. I should have kept the jar, but put all the coins in my pockets. the oldest one is a 1806 Peice of 8. I think they call it a Reale. I don't know. I gave a lot of them away because the American half dollars had holes in them, and weren't worth much.Just as a keepsake type thing or to make into neckalaces And the mexican ones, some were brass or copper. . It was fun though. No one ever said anything about that ever again.... Not long after that, we were lucky again and retreived the ships wheel and helm off a shipwreck from 1875 that was about 600 feet away from the ship itself,,, compeltly intact I may add. It's in a museum now. Gayle

well id have to say these forums so far the information i get from them and the great reading is more valuable to me at this time as im new to prospecting and so far i got a 3inch dredge for beginning and spent $850 on whites mxt that only found 44 cents and a fake ring but it was fun so keep up the good work all as im in these forums all day and all night learning


what ya dont find today lies ahead for tomorrow

first post, great forum!! only been doing this a few months and havent been out much at all. I bought a low end bounty hunter for my kids to use while vacationing on the jersey shore.I put it together at my office and tested it out back, within in 15 minutes found a 1903 indian head 15 feet from my door

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