The maverick works just like a Le Trap pan. Its just bigger is all, and has a bigger capture area.
I dont see the need for a bigger drop into the bottom, as that just captures more material, and makes ity harder to wash overboard the extra
material you dont need. All those extra riffles are overkill!
Le Trap has a hole at the lip of pan which makes it easy to tie it to your backpack or belt. Maverick doesnt have a carry hole. Le Trap fits easily into my back pack, and the hollow space allows me to put a lot of tools, etc. into it. Maverick may be too big to fit into a back pack.
The washing process is fine, but I dont want ANY Bsand to get sucked into my snifter bottle! I wash down to nothing but gold! Just my preference.
Hey, by all means go buy one! Or a Le Trap. Its the best, quickest process there is! And, YES, you will get more gold than the round pan!
A little story: I went to a mining buddies trailor one day. I said: "You still got that LeTrap pan I told you to buy?"
He says: "Yep! But it don't work right, its behind the trailor, I used it for a crapper!" "You can have it"
I washed the crud out of it, and had me a free LeTrap!!! He just didnt know how to use it was all. One man's crapper is another mans pan!