What makes your metal detector good? How to become a good detectorist? Do you care?

I was responding to criticism that I have received over the last few years from some on the forums....Basically acting like testing and such is a bunch of nonsense. I should have gave a back story

I grew as poor as dirt with drug addict parent...Lived in the projects and we ate because we had food stamps... I have came a long way in this life and thinking I am better than someone is NOT in my DNA...Had to overcome my own demons too ... Celebrating 12 years this month...

I think I grew up harder than some and it makes me more brash and some dont know how to take that..

I am a treasure hunter and I do take this hobby serious maybe to serious at points but it feels good to have passion about something that is so rewarding.

Thanks for the clarification, Calabash - It's clear I didn't have the background and missed the original theme of the video. And I'm sorry if you felt that you had to share your background in response to my post - that certainly wasn't my intent.
I have a friend here in my town who started metal detecting last year because he was reading about my local finds and wanted to join in. I taught him what I could (I'm no expert) and he really took to the hobby. During one of our outings in the fall he admitted to me that he was a recovering addict, and something like metal detecting was good for him because he could focus his tendency to have "addictions" on improving his skills and on getting outdoors to hunt for targets. He probably ended up spending more time in the field in 2020 than I did - and it seems like he's happier for it, although I can tell that he gets annoyed if I find something good - and I'm not sure what to do about that. I don't want to drive his addiction to become worse... But I think I'm just supposed to live my life, and he's got to live his...? Sorry, I've taken a left turn away from the original post with this response.

Anyway, Calabash with better understanding of your situation I understand your post and I think it's totally OK for you, me and others to take it seriously. But my definition of "serious" and yours is likely different - and that's OK. And it's probably also OK for others who can't/don't want to take it seriously to do it their way. That old saying about horses and drinking water is probably applicable here.

Really? It sure goes a long way in my book. I've found a lot more good stuff with my AT Pro because my Ace 250 couldn't weed out the trash as well as my AT Pro. Can't find the good stuff if you're constantly wasting your time digging bottle caps and other bits of trash. Also, I've found a lot of great coins and relics in trashy and iron infested areas with my AT Pro that I would have missed with the Ace 250.

What if you had stumbled on to ten gold coins with the Ace 250.... What then?? Is it better than the AT PRO??

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Thanks for the clarification, Calabash - It's clear I didn't have the background and missed the original theme of the video. And I'm sorry if you felt that you had to share your background in response to my post - that certainly wasn't my intent.
I have a friend here in my town who started metal detecting last year because he was reading about my local finds and wanted to join in. I taught him what I could (I'm no expert) and he really took to the hobby. During one of our outings in the fall he admitted to me that he was a recovering addict, and something like metal detecting was good for him because he could focus his tendency to have "addictions" on improving his skills and on getting outdoors to hunt for targets. He probably ended up spending more time in the field in 2020 than I did - and it seems like he's happier for it, although I can tell that he gets annoyed if I find something good - and I'm not sure what to do about that. I don't want to drive his addiction to become worse... But I think I'm just supposed to live my life, and he's got to live his...? Sorry, I've taken a left turn away from the original post with this response.

Anyway, Calabash with better understanding of your situation I understand your post and I think it's totally OK for you, me and others to take it seriously. But my definition of "serious" and yours is likely different - and that's OK. And it's probably also OK for others who can't/don't want to take it seriously to do it their way. That old saying about horses and drinking water is probably applicable here.

Keep on finding the good stuff he has got to learn to deal with life! ..I think your correct about the horse and water..

Really? It sure goes a long way in my book. I've found a lot more good stuff with my AT Pro because my Ace 250 couldn't weed out the trash as well as my AT Pro. Can't find the good stuff if you're constantly wasting your time digging bottle caps and other bits of trash. Also, I've found a lot of great coins and relics in trashy and iron infested areas with my AT Pro that I would have missed with the Ace 250.[/QUO

What if you had stumbled on to ten gold coins with the Ace 250.... What then?? Is it better than the AT PRO??

Dont let it suck you in CD. At work, we call them a Morale Vampire. In my line of work, they can get people killed on the fireline and do. The negative energy will drain you and can change the way you operate. I got pulled in for a minute but had to resort back to my training and experience.

What if you had stumbled on to ten gold coins with the Ace 250.... What then?? Is it better than the AT PRO??

You're right in that regard. One great find doesn't prove anything. I was referring to long term detecting. I did find one colonial shoe buckle with my Ace 250, but have found 8 with my AT Pro. In the long term, the AT Pro will outperform most other detectors in their price range (or below their price range).

Dont let it suck you in CD. At work, we call them a Morale Vampire. In my line of work, they can get people killed on the fireline and do. The negative energy will drain you and can change the way you operate. I got pulled in for a minute but had to resort back to my training and experience.

I have a right to state my opinion here. Calabash has been very polite replying to all the posts and I respect him for that. But you keep trying to start something over nothing. Let it go.

I was responding to criticism that I have received over the last few years from some on the forums....Basically acting like testing and such is a bunch of nonsense. I should have gave a back story

I grew as poor as dirt with drug addict parent...Lived in the projects and we ate because we had food stamps... I have came a long way in this life and thinking I am better than someone is NOT in my DNA...Had to overcome my own demons too ... Celebrating 12 years this month...

I think I grew up harder than some and it makes me more brash and some dont know how to take that..

I am a treasure hunter and I do take this hobby serious maybe to serious at points but it feels good to have passion about something that is so rewarding.

I don't always agree with your opinions, but I do admire your passion and I think you are genuinely trying to help others.

I think you should be commended for that, but more importantly - you should be commended for overcoming the obstacles in your life.

Thanks for sharing a bit of your back story; it helps me understand where you're coming from. I'll still disagree with you at times, but that won't prohibit me from watching your videos, or from thinking you're a good guy who's a bit brash at times. :laughing7:

I see the point of detecting is to have fun. I do not detect for "treasure", meaning things worth a lot of money. I like the history. Part of the "fun" equation for me is not having a machine that will hurt to use. With age, different things (like severe arthritis) creep in that can squish the "fun" part of detecting-fast. When I'm in Culpeper I wished I would have had one of those big PI machines but a friend of mine had one and let me use it and I couldn't hardly pick it up. So I was done with that idea. Even the White's TDI was too heavy and unbalanced for me. So I sold the one I had.

The Equinox I had was nose heavy and wobbly and was unacceptable as a machine in that price range because it hurt me to use it! So it had to go. The AT Pro was also too heavy, getting old stinks. It got sold. I have settled on the Deus and Tesoros for weight and ease of use. I figure by the end of this year some new stuff will be available that is light and easie(r) to use than the earlier models, but until then, I don't need another new machine and until one of mine breaks, it really won't matter to me what comes out and what is better because to me its about the fun. And using a machine that hurts me to use it takes the fun out of the hobby and I might as well stay home.

I still have a lot of nice sites that are producing. I can only go maybe 2 hours or so anymore. I used to go 6 or more and sometimes three days in a row. Not anymore, now its once every 5 days if I'm lucky. Two years ago I flew to SC to dig in the low country with others a couple times. I sincerely doubt that will happen again.

And to top it all off, in the last couple years I have taken some people to my best sites, after all I'm not wasting my time going to hunted out places. I hardly take anyone anymore because the return invite to their sites never came. So they are done coming with me. So I just go out for an hour or two and try to have some fun, and that's about it.

If you have a machine you like and you find stuff with it, you're good. If it breaks, then maybe an upgrade would be a good idea. What I have found through time is buying a more expensive machine may not necessarily find you more good keepers, and as we've all said, the stuff has to be in the ground to being with. I still would want to "test drive" a machine and there is a dealer about 4 hours from here I would drive to by appointment to see a possible new toy. But not until mine break permanently. And when I get to that dealer we WILL go outside and test it over real dirt.

You're right in that regard. One great find doesn't prove anything. I was referring to long term detecting. I did find one colonial shoe buckle with my Ace 250, but have found 8 with my AT Pro. In the long term, the AT Pro will outperform most other detectors in their price range (or below their price range).

I have a serious question and would be very thankful for a serious answer. How do you know that about the AT PRO? Did you actually TEST the AT PRO against other machines? Are you going off what others have told you? I have tested the AT RPO against other machines but we will talk about that after you respond.. Garrett has the AT PRO listed at 649.95 price...

I have a right to state my opinion here. Calabash has been very polite replying to all the posts and I respect him for that. But you keep trying to start something over nothing. Let it go.

Aeds, it is good advice from Tim, you might want to read or reread our rules.

How do you know that about the AT PRO? Did you actually TEST the AT PRO against other machines? Are you going off what others have told you? I have tested the AT RPO against other machines but we will talk about that after you respond..

I am a loner and do not detect with others, but I have done three seeded hunts. At all three, I estimate that found more (and better) coins than 90% of the people there. The 10% who found more used a variety of machines, including AT Pro, Deus and eTrac. But I don't remember any of them using a Nox 600 or 800. Just a small sampling, yes, but it's nice to know that my AT Pro can keep up with the more expensive machines.

Thanks , I can see you think finds determine how good a machine is and that is your right to believe that.... I use a more scientific approach....I test the depth and separation capabilities of each detector over know targets. A more controlled environment.. You might just be a better detectorist than the other guys at the seeded hunt that day????

How to become a good detectorist is rather simple: love your hobby and swing your detector a lot. One may find the pull tab or treasure with Nox 800 or ACE 150, the luck is marching on a different drum.

The beast car is always the one that wins the race.

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I am a loner and do not detect with others, but I have done three seeded hunts. At all three, I estimate that found more (and better) coins than 90% of the people there. The 10% who found more used a variety of machines, including AT Pro, Deus and eTrac. But I don't remember any of them using a Nox 600 or 800. Just a small sampling, yes, but it's nice to know that my AT Pro can keep up with the more expensive machines.

Wait?! Are you judging how good a machine is by a seeded hunt?

You no what calabash this society we live in , in my experience is always feel like you have to explain yourself because of people being so defensive. Each one of us has a life story, I to grew up in projects piss poor, never knew my real dad and he lived only 20 miles away and never introduced himself. So what does these mean, I’m like you in my endless job the only enjoyment I get is in helping others, it doesn’t mean I’m always right, I’m not worried about being right, I just like folks to be informed so that they can be open minded to make there on decision. So as far as metal detectors your in my opinions r giving facts on your testing, if companies can’t take criticism and people then they have a choice voice your option or shut up, it’s not about being right it’s about informing people when considering spending a lot of money, I don’t own either a xp deus or minelab but I appreciate your constructive opinions

You don't have to own an XP or Equinox to do very, very, well metal detecting.

You are correct smokey..
The point of all my test are to show what metal detectors perform the best for what I do...Thats it...

People find stuff all the time with entry to mid level detectors...Metal detecting is a game of odds and I want anything that will increase my chances...

If I did not have the money to do that I would use what I could afford but I am blessed these days and can use what I want.

You will never here me say someone can not do well with a lesser performing detector because they could if they were on the correct site...
I am hunting behind years of people detecting my area and need an advantage...

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There are just about infinite variables involved, but what the demonstrations are trying to do is to QUANTIFY the capabilities of any given machine with known targets. If you can’t hit those targets in the garden, you likely won’t hit a very similar target in the wild. That’s about the extent of it, and really all it needs to be. What has ALWAYS burnt my backside is people hunting private permissions with 4” coins and then telling people about how “good” their machine is....this happens with ALL machines. Unless it can be somehow QUANTIFIED, how good a machine is rests solely on what people find with them. I was pretty die hard with my IDXPro for a few years, I thought I was doing pretty damn well! One day, Mr. Explorer came to visit, and slapped me right in the face. In 3 years with the IDX I found 22 silver coins, my main target. In ONE season with the Explorer, I found exactly twice that, 44 silver coins. I hunted the EXACT same places and calculating 3 seasons vs 1 season....I did 6 times as well with the Explorer. Hours hunted were similar, sites did not change at ALL....so I can QUANTIFY with a pretty small margin of error which machine is better at finding deep silver coins! THIS is what I mean when I say,”I judge a machine by my finds”. However, saying a machine is “good” when in reality, ANY machine could have found it....just simply means you were in the right spot at the time. It isn’t “scientifically objective” in any sense of the term.

Calabash, you are correct. I have both types of sites. Those who no one has been on - ever - and the one has been hammered since the 1960's, the other since the 1970's. Most of my recent finds were from the last two I mentioned. I just bought a Tesoro Tejon, yes, they are out of business, but I have a 1,000 acre site with some very deep targets and no big concentrations of iron, so the Tejon is the ticket because the PI machines are too heavy for me. The analog machines are really good when you don't really need a top notch discriminator. Its the right tool for the right job.

My one "honey hole" no one has permission for, and I don't go all the time as I'm saving some of it for the future.

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Heck any test that is pre planted with knowledge of the item and depth isn’t the real situation in the field, that’s why I call air test incomplete. Garden test much better but not really because you no it’s there, in the real world it’s not the same. Heck if we all knew where the goods was any detector would recognize target almost. So my opinion is in a unknown area u don’t no where anything is so you much approach it will a slow and sometimes repetitive way, oh u will most likely miss. Folks it’s not about predetermined stuff it doesn’t work that way

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