What makes your metal detector good? How to become a good detectorist? Do you care?

ROFL. Someone got so excited about the comments he's waving his arms like a televangelist heading for the offering basket. I have seen those guys...

I have found that a lot of people just criticize what they don't understand.

I have found that a lot of people just criticize what they don't understand.

That, and people these days simply love to hate - especially with the anonymity of the internet.

I enjoyed your video.

Look it’s not about being politically correct, we , say folks have a problem with holding companies to standards and they wonder why they failed, whites, Tesoro example. This has nothing to do with telling you what machine to buy, how to hunt etc. if your open minded I believe it’s just this if you pay hard earn dollars for a machine that offers the ability to give you the chance to find more targets, you must learn what the machine has to offer you to be able to get the full potential, don’t you want to find stuff, did you ever say darn i have this expensive machine with so many capabilities but I didn’t spend the time to learn and guess what that means, MISS TARGETS. I’m not taking sides heck I use a simplex that cost 250.00. Let’s not fool,ourselves notka makro is putting the business on alert, hey if you don’t like business with turkey then stick with your usa made machines. We in America many times brag about our so called products but in all reality other countries have top notch stuff do, so loyalty is yesterday’s news folks. That’s the problem with America we brag to much and think our own crap smells good. Look in ending I don’t no this fella and who cares, take what you want from him he’s telling you the truth for most part. I want you to get the maximum experience and finds most of the time awesome finds our rare, if your happy with mediocrity ok, good day

You made a reference to “the guy” that set up andys coin shooting program and ed huffmans deep silver set up like it was a bad thing. I believe it was a comment i made in another post recently about doing just that. I did this to learn the machine by experimenting with it and finding what works and doesnt. This in itself seems to be the point of your videos. Im sooo confused.

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I thought it was a spot on post. I have a friend just like he described. He thinks if he buys the latest, greatest detector he's going to find the best stuff

You made a reference to “the guy” that set up andys coin shooting program and ed huffmans deep silver set up like it was a bad thing. I believe it was a comment i made in another post recently about doing just that. I did this to learn the machine by experimenting with it and finding what works and doesnt. This in itself seems to be the point of your videos. Im sooo confused.

I apologize I misunderstood what you were saying...I started on the Deus the same way with Gary Blackwells program and did just like you and figured it out for myself

I apologize I misunderstood what you were saying...

No worries. You helped me land on the Nox 800 and I have no regrets. I chose to go high emd because I knew I would love this hobby and wanted something that will perform for many years to come. Im a subscriber and enjoy your videos as well. Thanks for all the advice and I also hope the US companies listen up, put more time,money, and energy into R and D rather than recruiting “celebs” to push their old tech.

That's ok. I wave my arms in the air when I do public speaking also (you ought to see me the few times I've preached in church.) I was thinking of me. Its not the machine, its the operator. Also, I like playing in the dirt, as long as I found something a $79 machine would really be ok for me. I would like to buy another Tesoro Vaquero for one spot I have that eats the Deus and Equinox 800, but maybe in the next life. I probably won't ever buy another machine. It hurts too much to detect anymore.

And you are right about American manufacturers not getting with the program of innovation. It makes no sense.

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Calabash - Another great video and I agree with all your points!

I will personally admit to making one of the mistakes in your video. I didn't give the Equinox enough time when I got it! I may pick one up again and correct that mistake because I bought the 600 when it first came out and struggled with knowing what to run Park1, Park2, Field1, etc.. additionally I also struggled with the 50 tones and compressed VDI - particularly around pull tabs / nickels range and penny/dime range. I gave up too soon and took a bath selling it as well but that was also inexperience on my part. Also I believe they fixed the back light on the 600 which was a complaint I had when it came out because I tend to hunt a bit after the sun goes down in the summer.

I wonder what percentage of people really take the hobby this seriously - I research sites all the time, talk to old timers in the area, overlay plot maps and read articles, practice with a test garden, in the house with the wife jewelry (I know you shouldn't test inside..). I've even been know to email the developers to better understand the theory behind the technology.

For me personally when the combination of research, learning my machine, confirmation by finds in the area are all part of what I enjoy about the hobby. I know I could buy a better looking buffalo nickel online but it wouldn't mean as much to me. I have coins that aren't worth anything but I can tell you the year the school house was built that is no longer there and the field where it used to sit.

But that's how I'm wired when I'm in .. I'm all in and I have to know everything and Its pretty clear to me the guys who are the same way. I learn from you guys everyday. Keep up the good work!

Calabash Digger,

Thank you for another nice nice nice video. I always enjoy watching your videos, especially your detector comparisons in your test garden. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. Keep up the good work. Good luck with your hunts. Walt

Calabash - Another great video and I agree with all your points!

I will personally admit to making one of the mistakes in your video. I didn't give the Equinox enough time when I got it! I may pick one up again and correct that mistake because I bought the 600 when it first came out and struggled with knowing what to run Park1, Park2, Field1, etc.. additionally I also struggled with the 50 tones and compressed VDI - particularly around pull tabs / nickels range and penny/dime range. I gave up too soon and took a bath selling it as well but that was also inexperience on my part. Also I believe they fixed the back light on the 600 which was a complaint I had when it came out because I tend to hunt a bit after the sun goes down in the summer.

I wonder what percentage of people really take the hobby this seriously - I research sites all the time, talk to old timers in the area, overlay plot maps and read articles, practice with a test garden, in the house with the wife jewelry (I know you shouldn't test inside..). I've even been know to email the developers to better understand the theory behind the technology.

For me personally when the combination of research, learning my machine, confirmation by finds in the area are all part of what I enjoy about the hobby. I know I could buy a better looking buffalo nickel online but it wouldn't mean as much to me. I have coins that aren't worth anything but I can tell you the year the school house was built that is no longer there and the field where it used to sit.

But that's how I'm wired when I'm in .. I'm all in and I have to know everything and Its pretty clear to me the guys who are the same way. I learn from you guys everyday. Keep up the good work!

Same here E, tried using a NOX 800 and we didn't jell. Now I know it's a great machine I just didn't care for the ride ( Deus spoiled). I still hunt with a T2 from time to time because of the feel, would be nice if they would redesign it with a few more perks. BTW, need to learn some of that OVER LAY stuff from ya!!!

I watched the whole video, and I can't tell if Calabash was responding to some criticism that I'm not aware of, or trying to say "you're either with me or you're against me", or whether he was trying to motivate those who don't invest the time to learn their detectors (although it sounded/felt like shame-motivation to me....). I pretty sure this wasn't about "I'm better than you"....pretty sure.

I guess I'm more of the mindset of "to each his own". If you want to wear purple, go ahead. I don't like purple and would never wear it, but you wearing it doesn't hurt me and if it makes you happy, go ahead.
If you don't want to invest the time to learn your detector (or maybe you don't have the time because you only get to slip away from your family/work obligations for an hour or two a week), then it's no skin off my back. I hope you're having fun - because that's probably what matters most.

I enjoy a lot of Calabash's videos - for the finds and the advice. I didn't get much usable advice from this video. Maybe I totally missed the point - which could easily be on me.

I think some of us are metaldetectorists and others of us are full blooded treasure hunters. Those of us that consider our selves treasure hunters know that the metaldetector is just a tool in your tool belt. I have as much time using a probe hunting in the swamp for bottles as I have using a metal detector. When one can tell the difference between rock, steel, and glass with a ceramic tipped fiberglass rod....well....those suttle tones and feelings take years and years to understand and learn. And there are no instructions. Also have used black lights to look for disturbances in plaster and paint (estate sale drug smugglers home). I can go to an airport and almost always come out with gold, gemstones, or both. Many of us hunt the atypical treasures like gemstones, ambergris, bottles,etc. Learning the magnetometer has been one of the most challenging things....boats, computers, tow fish etc. Very easy to make serious mistakes. Its a mindset, and some are alot more serious than others. Those guys that want to flip on a machine and see whats on the beach 3 or 4 times a year are in this hobby for different reasons.....fresh air, exercise, camaraderie, etc. Others of us are searching for other reasons. If you are as dedicated to this as calabash is....well you will learn the machine as best you can because you care for other reasons than the casual detectorist does !! It comes down to dedication, passion, determination, research, and time put in !! I think what we see is different levels of passion and dedication, calabash may be right....some of us don't watch these videos with the same level of enthusiasm than others. I watch only here and there just to make sure I'm not in the dark on something important.....but for the main part I would rather be in the real world treasure hunting with or without a metal detector. Its like a hammer....some guys can drive nails in 1 or 2 blows. For Other guys it can be considerably more difficult and there fingers get mashed....in the end the nails still get pounded in though. All of it is a state of mind....TREASURE HUNTING FOR ME !!

I watched the whole video, and I can't tell if Calabash was responding to some criticism that I'm not aware of, or trying to say "you're either with me or you're against me", or whether he was trying to motivate those who don't invest the time to learn their detectors (although it sounded/felt like shame-motivation to me....). I pretty sure this wasn't about "I'm better than you"....pretty sure.

I guess I'm more of the mindset of "to each his own". If you want to wear purple, go ahead. I don't like purple and would never wear it, but you wearing it doesn't hurt me and if it makes you happy, go ahead.
If you don't want to invest the time to learn your detector (or maybe you don't have the time because you only get to slip away from your family/work obligations for an hour or two a week), then it's no skin off my back. I hope you're having fun - because that's probably what matters most.

I enjoy a lot of Calabash's videos - for the finds and the advice. I didn't get much usable advice from this video. Maybe I totally missed the point - which could easily be on me.

I was responding to criticism that I have received over the last few years from some on the forums....Basically acting like testing and such is a bunch of nonsense. I should have gave a back story

I grew as poor as dirt with drug addict parent...Lived in the projects and we ate because we had food stamps... I have came a long way in this life and thinking I am better than someone is NOT in my DNA...Had to overcome my own demons too ... Celebrating 12 years this month...

I think I grew up harder than some and it makes me more brash and some dont know how to take that..

I am a treasure hunter and I do take this hobby serious maybe to serious at points but it feels good to have passion about something that is so rewarding.

I was responding to criticism that I have received over the last few years from some on the forums....Basically acting like testing and such is a bunch of nonsense. I should have gave a back story

I grew as poor as dirt with drug addict parent...Lived in the projects and we ate because we had food stamps... I have came a long way in this life and thinking I am better than someone is NOT in my DNA...Had to overcome my own demons too ... Celebrating 12 years this month...

I think I grew up harder than some and it makes me more brash and some dont know how to take that..

I am a treasure hunter and I do take this hobby serious maybe to serious at points but it feels good to have passion about something that is so rewarding.

First of all I tip my hat to the 12-it just gets better no matter how-36/34 for myself.

I got it, in what you're trying to get across on the difference. There's no way a machine as the 150 can compete against a high level machine if one is operating it correctly.
I went toe-toe with a Explorer SE vs the Ace 150 I knew that it would be a no win for the Ace. Though I got a sure bet signal-let buddy try to hear it-sometimes a little pip of a signal no matter how he scrubbed-or the statement that he would not of dug that sound/target.
I've watched folks on hunts where it's costing big dollars, and have the best machine that are produced under company X. But time and time again it comes down to the operator period. You can have X amount of yrs under the belt-and still be crap at what one's doing.
Just a few examples: Belly empty-detect like crap (DLC), Time short-DLC, Weather hot/cold/wet-DLC, Tired-DLC, want to get the place covered too quickly-DLC, this just a few.
Look down at that coil folks-what's it doing-laying parallel with the ground, or like some 1/4 mile dragster taking off at the start line! Seriously how many times does one detect which the heel of the coil is doing the coverage?
Going too fast-it's not a race except for a planted beach hunt for prizes (did one in my life-bag of coins and a new Minelab detector) then you go fast dig-dig-dig like a bunny.
But out in the field/beach/bush it's slow down enjoy and dig that iffy.
I have said it before and will say it again 1000 hr on a machine and then it's talking to me-instead of barking at me. Until those hours are in-well I'm not getting what it was intended to give to me.
I Might walk/stroll to get the first nail-then one has to snail the speed down. I have certainly found more relaxed than all wound up inside trying to.

Still I believe in buying a top of the line machine: I can afford it-but it doesn't help really unless I put the time and effort into the machine to begin with.
Started with a Heathkit home version, then Whites (Goldmaster)-Minelab explorer series-Deus the one I'm playing with now.
50+yrs and still I learn something every season on what works. (slow learner maybe) :laughing7:

Disclaimer I watch/read only a few instructional teachers on the net-calabash your one of the small group.

Finds do not determine how good a detector is

Really? It sure goes a long way in my book. I've found a lot more good stuff with my AT Pro because my Ace 250 couldn't weed out the trash as well as my AT Pro. Can't find the good stuff if you're constantly wasting your time digging bottle caps and other bits of trash. Also, I've found a lot of great coins and relics in trashy and iron infested areas with my AT Pro that I would have missed with the Ace 250.

As I stated on Terry's post regarding CD's video:

CD has a great point and I agree with him.

Over the years, I've tested and/or used detectors from every major manufacturer as a voluntary retirement activity for Kellyco. I was never an employee of Kellyco and didn't want to be...I didn't want the constraints or obligations that comes with being an employee. I was free to express my unadulterated opinion on everything I tested.

Bottom line; Calabash is right and I own Minelab products exclusively. I did own an XP Deus but much prefer multi frequency machines over selectable frequency machines for the kind of beach hunting that I do.

Just the view from my foxhole...

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