What kind of coin is this ?--updated


Full Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Golden Thread
I found these on the beach in North Carolina two days ago. I'm not a coin guy, so looking for a little help on identification. The one appears to be Chinese, or Korean, and the other I have no clue. Anyone have any ideas ?

********updated information******

Per BigCypress's suggestion, I took it to a coin dealer who tested it and told me that it is a silver alloy, but did not know what the percentage was. I don't know what kind of testing he did, as he took it in the back of his shop. He could have been just humoring me, as he seemed like my visit to his shop was an inconvenience to him.

He did say that he thought it was a legitimate coin, but then stated that he does not deal in "ancients" and had no idea what it's origin was. So, at this point, I really don't know for a fact anything more. My next stop will be a pawn shop, and see if they can give me a better idea as to what the silver content is.




  • replica atocha coins.webp
    replica atocha coins.webp
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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

I made an additional pic to topic #14 to try to explain what I mean about lack of detail. The unkown coin that you found lacks detail and appears to have been purposely cast to replicate a worn coin. Concentrate on the red circled area and you will see what I mean. It matches exacty to the gold colored souvenir replica. I dont know how else to explain it.

I suggest get it tested for silver content.

Also I respect the opinions of the Cob forum members. They are much more knowlegable than I. Be patient and they will voice their opinion soon. HH

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

On second thought....(and assuming for the moment the coin is real) the coin looks like a 4-reales. Note the four verticle lines to the right of the shield; they denote the denomination: 4 reales. The coin is not from Mexico. Mexican cobs after 1572 had globes or spheres or fleur-de-lis designs at the ends of the cross; this coin is 'plain'.
If the coin were from Santo Domingo, I believe the cross would resemble a Mexican cross. Therefore, I don't think it's from Santo Domingo. While other mints may still be considered, I'll guess Seville.
BTW, here's a sample of what I think the coin would look like if in great shape:
Scroll down to item # 8117.

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

I think you are right Mack.
If it were genuine, it would be Seville, I think. spanish seville dated.webp There are many variations and mints over the period from 1572 to 1734 when the "shield" type coin was made.

Added: BTW I stand by my original ID of a souvenir replica of a Spanish "shield type," possibly pewter. Dont vote for the banner just yet! :D

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

bigcypresshunter said:
Dont vote for the banner just yet! :D

Don't worry. :wink: :D

I'm more convinced now. Nice work on the ID BigCy. :thumbsup:

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

S mint mark as in as in Seville rather than S as in santo domingo --- thats what --I get for thinking too "new world" mint only --- later on as spain lost power and needed money badly it made "OFFICAL COUNTERFEIT" these "water down" coins were sent to the colonies from spain and were"offically" minted but rather bogus -- for ahhuumm "colonial use" only --they were not to be returned to spain and were substand "fakes": weight and silver purity wize --- lots of others made fakes too --- yours looks real to me .

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

ivan salis said:
S mint mark as in as in Seville rather than S as in santo domingo --- thats what --I get for thinking too "new world" mint only --- later on as spain lost power and needed money badly it made "OFFICAL COUNTERFEIT" these "water down" coins were sent to the colonies from spain and were"offically" minted but rather bogus -- for ahhuumm "colonial use" only --they were not to be returned to spain and were substand "fakes": weight and silver purity wize --- lots of others made fakes too --- yours looks real to me .
Looks like we are deadlocked. ;D This is easily solved by testing for silver. I dont see the black color with a slight greenish tint to be expected from old cobs found on the beach. All I see is that ugly zinc grey, with a few specs of sand stuck to it. Was there a storm in North Carolina? I say its a recently lost zinc or pewter replica identical to the shiny gold plated replica found by another TN member.

Have you tested it yet dc?

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

X-Terra70_TreasureHunter said:
Hi the 1st one is a PIECE of 8
lol OK now its settled! ;D :wink: I see u have a sense of humor. ;D 8)

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Re: What kind of coin is this ?

bigcypresshunter said:
ivan salis said:
S mint mark as in as in Seville rather than S as in santo domingo --- thats what --I get for thinking too "new world" mint only --- later on as spain lost power and needed money badly it made "OFFICAL COUNTERFEIT" these "water down" coins were sent to the colonies from spain and were"offically" minted but rather bogus -- for ahhuumm "colonial use" only --they were not to be returned to spain and were substand "fakes": weight and silver purity wize --- lots of others made fakes too --- yours looks real to me .
Looks like we are deadlocked. ;D This is easily solved by testing for silver. I dont see the black color with a slight greenish tint to be expected from old cobs found on the beach. All I see is that ugly zinc grey, with a few specs of sand stuck to it. Was there a storm in North Carolina? I say its a recently lost zinc or pewter replica identical to the shiny gold plated replica found by another TN member.

Have you tested it yet dc?

I have yet to have it tested. I work nights, and my daytime running around is limited, and I usually spend it plowing the dirt for Civil War stuff !

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dcinffxva said:
********updated information******

Per BigCypress's suggestion, I took it to a coin dealer who tested it and told me that it is a silver alloy, but did not know what the percentage was. I don't know what kind of testing he did, as he took it in the back of his shop. He could have been just humoring me, as he seemed like my visit to his shop was an inconvenience to him.

He did say that he thought it was a legitimate coin, but then stated that he does not deal in "ancients" and had no idea what it's origin was. So, at this point, I really don't know for a fact anything more. My next stop will be a pawn shop, and see if they can give me a better idea as to what the silver content is.
LOL ;D ;D I am surprised at so many coin dealers that dont know old Spanish colonial era coinage. Maybe he didnt want to be bothered with it. He didnt offer to buy it? ::)

I am 99 percent certain that it is a modern replica. I dont think it is counterfeit. But I only have a picture to make this decision. I have only suggested that you get it tested to be sure in your own mind. There are also some doubters here on this forum. If it is indeed a silver alloy, than it is a fake or counterfeit, because reales are almost pure silver. Either way it is an interesting find. :)

I have been searching the internet, but cannot find the replica manufacturer. I only have the pic of the TN member's gold colored IDENTICAL beach find. Remember no two hammered reales are exactly alike. Finding two identical means replicas. The other TN member's find has corroded down to the base metal as can be seen in my pic. I cannot find the old post either.

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dcinffxva said:
I've been looking as well. Perhaps it could be one of these ?

http://atochatreasures.com/Atocha 8 Reale Replica Coins.htm
No, sorry. The Atocha silver replicas are a much better quality reproduction than yours. It is like day and night to me. I cannot understand why others cannot see the difference that is obvious to me. Maybe because I have some real ones... I dunno.

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Here is what a beach found worn silver reale would look like after some cleaning. This is not mine.
cob beach woj.webp

Here is a picture I borrowed from Scubasalvor (I hope he dont mind) to show you what a silver coin might look like after 300 years in a saltwater environment. Yours is a replica recently lost.
cobs silver in saltwater.webp

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OK. I'm won over. Now I'm also certain it's a replica.

I would suggest taking it to a jewler--NOT a pawn shop or coin shop to have it tested. The guy called it an "ancient" coin? Then he doesn't know what he's talking about. And I suspect he didn't test it. Pawn shop won't be any better--but they might offer to buy your replica from you... And even if they test it and tell you it's not silver--and then ask to buy it--you'll never know whether they were trying to dupe you or not. GO TO A JEWELER.



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