From One flew over the cuckoos nest "famous" Dr Scanlon..
Loved that Movie. Haven't seen it since the 70's
From One flew over the cuckoos nest "famous" Dr Scanlon..
Cool one Flew over the Coocoo's nest is Free on You Tube !
Catch 22 was another good movie from back then
My favorite western-ish...
Gene Wilder & Clevon Little in Blazing Saddles (pretty much everything that happens in the jailhouse).
Here's another good JLC clip!
Having been going to movies for over 60 years, I of course have too many favorite scenes to post. But, being a lifelong SAR (Second American Revolution) relic-hunter and a Confederate-American, here's the favorite scene I've selected for this TreasureNet thread's topic. In my opinion as a multi-published "ACW" historian, this 8-minute 58-second scene is the most realistic portrayal I've ever seen of the fighting in that war.
Battle Of The Crater, during the Siege of Petersburg VA, from the movie "Cold Mountain"