What is this image supposed to mean?


Feb 12, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I just came around this image and I can't figure out, what the author ment by this. Or to put i more exactly... I have a guess, but I would love to hear other opinions :)


I know, that it doesn't belong on this page, but I was looking areound the web, for some forums, where people would help with identyfiying something... and this is the only I have found. Even that it's deadling with physical things you find in the ground. I just thought you may help, as I really need to figure this out, due to... well, it's quite important :/

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Welcome to the forum. Kind of an odd first post.

Why don't you go to New Member Introductions section and tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well I may... but I fear, I am probably not a great fit to your comunity :/ I just wanted a help with identifying the image someone posted me and I have found your forum. I thought it might even be something fun to crack, but I will erase the thread, if it's toxic or anything, don't worries :)

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Woman carrying gun looks at man copying her Saturday Night Fever dance move.

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Hmm interesting, so it could be a man with a woman holding a child, both celebrating a National Youth day

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Woman carrying gun looks at man copying her Saturday Night Fever dance move.

It has something to do with Saturday Night Fever, for sure.

Thanks Cru, don't know what we'd do without you.

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Well I may... but I fear, I am probably not a great fit to your comunity :/ I just wanted a help with identifying the image someone posted me and I have found your forum. I thought it might even be something fun to crack, but I will erase the thread, if it's toxic or anything, don't worries :)

Hello Dazzz, welcome to TreasureNet, your thread is fine in this forum.

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Man & woman dancing?

If you start to try and figure out what art "means" it will lead to insanity.

The image below was probably supposed to represent the conflict between the proletariat bourgeoisie and Marxist doctrine.


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What came to mind is maybe it just means Stayin’ Alive (the song that was playing when the dance move was used).

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Well I may... but I fear, I am probably not a great fit to your comunity :/ I just wanted a help with identifying the image someone posted me and I have found your forum. I thought it might even be something fun to crack, but I will erase the thread, if it's toxic or anything, don't worries :)
I wasn't trying to run you off. This is a great forum. An introduction helps members get to know you and helps you fit in.

What is special about this particular picture?

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It looks like an IKEA instruction booklet to me?

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A little information on where this image is located would help.

It looks like it is printed on tile...

I would say it is a Sub-Way image to tell you to hold on to overhead handles.

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