What is this device?


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Jul 4, 2016
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Found this thing on a high school math teacher’s Desk. It wasn’t connected to anything but has a single jack in it for a telephone wire. The only wire connected to it ends with a short handle with a red button on top. There are no doors, openings or battery compartments.


In the United States, ANYTHING that is intended to be plugged into a jack connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) MUST, by law, be permanently marked with certain technical information required under FCC Rules Part-68. And it is supposed to be visible without having to peel off things like felt.

This thing almost looks homemade.
But, check again and see if you find the required Part-68 labeling, or the remnants thereof.

He's right.

Each and every device has to have that label.

"Does not interfere with, blah,blah,bah"

Gift to the teacher from a student, a kinda gag gift?

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Probably does nothing and was made by a student as a prank to simulate a homemade bomb to other students. Teacher most likely took it away from said student and stowed it away in the drawer, where it would seem you liberated it.

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A gonculator (sometimes spelled "gonkulator") is a fictional mysterious electronic device featured in the fourth season episode Klink vs. The Gonculator. The term has since appeared in online dictionaries and been used for a real electronic device, a heavy metal band, and even a holiday celebrated on the 5th of October, the date the episode originally aired.

Gonculator (episode use)
American prisoner Sgt. Andrew Carter improvises a live trap to catch rabbits. Meanwhile, Col. Hogan wants to get German electronics expert Major Lutz to Stalag 13 so the expert can defect and join the Allies. To do so, he has Carter add various useless attachments to the trap. The prisoners then convinces the German military establishment that it's a highly secret and extremely important electronic device called a gonculator.

That episode of Hogans Heroes is Hilarious!

There's a good amount of Hogans Heroes on youtube.
And I think I remember a site that had each and every episode.

Very Funny Stuff!


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It seems if I recall it goes to some kind of game the telephone cord goes to it and then to some other device used in the game.

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Looks like a sex toy to me!

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I found it its Farnhaan.

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A gonculator (sometimes spelled "gonkulator") is a fictional mysterious electronic device featured in the fourth season episode Klink vs. The Gonculator. The term has since appeared in online dictionaries and been used for a real electronic device, a heavy metal band, and even a holiday celebrated on the 5th of October, the date the episode originally aired.

Gonculator (episode use)
American prisoner Sgt. Andrew Carter improvises a live trap to catch rabbits. Meanwhile, Col. Hogan wants to get German electronics expert Major Lutz to Stalag 13 so the expert can defect and join the Allies. To do so, he has Carter add various useless attachments to the trap. The prisoners then convinces the German military establishment that it's a highly secret and extremely important electronic device called a gonculator.

That episode of Hogans Heroes is Hilarious!

There's a good amount of Hogans Heroes on youtube.
And I think I remember a site that had each and every episode.

Very Funny Stuff!


Found It!



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Too late to ask the kids I guess

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Here is an old timey blue box. Hackers used to build and sell these.

When did you find this? Phone phreaking is so eighties.
If nothing rlse, plug the jack into a Hillshire sausage and press button and observe reaction.
You probably can't ask the teacher as she is probably searching frantically for her little gadget. But next time you substitute ask the class if they recognize it.

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I'll throw my hat into the ring, and say I think it is an 'out of date, ' partial signaling device for a handicap person. Since you found it in a teacher's desk drawer, it could have been used in the Exceptional Children/Special Ed. department. The handicap person could press the plunger button to active a light and/or a phone call. If this is the case, obviously part of it is missing.

Update: After thinking about it further, I'm wondering if it is a device that flashes when the phone rings to let hearing impaired/deaf people know the phone is ringing. The plunger button could have a dual purpose to #1 Turn off the flash and #2 To Signal someone for help, since many deaf people are also mute. Below is a photo of a similar modern device that flashes as well as amplifies.

I taught Special Ed. in high school for what seemed like a 100 yrs. and often parents would bring to school items their handicapped child would use at home, which many times were 'safety' items. This 1970's/80's looking device could have been used for the hearing impaired. BTW, teacher never throw away 'stuff.' :)


My suggestion: The next time you sub, ask the teacher, which probably has no clue! LOL


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Charlie P. (NY);6342437 Plug it in and press the button. Maybe it will take you to an alternative dimension?[/QUOTE said:
.....or bring you back!?

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Alex I'll take What the bleep is it for a hundred

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If it wasn’t for the plug I would guess Milk Frother.

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I don’t think it facilitates phone calls as there is no way for it to act as a switch. You can plug a phone line into it but no additional cord or jack by which to then connect it to a phone.

I still think it’s a game show “buzzer” that lights up when the button is pressed.

I will try to get an answer from the teacher when or if I get a chance.

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I still don't think it does anything and was built purely for visual purpose. It looks like it was originally a kitchenaid mini food processor or a similar one. It would definitely of had a motor to spin the white nylon gear piece in the center. The white nylon part would probably take the cutting blade attachment for the food processor. No picture of how the line for the button switch is installed into it...

I tried to think if power from the phone line could power something internally but there is hardly any voltage in a phone line, not enough to turn a motor with a nylon gear of that size. No function other than the view and perception of it.

Someone wanted it to look like a bomb... Most likely the sole purpose for it.

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48-52 VDC while ringing. No amperage to speak of. Though back when I was a telephony tech I got a little zap several times working in cross connect boxes when people were calling out. I like the idea of an alternative dimension. I don’t see any crystals so that rules out Time travel

Actually the line is 48-52 VDC. Ringing is 20 Hz AC at 90 volts. The ringing will give ya a buzz!!

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