What is the deal with being so secretive about CRHing anyway?


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Aug 12, 2012
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Let's face it, it is a tedious hobby that is not for the weak of heart. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I will COINtinue to CRH, but for me, personally, it is intensive. If you are serious about silver, you are dedicating time and energy to finding it (of course, making the occasional dream find that makes it all worth it), but I don't see why people are threatened by revealing the hobby. Most people that know I CRH, even when they do see me make a decent find, are amused, but don't go and CRH. Sure, maybe you might create some competition, but I think spreading the knowledge of silver and it's value is good karma, as it makes people think about intrinsic value, and opens their eyes to some truth about sound money, but back to the point. Most people don't want to dedicate their time to this hobby, only a select few. Sure, educating tellers means you might not get silver from them, but it also might mean they will give you more silver. I have tellers that know about silver give me coins fairly often, and they know the intrinsic value as well, not just "I know its worth a lot." So I just feel like it is not the biggest deal to be truthful and informative to bankers. Just my 2 Lincolns...

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There have been more than 600,000,000,000 U.S. coins minted since 1960.

The first year this country minted more than a billion coins in one year was 1940. Probably few on this forum were even alive then.

At 20,000 coins a week it would take all the members of this forum (~46,000 including those not into CRH) 12+ years to go through only 600 billion coins (as those are only the ones minted since 1960) to look for the other ~5% of coins.

We may have to look through other denominations, but I think this hobby will be around for some time.

EDIT: Since its inception in 1991 through 2011, Coinstar has processed 533,000,000,000+ coins. We need to find where they make their deposits.

They deposit into Brinks, but their machines cull silver.

I think it has allready been covered in this thread but, I don't tell anyone ( except 2 close freinds) because it's my business and retirement for me and my kids, they have sat and watched me search boxes while we're hanging out and letting the kids play together and have no interest in trying it ( too much trouble they say) I am the only one that orders and dumps at any of my banks, and I'd like to keep it that way. There are people in my area that have plenty of money and time on there hands that could come in and start ordering or dumping in my banks and crash my system if they knew about CRHing and get us both cut off.

Too many new people to the game is not good, yes most will give up after a couple of skunks and won't endure a 10-15 box skunk streak like us, but they may do damage for us by trying it the wrong way with a bank and leaving a sour taste in there mouth about ordering any halves for anyone again. Just my 2 cents to add to the pot. HH, Maverick.

Everyone is worried about others getting into the hobby. Well lets put it this way. I am a 2 box of week max newbie and I can tell any high volume CRHrs in michigan, you don't have anything to fear from me. This is just a hobby and so far one that I enjoy. Even the skunks I enjoy going though. Some people say this hobby is based around greed. that is ok for them but its not me. You know what they say about opinions and bodily openings, everyone has one. Mine is for the hunt. If I don't find anything cool, if I find something all the better. I like running my fingers through coins. There is history in those bits of metal, the older they are, the more history. Can you imagine all the transactions they went through? The different aspects of human life they touched? Blows your mind sometimes.

Walking down the path of CRHr one box at a time...

Hugs and smiles,

I know this is a 6 year old thread, but I’m bumping it anyway in light of how this hobby has declined. Many of those that posted in this thread probably aren’t active anymore. I found this thread in my research of the death of this hobby and when it started to really decline. But FreedomUIC and a few others hit the nail on the head, and this was 6 years ago.

I feel like a lot of newer CRHers now, particularly those who feel the need to broadcast on YouTube and other media platforms, either lack common sense and intelligence, or just don’t care that they are slowly suffocating the hobby.

Which begs the question. If you have insider information on the stock market, are you gonna go share those secrets with other investors? This is not greed, it’s just being intelligent and protecting your sources.

Many people will not agree with me and say that I’m bitter, a douche, etc. I’ll say this: I have become bitter —passionately bitter— about this hobby, I freely admit it. I started at 12 years old in 2008, joined Tnet at 13 in June of 2009. (Let’s ignore the fact that I was, at the time, a somewhat egocentric and outspoken member who drove others up the wall with my antics) But, I remember clear as day those times, and finding multiple Silvers in Dime and Half Boxes. In 2010 and 11, 2 to 3 Silver Rosie’s per box was just “average” to me. I have become bitter and quite negative, I’ll admit, after seeing the hobby change. The smartphone becoming more common starting around ‘10 and even more so in ‘11, combined with Silver skyrocketing in 11, then all the people posting finds in videos on YouTube, and even more recently, the articles in Forbes and Wall Street Journal about CRH, has likely exponentially increased the # of people doing this. Add into the equation the # of inconsiderate volume hunters and banks refusing to order or fees, you have a catalyst for the eventual extinction of this hobby. In another 10 years, banks will likely do everything they can to stop roll hunters at their doors, potentially even enact policies where normal account holders can’t order boxes or cash in coin over a certain dollar amount. Social media and loud mouths has dried up the Silver, banks have taken notice.

I will also say, when I was active on other Numismatic boards, when managing my Numismatic website (which doesn’t exist anymore) I DID have a YouTube channel and posted coin videos, but never so much as breathed a WORD about CRH. Why? Because I was smart, and also tried to look out for the already existing CRHers so mine and their finds wouldn’t be depleted any faster than they already were. Could I have gone “viral” with my finds when nobody discovered it? Likely! This is why I take it so personal and get so irked with these YouTube channels and people shooting their mouth off “look what I found!” “ANOTHER 1968 FORTY PERCENTER. WE GOT ONE GUYS! THIS IS GONNA BE A GOOD BOX!” Like, go ahead and roll hunt, go ahead and do your volume. But don’t post your finds on a nationally viewed platform and totally ruin it for others by bringing more new people with zero regard for etiquette, into the hobby. By now though, it’s too late. I can only hope that the skunks and bad luck plague them as well, though they likely won’t post it and may even turn to faking their finds for more attention and publicity, that is, if they aren’t already. I think many are.

Anyways. That’s the end of my rant. This about covers my disgust.

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I feel like a lot of newer CRHers now, particularly those who feel the need to broadcast on YouTube and other media platforms, either lack common sense and intelligence, or just don’t care that they are slowly suffocating the hobby.

Hi Coincrazed, I remember you. I started posting here late in 2006. I had done a little CRH for a few months on my own. I didn't even know other people were doing it till I did a Google search and found T-Net and this group.

I think the youtubers may be doing this to up their hit rate and get a few $$ from youtube.

But, I have been hearing that CRH broadcasters are going to "ruin the hobby" for many years. I can remember when one of our own members boasted that he wrote a story (and got it published in a coin magazine) about CRH. He didn't get banned from here but I don't think he was very welcome.

But he wasn't hated as much as Patrick Earl Houston, but he was in 2007, just a bit before your time.

(do a search, he was funny. A white guy masquerading as a gang bang rapper trying to get on peoples nerves)

Hi Coincrazed, I remember you. I started posting here late in 2006. I had done a little CRH for a few months on my own. I didn't even know other people were doing it till I did a Google search and found T-Net and this group.

I think the youtubers may be doing this to up their hit rate and get a few $$ from youtube.

But, I have been hearing that CRH broadcasters are going to "ruin the hobby" for many years. I can remember when one of our own members boasted that he wrote a story (and got it published in a coin magazine) about CRH. He didn't get banned from here but I don't think he was very welcome.

But he wasn't hated as much as Patrick Earl Houston, but he was in 2007, just a bit before your time.

(do a search, he was funny. A white guy masquerading as a gang bang rapper trying to get on peoples nerves)

Wasn't he the "gangsta" that got caught when he posted a picture that had his very white hands in it?

Ah, the old days when a bad box of halves was one with only four silvers..

Hi Coincrazed, I remember you. I started posting here late in 2006. I had done a little CRH for a few months on my own. I didn't even know other people were doing it till I did a Google search and found T-Net and this group.

I think the youtubers may be doing this to up their hit rate and get a few $$ from youtube.

But, I have been hearing that CRH broadcasters are going to "ruin the hobby" for many years. I can remember when one of our own members boasted that he wrote a story (and got it published in a coin magazine) about CRH. He didn't get banned from here but I don't think he was very welcome.

But he wasn't hated as much as Patrick Earl Houston, but he was in 2007, just a bit before your time.

(do a search, he was funny. A white guy masquerading as a gang bang rapper trying to get on peoples nerves)

I remember you too CyberDan!!! And I also remember Patrick Earl LMAO not when he was active, but I researched his posts when a lot of people were claiming that I was one of his alt accounts in 2009. (I wasn’t, but I sure did push a lot of people’s buttons at the time lol)

I agree CD, however the extinction of this hobby is getting closer every day. I see a time when banks refuse to order coin for non-business customers and/or severely limit the amount you can order, nation wide throughout all branches. Couple that with the ridiculous numbers of hunters that continue to grow and new CRHers refusing to follow etiquette and ordering ridiculous volume.

Yes. A lot of YouTubers are just desperate for attention and want to become youtube famous. They don’t care how they are affecting other people. Just today, I politely addressed this on a YouTuber’s CRH video and he started whining and getting all butthurt, implying I don’t have a life. Lmao.

Wasn't he the "gangsta" that got caught when he posted a picture that had his very white hands in it?
Yes, he was. I got tired of his attitude. I used to be a cop and did some detective work. I was the one who "outed" him.

Sorry coincrazed, for taking over your post but this is my post that told it all. Hard to believe that was 11 years ago.

I wonder what happened to him. I am retired now with more time on my hands. Maybe I can track him down again. ;)

I'm pretty sure this CRH thing is a bit like metal detecting - a lot of folks go get a detector , take it out a few times and find a lot of trash . The detector ends up in the garage behind the treadmill . Similarly many buy a box or two of half dollars , or dimes - they pull a 40 percenter , maybe a silver rosie , then they have to dump everything and it's not so exciting . Obviously some get it , and stay with it - but I don't think there is anything to worry about ! Even a lot of committed long time CRHers ( like me ) take time off - I have been a bit busy with life this summer to do much at all CRH wise - fall / winter is my time ! With the current slide in precious metal prices , I'm curious to see if there is any difference in late Sept . when I start up again. My rule is if it's fun carry on with it , when it becomes a drag take a break for a while !

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I'm pretty sure this CRH thing is a bit like metal detecting - a lot of folks go get a detector , take it out a few times and find a lot of trash . The detector ends up in the garage behind the treadmill . Similarly many buy a box or two of half dollars , or dimes - they pull a 40 percenter , maybe a silver rosie , then they have to dump everything and it's not so exciting . Obviously some get it , and stay with it - but I don't think there is anything to worry about ! Even a lot of committed long time CRHers ( like me ) take time off - I have been a bit busy with life this summer to do much at all CRH wise - fall / winter is my time ! With the current slide in precious metal prices , I'm curious to see if there is any difference in late Sept . when I start up again. My rule is if it's fun carry on with it , when it becomes a drag take a break for a while !

That's pretty much what I said on a different thread. I'm on a 5 year break at the moment as I have gone full bore into a different hobby that's eating up all my available time. In the mean time the banks I used to deal with have all since changed ownership, changed their policies, or removed automatic coin counters making both buying and cashing in more difficult. Not impossible as I have enough banks around me that I could probably find replacements, but to do the volume I was doing would take some work to find new options and likely cost me more in gas money and time.

Although I still enjoy CRH and I'll probably do it occasionally, I am more likely to find myself migrating to CCH (coin collection hunting) when I get back into coins again. Basically, buying collections after the coins have already being pulled from circulation. It'll be a little more costly sure, but it'll also be a much more effective use of my barely available time and I won't have to deal with the banks. I am also hopeful that I'm more likely to find rarer coins.

GMan, when you say coin collection hunting , what exactly are you saying ? buying privately from folks who want to liquidate ?

In regards to our hobby dying out. I think it may die off for a short while, once we get too many hunters getting too many skunk bags/boxes.

But, I think, due to so many that hoard the stuff without telling their family members about the real value of the silver coins, when they pass on then the family members will gleefully run the coins to the nearest bank or credit union and we'll start all over again.

Think of all of those that hoarded silver 50 years ago, I imagine that there are collection dumps going on constantly nowadays as those original hoarders got to be in their 70's and older.

GMan, when you say coin collection hunting , what exactly are you saying ? buying privately from folks who want to liquidate ?


My uncle (who recently passed away) used to buy coin collections and he found a bunch of really interesting stuff that way. I buy collections as part of my other hobby so I am familiar with the process, but I haven't started with coins as of yet...or at least not really. I did purchase a couple small collections a few years back, but those were more because I just happened across them rather than searching them out.

Before I would start buying collections in earnest I would need to figure out the mechanics of what I am interested in buying and what my method of selling my extras would be so I can properly determine a fair price. The price would also have to be one that leaves me a little room on the back end at the same time. I have a pretty good idea for some items, but since I haven't bought/sold many coins, I would need to do a bit of research first before I jumped in with both feet to make sure I don't lose my shirt by overpaying. I know a couple people I can ask to get advice from.

It might be years before I start or it might be a few days from now. I suspect it will be at least a year or two out before I do much with it (mainly due to time constraints), but I also might start looking for smaller collections sooner just to see what's out there.

Cool thread, glad it got bumped up, even though I'm a detectorist and in no way do I CRH...But that doesn't stop one from scoring every once in a while, as I have some friends who work at gas stations, carry outs (mom n pop), and my fave coffee shop, and these peeps keep their eyes peeled for me. They have no interest in collecting or hoarding silver, and actually have fun spotting a silver rim in the pile. Here's a shot of some silver GW's that my coffee gal found for me...note that these were gotten as change from the bank (MY bank, no doubt!)...she obtained them with full permission and then passed them on to me. Soo...there was almost 7 FULL rolls of silver Washingtons...how did they get to the bank in CWR's? Someone inherit grannies collection? Someone who honestly did not know what they had?,..or someone who just didn't care and needed $...This is not the first score from this place, but certainly the best. Thx, Ddf.


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dirtdigginfool , That is a monster score ! Have you checked for any key or semi key date/ mints ? Could be some value well over spot in there !

Yes, he was. I got tired of his attitude. I used to be a cop and did some detective work. I was the one who "outed" him.

Sorry coincrazed, for taking over your post but this is my post that told it all. Hard to believe that was 11 years ago.

I wonder what happened to him. I am retired now with more time on my hands. Maybe I can track him down again. ;)
I remember the Patrick Earl incident well. As do I remember coincrazed back then. I haven't searched any boxes lately but I am going to ask for any CWR's tomorrow when I hit the bank.

The videos don’t help but I agree that most people who try it don’t stick with it. I love the title of the you tube videos.

OMG!!!!!massive amounts of silver!!!!
Bags of silver from bank!!
WOW! We just found a super rare
Coin CRH!!!

And the finds suck lol

dirtdigginfool , That is a monster score ! Have you checked for any key or semi key date/ mints ? Could be some value well over spot in there !

Thx Argentium, I haven't really hone through them that closely..yet. there's nothing below 1941 and they go to MS 1964's. So besides the 1932 S and D, what silver Washingtons are key/semi key? Thx again, Ddf.

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