C2, as it is often referred to in cryptography circles, was obviously penned by an intelligent, well-educated individual. The use of the English language is grammatically correct, the flow is crisp and clear and straight to the point, “punctuation” is properly used.
First, one has to understand that punctuation was not included in the cipher, this having been installed by the decoder of the cipher, thus the actual clear text has been altered by the unknown author. So clearly, the presented solution is an altered solution. The same can be said when the solution has been separated into paragraphs. This then, brings into play the very real possibility that the clear text for C2 was a fabrication. Perhaps, perhaps not, but it does suggest the possibility that the author of the solution and the author of the pamphlet were one in the same.
Punctuation often determines how writings are to be presented and perceived so whoever drafted the pamphlet copy of the clear text for C2 was very conscious of this fact when drafting the presentation for public display.
Second, because the creator of the cipher was an intelligent, well-educated individual, it is a ridiculous notion that we might expect anything less in the clear text of the remaining two ciphers, if in fact they hold solutions at all. In sticking with the established provenance within the C2 clear test we know that the anticipated clear test for C1 & C3 will be just as fluid, clear & precise, and straight to the point in an equally grammatically correct presentation. To accept anything less is just an illusion in spite of what has already been established by the author of the codes/ciphers.
Over the years many solutions have been arrived at, yet all of them contain flow that is more liking to poor education and poor writing skills, some of these juggled solutions even claiming numerous mistakes by the unknown author, when in fact just the opposite has already been established and presented in the clear text of C2. So why do people continue to accept anything less then what has already been clearly presented and established? Because they simply want to believe that they have cracked those codes and that the drafter of the remaining two ciphers became suddenly careless, reckless, uneducated, and haphazard in the concluding of his business of such grave importance, real or otherwise.
So with the provenance that has already been established in the presented solution for C2 there also comes a lot to be considered when attempting to arrive solutions for C1 & C3.