What is it really about ??, rich, poor and Big brother..Survival !

I read Atlas Shrugged many years ago. Is there really a limit to how many times one should read that book? It isn't mein kampf after all. :laughing7: But that post has more to do with actually paying attn. If you go to a bad area of town, do you wonder why some are in charge and some are the minions? Even the bad guys build a hierarchy and the willingness to win is shown, inappropriately, there.

Yea, I was just kidding with you. A very bright coworker of mine talks about the book constantly. Thus, we get into many lunchtime debates that I find to give my brain a good workout. He always gets the better of me when it comes to these economic debates, as he is about to graduate with an MBA. Still always worthwhile. The outcome is either I sharpen my debate skills or I learn a thing or 2.

JB, in my opinion, You are succeeding at multitasking.

I want to add this. You go to any third world trash heap or any first rate country( I don't mean us, we are in a race for the bottom), and you will ALWAYS find some that are not happy with their lot in life, or striving for more. It is not the American way. It is the HUMAN condition. America was founded on the belief that you have the opportunity to do as much as you put your mind to. It isn't bad or good, it simply is.

There is no such thing as equality, humans will not allow it. Equal shot was allowed here, not equal outcome.

The problem for the most malleable now is that they are taught to covet, not how to actually attain their goals. And a humans goal is a personal decision, as it should be. When the GOV comes in and starts dictating equal outcomes and redistributing wealth you will see real breakdowns in society.

Every Time Communist and Socialist ideals took a country huge amounts of blood were spilled. And the only way to keep the peace afterward is to keep the population ignorant and subservient.

You want the best civilization, you educate the people and you tell them the truth, you have them do as MLK said and do the best job you can at whatever your job is. And be proud of your work.

O, there is such thing as equality and humans have no control in the matter. We are all equal, we are born equal in the eyes of God and we all leave the world equally....dead.

O, there is such thing as equality and humans have no control in the matter. We are all equal, we are born equal in the eyes of God and we all leave the world equally....dead.

Not sure of your point Crispin. But , In this life, in this country, you were guaranteed an equal chance at your dream, whatever it is. You are not Gauranteed to reap the benefits in the same way. Your just rewards in the end may also be dictated by the people you have trounced in your struggle.

Man you guys take what people say way to seriously, if you would have read it, and know me, I was pretty much arguing with myself when I typed all that...it was not meant to make any sense to anybody, not even myself..if that makes sense lol.

Btw the USSS is on here, just so you know.


LOL! Mike I hope you feel better (some antibiotics can make you feel worse than a sickness).
It's good you give us things to think about. Please don't take that or your words away from us.
Every one of them matter, just as you do!
Ehh, ramblings, we all do that, don't we? LOL!

Ohm this is for the USSS :laughing7:


You can tell I'm worried about them! :laughing7:

Man you guys take what people say way to seriously, if you would have read it, and know me, I was pretty much arguing with myself when I typed all that...it was not meant to make any sense to anybody, not even myself..if that makes sense lol.

Btw the USSS is on here, just so you know.


Sounds like you are feeling better today.? I am glad you are back.

Never take to heart what I say, if I am being serious, I will say so lol, and thanks for hoping I feel better, been listening to the blue oyster cults, don't fear the reaper lol...blarg I feel like doo doo.


Thanks Dave, sorry I got ignorant with you last night, I was drunk and on some heavy meds, I had to read what I typed a few minutes ago, I could not even decipher it lol.


PS I have multiple personality disorder with 3 different personas, so you may never know who is typing, heck I do not even know who I am at the moment, I know I am not the mean one at the moment, because when I am the mean one, I am mean to the nice one and the happy/gullible one, but I am happy right now, so I guess I really do know who I am at the moment...so confusing.

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Thanks Dave, sorry I got ignorant with you last night, I was drunk and on some heavy meds, I had to read what I typed a few minutes ago, I could not even decipher it lol.

No worries here Mike. It was the reason I backed out. As I said, glad to see you back again! Looks like you have a challenge or two? Good luck and perseverance in your endeavors! I am sure we will have many good conversations in the future.

Kids with four year degrees from good schools folding jeans at the Gap. Of course it doesn't have to be that way. Anyone with the drive can create an income from dirt with very little money. But most don't want to do the things that can lead to a better independent lifestyle. Seriously, how much does some paper towels, rags, some Windex and a squeegee cost? Wash windows for $5 a pop. Buy the basic supplies then wear a hole in your shoes knocking on doors. Or, buy a chainsaw and start trimming trees. Maybe some one on one from someone with some know how first.

The tree guys who knock on doors in my neighborhood once a year never leave my street with less than $3000 in their pocket. $3000 for about 5 hours of work!!! These guys aren't rocket scientist. Just hustlers with chain saws. Do the math, $3000 a day six days a week fifty weeks a year providing a service to a middle class suburb of mostly white collar types who have more money than know how or time to do these things for themselves. My point, the American dream is out there for anyone with the drive and determination to go after it!

( interesting side point about the tree trimming crew - three guys, one of them the boss, driving in the most beat up old Ford pickup i've ever seen. Last time thru the boss man had to come back in the evening for a payment -he was driving a new Escalade!)

Kids with four year degrees from good schools folding jeans at the Gap. Of course it doesn't have to be that way. Anyone with the drive can create an income from dirt with very little money. But most don't want to do the things that can lead to a better independent lifestyle. Seriously, how much does some paper towels, rags, some Windex and a squeegee cost? Wash windows for $5 a pop. Buy the basic supplies then wear a hole in your shoes knocking on doors. Or, buy a chainsaw and start trimming trees. Maybe some one on one from someone with some know how first.

The tree guys who knock on doors in my neighborhood once a year never leave my street with less than $3000 in their pocket. $3000 for about 5 hours of work!!! These guys aren't rocket scientist. Just hustlers with chain saws. Do the math, $3000 a day six days a week fifty weeks a year providing a service to a middle class suburb of mostly white collar types who have more money than know how or time to do these things for themselves. My point, the American dream is out there for anyone with the drive and determination to go after it!

( interesting side point about the tree trimming crew - three guys, one of them the boss, driving in the most beat up old Ford pickup i've ever seen. Last time thru the boss man had to come back in the evening for a payment -he was driving a new Escalade!)

Drive, determination, effort. Not everyone is meant for college, in my business I have met many many VERY successful people without degrees. Learning to do things yourself is coming back in vogue.
Another great post NF!!

One more point _ I agree with TH that kids should look at where the growth is and get a specialized degree in those areas. That said i will add one more area - sales. Sales is an interesting profession. There are many different levels of sales from in home to Business to business. And how much money you make is determined by one factor - the person who stares you in the mirror every day. I know car salesman who make $250,000 a year. i know roofing salesman who make $275,000 a year. i know box salesman who makes $250,000 a year. A jewelry salesman who makes $1,000,000 year. A Nuclear power plant parts salesman who makes $600,000 a year. I know financial services sales people who make $5,000,000 a year. The point - it's out there. if you don't have the capital to do it on your own, you can still make big money for yourself making another person rich. All of these people start with no experience and with zero sales.

I have the 4 year degree, and the graduate degree, being the oldest in my generation, it was my parents decision, although I paid for both out of my pocket by working! What did those degree's get me? The ability to research, learn, and make my own way. No big pay, just the satisfaction that over the pat 40 years, I have worked in a field I liked, and helped clients with the questions that they wanted answered about their land and it's potential uses.....what is lost today is the desire to work for what you have, everyone needs to start at the top, I truly am happier with what I have obtained because I know where, and how I was able to acquire it.....but I, and those like me are dinosaurs, and soon we too will be extinct......but we've had a good time......Gary

THx dave44!

if this thread keeps going the way it is going we're all going to have to get a room together!!!!!

THx dave44!

if this thread keeps going the way it is going we're all going to have to get a room together!!!!!

Looks like we could make good roommates! Despite our wrangling, It looks like our advice to the disenchanted youth is the same, work hard, build it yourself, rely on yourself and your strengths. I can appreciate your experiences in this matter. It gives me a whole new perspective NF!

I had never thought about sales like that. But I have to sell myself every day in my business. Good points again.

think I'll give my metal detectors away, then just cease to exist, you know I really should not be on this forum.
Being a paranoid schizophrenic and reading how its all going to end soon, and the fact that I thought I was prepared for it, well I figure, why bother, its all making me even more insane and anxious and paranoid, and I just cannot tolerate living this way, stupid meds dont help, all they do is make me sit here all day drooling all over myself and make me sleepy..bleh damn mood swings hard alot during the night.../rant off

Tomorrow then BC? Stay focused.

THx dave44!

if this thread keeps going the way it is going we're all going to have to get a room together!!!!!
LAWL! I can get us a great room, beach-front, on a great beach! LOL! Ok, maybe a little cheaper, a block or two, off the beach! LOL!
If you're Canadian, I thought you were required to show up in Florida for winter. :laughing7:
(I had a condo deal going, wrench got throwed in the cogs! Ain't that the way it goes, sometimes.) :BangHead:

Mike, don't give up that tekker yet! It's one thing you got, that's an asset, not a liability! It'll put money in your pocket!
And, yeah, the shtf everyday, for someone somewhere, in some fashion or the other. It ain't gonna be ending no time soon, pls trust that.
Oh, how I know? LOL! Them politicians wanting to get everyone's campaign money, for I hear, the next 3 yrs! LOL!
Them politicians ain't gonna let the O bankrupt us, just yet!
We just gotta be smarter and know how to out maneuver and counter maneuver, their interferences, that's all.

Kids with four year degrees from good schools folding jeans at the Gap. Of course it doesn't have to be that way. Anyone with the drive can create an income from dirt with very little money. But most don't want to do the things that can lead to a better independent lifestyle. Seriously, how much does some paper towels, rags, some Windex and a squeegee cost? Wash windows for $5 a pop. Buy the basic supplies then wear a hole in your shoes knocking on doors. Or, buy a chainsaw and start trimming trees. Maybe some one on one from someone with some know how first.

The tree guys who knock on doors in my neighborhood once a year never leave my street with less than $3000 in their pocket. $3000 for about 5 hours of work!!! These guys aren't rocket scientist. Just hustlers with chain saws. Do the math, $3000 a day six days a week fifty weeks a year providing a service to a middle class suburb of mostly white collar types who have more money than know how or time to do these things for themselves. My point, the American dream is out there for anyone with the drive and determination to go after it!

( interesting side point about the tree trimming crew - three guys, one of them the boss, driving in the most beat up old Ford pickup i've ever seen. Last time thru the boss man had to come back in the evening for a payment -he was driving a new Escalade!)
Yes...and it is this "drive" the government removes by giving people just enough to get by. They will never know what they could have accomplished, because their motivation was removed by a government handout.

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