What is it really about ??, rich, poor and Big brother..Survival !

What would you want to hear? Everyone in America is guaranteed an equal shot. Not everyone is guaranteed an equal outcome. Don't covet what someone else has achieved through hard work either!
My wages have been artificially held down for years, possibly because there are many that do my job cheaper, doesn't matter if they are here legally or not I guess.
I haven't worked within My college training in more than 20 years, we change as we have to, it makes us less robotic.

Probably won't help. But I get so tired of hearing how the "Man", or the "Rich", are stomping on you to give you a paycheck.

Its not about that, I am not whining about the rich or the man, the point was we will all be equal soon, so please stop fighting about it, because its pointless, this country is going to fail, nothing can or will prevent it.
rich poor color race creed matter not soon, I am ready, I have always said I was dirt poor, but thats a choice, the last 25 years I have spent every cent I have earned in prep of the day coming soon, for my opinion it started with NAFTA, free trade, it will be great for our country they said, I remember right before free trade started, you could open the sunday paper to the general help wanted section, there would be a minimum of 4 full pages of jobs listed, open the paper this sunday, you will be hard pressed to find more than a dozen listings for them long gone solid middle class jobs both skilled and unskilled, there is no opportunity for a decent life anymore...greed killed our country, and everybody knows it.

by the way, if none of my original post makes sense, thats because it was not supposed to, im to broke to afford professional help for my illness, so typing out my feelings here is my therapy, and no I will not be applying for social secuirty any time soon, even though I qualify since birth, I would rather live in a box before I get something I did not earn, if that means I eventually go off the edge of the marianas trench into the abyss...so be it, atleast I will still have my pride.

Its not about that, I am not whining about the rich or the man, the point was we will all be equal soon, so please stop fighting about it, because its pointless, this country is going to fail, nothing can or will prevent it.
rich poor color race creed matter not soon, I am ready, I have always said I was dirt poor, but thats a choice, the last 25 years I have spent every cent I have earned in prep of the day coming soon, for my opinion it started with NAFTA, free trade, it will be great for our country they said, I remember right before free trade started, you could open the sunday paper to the general help wanted section, there would be a minimum of 4 full pages of jobs listed, open the paper this sunday, you will be hard pressed to find more than a dozen listings for them long gone solid middle class jobs both skilled and unskilled, there is no opportunity for a decent life anymore...greed killed our country, and everybody knows it.

by the way, if none of my original post makes sense, thats because it was not supposed to, im to broke to afford professional help for my illness, so typing out my feelings here is my therapy, and no I will not be applying for social secuirty any time soon, even though I qualify since birth, I would rather live in a box before I get something I did not earn, if that means I eventually go off the edge of the marianas trench into the abyss...so be it, atleast I will still have my pride.

We in this country are already equal. No fighting needed.

Political greed is indeed killing our country, I worry that you are not making the correct correlation.

" I am not whining about the rich or the man, the point was we will all be equal soon, so please stop fighting about it, because its pointless, this country is going to fail, nothing can or will prevent it."
But every post you make says otherwise.
And to use an excuse that you are mentally incapable of making any other argument besides the statist argument is starting to make me suspect your intentions. A post occasionally is one thing, continuous posting of these beliefs shows that you are espousing a communistic belief.

please, speak redneck, I dont know what a statist is ?
but I do know what a commie is, and I have to say, I am probably one of the most patriotic people out there, so maybe I read that wrong, so please clarify, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not just suggest that I am a communist, cause thems fighting words where I come from, and I do not like to fight.


I read on a thread somewhere that poor life choices, makes people suffer, well I have something to say about that.
I know of a lot of college graduates that work for minimum wage because of one universal thing that is true, companies want experienced people, wait you have a masters degree ? yes yes I do!...well so what, where is your real world experience ? umm I do not have any...well guess what, welcome to the real world buddy, true unemployment figures in this country are close to 22+%, and that means there are many many folks out there just like you that have a fancy piece of paper that took you 8 years to earn and probably cost you a hundred grand for an education that you could have obtained at the local library for free...guess that was a bad life choice...sucker.
but alot of the unemployed that have them fancy masters degrees have real world experiance, but lost their jobs when the capitalist owners, more worried about their christmas bonus, then their employees lives, sent their jobs over to india, or down to mexico.
So heaven forbid that for some reason we have to hire an overpaid american, we can easily get an experienced DESPERATE sucker to do the job, since that minimum wage job is so good, you know its a springboard out of poverty, whoever thinks that has never had to try to survive at that wage scale, 2 full time minimum wage jobs, and you could not afford to live in this crappy trailer park I live in, unless you want to share a trailer with 10 others in a 2 bedroom home that also make min wage, then sure you can do it...joy
and speaking of mexico, I can see why the greedy ceo's send the jobs down there, I happen to know for a fact that at the GM plant in mexico city, the highest wage workers in that plant are the engineers and they make a whopping 11 dollar equivalent to our dollars wage, drive a floor sweeper around a GM plant providing you have been there since they changed the new hire wage a couple of years ago, and you're are making 20+ an hour, engineers, the ones I know of make as much as 30 of their mexican counterparts do in a year.
Really getting ramped up now, more poor life choices, do not forget you need them min wage poor people, without them, you would pour and brew your own damn lattes at starbucks, or flip your own burger at mcdonalds, poor life choices my a$$, you folks that are hating on the poor need to realize if you come from a poor family, there is NO college in their futures, some people are just not that smart, I know a ton of people..GOOD people that just did not have the brains to get a SAT score that could get them into a college, their parents are min wage workers, they cannot afford to keep their heat on in the winter, let alone put away money for college, so guess what...they work the jobs that make this country tick, think about that next time you pull into a gas station and want gas, or when you get to the grocery store, who do you think stocked the shelves for you ?? you get one guess.
go to any retail location, be it a walmart or a saks or a macys, they may make over min wage, maybe as much as 12 an hour, but go ahead, try and live on 12 bucks an hour, let alone 8 bucks, thats the problem, people that make a decent wage take for granted what they have, whats a decent wage anymore ? I don't know to be honest, it depends on how a person wants to live, and what they feel they need to live versus merely surviving...trust me, you CANNOT make it on a min wage, and for those that think uneducated people unskilled people cannot be paid a survivable wage of 20 plus an hour, think again, because for one thing, so friggin what if milk is 10 bucks, its 5 at walmart now, so their min wage workers after taxes have to work 90 mins to buy a gallon of milk, while that filthy rich ceo makes that 10 bucks in less than 1/100th of a second, I can do the math for yall if you really want me to, well anyway, this reply is for anybody that thinks they are paying for the poor to survive, but to make you think, without them, you wont survive, or you will be flipping your own burgers...but, but.
But does any of it matter now at this point in time, the government is going to destroy you too soon, the poor no longer exist, neither does the middle class, they are in their death throes now, the 6 figure folks are next up in the crosshairs, just wait untill the confiscation of wealth begins, like over in europe, what was it banks stealing peoples money right out of their accounts ?
Well guess what, you guys are next, and before long, you will be just as broke as them poor suckers chomping at the min wage bit, and then while you are starving to death because you have to choose between heat meds or food, I would be willing to bet my arms and my legs, that before you starve to death, or God forbid you let your children starve to death, you will be begging for your food stamps, unless of course you happen to be a fanatic like I read about from time to time, of people who kill their entire family because they do not want them to starve to death, happens alot, but since its poor people doing it to themselves, it does not make the main stream media, because the rich could not careless about the poor.

I know a lot of you feel the same way I do, as much as I hate to admit it, life as we know it will soon come to an end, be it poor folks sucking the country dry, which cannot be sustained, or the enconomy doing the same thing through unstoppable government waste, we are ALL going to be in the same boat soon, there will not be any rich or poor, because that ben franklin in your wallet in the end, will be just what it is, a worthless piece of paper, hopefully the ones that do not realize this is going to happen, and already is.
You will prep, and prepare yourselves as I have done for me and my own, through a close knit friend and family network, that have no intentions of just laying down and going quietly into the night, you need to prepare yourselves for when it all flips upside down, for the love of all things, learn some skills, if you can make a latte or flip a burger or fix robots with the best of them, well guess what, when that is gone into nothingness, and you have no real survival skills or something that has a real value, not greenbacks...then my friend, you will go quietly into the night, and odds are you will not enjoy it.
So yeah give to the poor, sell all that crap that will soon be worthless, and buy the things that will help you survive, convert all them material items, to silver, gold, seed packs water purifiers storage tanks, and get some damn firepower while you still can.
Go out into the wild and find your place, maybe I will see you there soon, for the smart and cunning shall survive, it is foretold.


(quote removed by mod)

Its not about that, I am not whining about the rich or the man, the point was we will all be equal soon, so please stop fighting about it, because its pointless, this country is going to fail, nothing can or will prevent it.
rich poor color race creed matter not soon, I am ready, I have always said I was dirt poor, but thats a choice, the last 25 years I have spent every cent I have earned in prep of the day coming soon, for my opinion it started with NAFTA, free trade, it will be great for our country they said, I remember right before free trade started, you could open the sunday paper to the general help wanted section, there would be a minimum of 4 full pages of jobs listed, open the paper this sunday, you will be hard pressed to find more than a dozen listings for them long gone solid middle class jobs both skilled and unskilled, there is no opportunity for a decent life anymore...greed killed our country, and everybody knows it.

by the way, if none of my original post makes sense, thats because it was not supposed to, im to broke to afford professional help for my illness, so typing out my feelings here is my therapy, and no I will not be applying for social secuirty any time soon, even though I qualify since birth, I would rather live in a box before I get something I did not earn, if that means I eventually go off the edge of the marianas trench into the abyss...so be it, atleast I will still have my pride.

please, speak redneck, I dont know what a statist is ?
but I do know what a commie is, and I have to say, I am probably one of the most patriotic people out there, so maybe I read that wrong, so please clarify, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not just suggest that I am a communist, cause thems fighting words where I come from, and I do not like to fight.


You may think you are patriotic. But you covet in a big way. It is not the rich keeping you from your aspirations, rather government interventions. The place for government is solely to keep the playing field free from the criminals.. when they pick and choose the winners there is a completely biased outcome.
-Chjeck out all the red quotes from you. Those are disturbing if you really believe what you say.

I don't think I will be responding further to you in this thread, Good luck to you.

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BC. I came from a poor family, a dirt poor family in fact. I do not have a college degree, I quit after one year when I went to work for a phone company. Why, because I was tired of working all day and going to school at night and I knew working for a phone company would be a good profession.

Your absolutely correct there are lots of people out there with college degrees and working at poor jobs. The problem is many of them chose a field where there was no real future, kids have to look at what jobs will be in demand 5 years down the road, 10 years down the road, not at what jobs they think are cool or fun......

If I was going to school right now I would be going in to the medical field because it is a growing field with a huge future.........If I couldn't afford a 4 year degree I would become a Physical Therapy assistant, its a 2 year degree, a huge growing field and it pays well.......

I would do a search of the top 10 jobs forcasted for the next 20 years and that is what I would choose from. Too many kids persued degrees in Liberal arts programs, choosing majors for which there are few job opportunities and end up with wothless degree as far as making any real money or a bright future. I would never persue a degree in Liberal Arts, degrees in political science, history, physicial education, communications, art photography, sociology, public health, education and so on, very few pay real money and never will. Persue something in health, math, science and engineering where you start out at $55k and have a future......

And again! I have nothing against poor people...... I was born poor, I am only a few paychecks from being poor again. I was laid off for almost 2 years.... I know hard times....

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Here's where you lost my vote, BC...
"but lost their jobs when the capitalist owners, more worried about their christmas bonus, then their employees lives,"
You should get this right...it's important. Business owners are no more required to worry about their employees lives than employees are required to worry about their employer's lives. It's a simple contract....I agree to pay you an agreed-upon amount of money, and you agree to do as I ask for a period of time....that's it. If those terms aren't fair to anybody, they can start their own company. The only requirement for any business is survival, and to do what they say they will do. The sooner you learn these basic facts of life, the sooner you will prosper. Failure to learn them means you fail...period. The two natural laws at the base of everything are these.
1. Do what you say you'll do.
2. Don't infringe on others.
The reason the country is going downhill is failure to honor those natural laws.

This is a thread where I can certainly agree with many of you in certain aspects of what you are saying.

I think that we as a culture are forgetting to tell our kids that in addition to getting an education, you still have to WORK HARD to get what you want. We also need to stop telling our kids that they can do anything/be anything they want in life. This is simply not true and instills a sense of entitlement in kids at a young age. The only exceptions to this would be TRUE natural talent (where you offer something that most people dont have) or being born into a privileged family (winning the lottery, etc).

Education and hard work are what make you successful (at least by mainstream standards). Anything else is just a nice fairy tale.

jb, instead of working hard, why don't ppl work smart? I can see and agree with your points and most stated also(oh btw, glad you feel better, sorry bout the mrs, hope she feels better soon, too).

And why is it, we always have to strive for more More MORE! Why can't some be happy with what they have and enjoy it, instead of wasting and squandering(resources, food, money). One does not prepare a big lavish wonderful meal, and spread a feast, then say, OH WAIT, I have to make a BIGGER and BETTER feast, before I enjoy what I have...... then another....... and another......
while perfectly good foods rots and wastes.

It seems we are more addicted to the acquiring and obtaining stage of the rat race, but fail to recognize and appreciate, what has been acquired or obtained. If there is no value in our accomplishments and aquisitions, then they are just disposable, no?

Disposable things, disposable food, disposable people, disposable planet.

jb, instead of working hard, why don't ppl work smart? I can see and agree with your points and most stated also(oh btw, glad you feel better, sorry bout the mrs, hope she feels better soon, too).

And why is it, we always have to strive for more More MORE! Why can't some be happy with what they have and enjoy it, instead of wasting and squandering(resources, food, money). One does not prepare a big lavish wonderful meal, and spread a feast, then say, OH WAIT, I have to make a BIGGER and BETTER feast, before I enjoy what I have...... then another....... and another......
while perfectly good foods rots and wastes.

It seems we are more addicted to the acquiring and obtaining stage of the rat race, but fail to recognize and appreciate, what has been acquired or obtained. If there is no value in our accomplishments and aquisitions, then they are just disposable, no?

Disposable things, disposable food, disposable people, disposable planet.

You have a wonderful point! That is something I ask myself all the time. Why cant we ever be happy with the status quo?

The only answer I have been able to find is: It is the American way.

Trouble is kids today want to have right out of school what their parents spent a life time being able to afford.

New car, new house, big wide screen tv, expensive smartphones all the other toys they see their parents and other adults with. They were not taught you wait till you can afford them, you don't just go out and buy them all at once on credit.

I tried to teach my kids to budget, save so much from each paycheck so you build a nest egg.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

I do believe, advertisers have done their job, extremely well! We the ppl, have also swallowed their swill, hook line and sinker.

If you have ever seen a small child, have a "break-down" in the cereal aisle, because they are not going to get the "Tiger cereal", or the "Pirate cereal", you should be able to recognize, an advertisement has gotten to your child!

When you see ppl, stand and camp out for days in lines, to buy a game or gadget, that they already have 5 or 20 of already, we should question ourselves on the true neediness of an item. Did an advertiser get to these ppl?

You see women do it all the time. They have 30 pairs of shoes and 30 purses(most with new tags on them), but by golly, let that new Macy sale paper come, or a designer throw an ad up on tv, and it's "off to the mall"! Did an advertiser get these people?

We and the rest of the world, too(pls don't think USA is the only ones), have a big problem with waste of resources and not being happy with what we have!

Now, no one wants to deprive someone the freedom of doing what they want to, with their money and resources. But if one squanders, wastese, and mishandles what they have, and expects another to keep feeding their dysfunctions, I have a problem with that.
It's like trying to be the chef for an anorexic!

Better that ppl be taught better/proper use of the tools he has available to him, and how to utilize them for maximum results.
It seems, most relish and wallow in the instant gratification effect, and have no clue, how long term gratification and happiness is achieved.

Well, when the "American Way" turns back into;
trying to forage for food in the forest, and having to down game animals with bow and arrows, vs, starve to death, guess that's where people will get to make some hard choices, as to what is important.

For me personally, I feel it is more important to know how to fish, hunt, cook, sew, grow crops, (find gold through metal detecting, lol), and sustain myself with as little inter-dependence on others as I can get by with. That's my personal choice that I find makes for less stress in MY life. Anything past that, for me imho, is a luxury.

If another feels those things are not important, I guess that's their choice. But if/when they cannot feed themselves or survive, because they thought being a mime/juggler in life was the most important, well, do we leave ppl to their own devices and beds they made? I mean, they did have that choice too, didn't they?

I know it boils down to freedoms. But is it right, one party has the freedom to waste and be jerks about it, at the expense of those that don't waste? Then is it right the one, that doesn't wastes their life/freedoms/choices, be told they have to work/supply for those, that do? (I'm not even talking about disabled, elderly, ppl with conditions, I'm talking healthy able-bodied ppl).

(Ya'll do understand, I am speaking in generals, not specifics. I'm not downing anyone for their choices, nor passing judgments, just trying to let's discuss these things, as they may be relative, to our survival as a nation and a ppl).

I want to add this. You go to any third world trash heap or any first rate country( I don't mean us, we are in a race for the bottom), and you will ALWAYS find some that are not happy with their lot in life, or striving for more. It is not the American way. It is the HUMAN condition. America was founded on the belief that you have the opportunity to do as much as you put your mind to. It isn't bad or good, it simply is.

There is no such thing as equality, humans will not allow it. Equal shot was allowed here, not equal outcome.

The problem for the most malleable now is that they are taught to covet, not how to actually attain their goals. And a humans goal is a personal decision, as it should be. When the GOV comes in and starts dictating equal outcomes and redistributing wealth you will see real breakdowns in society.

Every Time Communist and Socialist ideals took a country huge amounts of blood were spilled. And the only way to keep the peace afterward is to keep the population ignorant and subservient.

You want the best civilization, you educate the people and you tell them the truth, you have them do as MLK said and do the best job you can at whatever your job is. And be proud of your work.

I want to add this. You go to any third world trash heap or any first rate country( I don't mean us, we are in a race for the bottom), and you will ALWAYS find some that are not happy with their lot in life, or striving for more. It is not the American way. It is the HUMAN condition. America was founded on the belief that you have the opportunity to do as much as you put your mind to. It isn't bad or good, it simply is.

There is no such thing as equality, humans will not allow it. Equal shot was allowed here, not equal outcome.

The problem for the most malleable now is that they are taught to covet, not how to actually attain their goals. And a humans goal is a personal decision, as it should be. When the GOV comes in and starts dictating equal outcomes and redistributing wealth you will see real breakdowns in society.

Every Time Communist and Socialist ideals took a country huge amounts of blood were spilled. And the only way to keep the peace afterward is to keep the population ignorant and subservient.

You want the best civilization, you educate the people and you tell them the truth, you have them do as MLK said and do the best job you can at whatever your job is. And be proud of your work.

Dave, I must admit that was very well put. I think you have read Atlas Shrugged one too many times, but you still have a very good argument. :tongue3:

Dave, I must admit that was very well put. I think you have read Atlas Shrugged one too many times, but you still have a very good argument. :tongue3:

Ben, it's been a pleasure reading you on this thread. It proves you actually are a realist. I've seen that in you more than a few times. Yeah, sometimes you get my goat, and I'm sure I get your's too. But you for one actually do see things on an even keel. You're not so far out of sync with anything, and usually your posts have as a minimum, a touch of the real world.



Dave, I must admit that was very well put. I think you have read Atlas Shrugged one too many times, but you still have a very good argument. :tongue3:

I read Atlas Shrugged many years ago. Is there really a limit to how many times one should read that book? It isn't mein kampf after all. :laughing7: But that post has more to do with actually paying attn. If you go to a bad area of town, do you wonder why some are in charge and some are the minions? Even the bad guys build a hierarchy and the willingness to win is shown, inappropriately, there.

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