What is it help id. Help id age.


Feb 12, 2020
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All Treasure Hunting
I found this in the same motel site that was there in a 1942 map. It has a curve a little bit to it. What type of Iron is it? Hand forged? Reproduction ? New or old? When was it made? 20210118_122432.webp20210118_122432.webp20210118_122449.webp20210118_122501.webp20210118_122531.webp20210118_122535.webp

your item looks to be part of a plow beam . made of iron , pretty old and basically just a chunk of scrap metal . download.webp

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What is it id. Id age.

Whats this found in same motel that was there in a 1942 map. is it hand forged? reproduction? How Do i stop it from flaking its becoming thinner?20210118_133339.webp20210118_133400.webp20210118_133306.webp20210118_133318.webp20210118_133753.webp20210118_133800.webp20210118_133813.webp20210118_133821.webp20210118_134051.webp20210118_134103.webp20210118_134150.webp20210118_134159.webp

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it's a steel step in post . still made to this day ,scrap...

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What is this wierd Bolt looking thang? Found it at The same site motel shown in a 1942 map. Reproduction? hand forged? how Do i stop it flaking dirt and rust? Could it be to The hotel? Period to The hotel? Related to The hotel? 20210118_134810.webp20210118_134818.webp20210118_134822.webp20210118_134829.webp20210118_135130.webp20210118_135135.webp20210118_135147.webp20210118_135153.webp20210118_135638.webp20210118_135650.webp

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Help id. help age id.

What is this is found in the same motel site show in a 1942 map when there. Is that a ball of wire i see in picture 4? It feels good when i touch it. Reproduction? How old new or old?20210118_140614.webp20210118_140625.webp20210118_140640.webp20210118_140743.webp20210118_140750.webp20210118_140831.webp20210118_140940.webp20210118_140947.webp20210118_140953.webp20210118_141002.webp

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looks like an old latch found on a trucks utility box . scrap it.

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it's a motel bolt. the good thing is after you dig up all the trash you should start hitting some coins. keep digging.....

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What TYPE ID? age id.

What type of earring is this? Is it silver it does not have any markings. The ring that holdes the piece to put in your ear is rusty found it in hotel that was there in the 1942 map In The site i dug. In picture five what part is rusty what is it called. Reproduction? When was it made? 20210118_144255.webp20210118_144305.webp20210118_144327.webp20210118_144334.webp20210118_145047.webp20210118_145111.webp

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How old is it id.

How old is this bottom of lightbulb how did it get lost? Found it in same 1942 hotel site in the map shows where i dug a Motel in 1942 map. Reproduction when was it made?20210118_151035.webp20210118_151058.webp

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Perhaps it's a Windscreen Latch from a reproduction Roman Chariot!

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How old is it id. Age id.

What is this? Is it a ring? Found it at same motel site in the map shows a motel standing in 1942. Reproduction? New or old when was it made how did it end up to me why did They pitch it? What type of metal is it? How old?View attachment 189505220210118_153959.webp20210118_154016.webp20210118_154052.webp

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Xr7ator your comment is completely uncalled for.

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How old is this bottom of lightbulb how did it get lost? Found it in same 1942 hotel site in the map shows where i dug a Motel in 1942 map. Reproduction when was it made?View attachment 1895045View attachment 1895046

Hmmm if Outside Probably Chucked there or Dropped Accidentally & Broken.

Age ? tuff to say since Light Bulbs haven't really Changed.

Thanks For sharing your Find though !
Keep searching :coffee2:

Upvote 0
Hmmm if Outside Probably Chucked there or Dropped Accidentally & Broken.

Age ? tuff to say since Light Bulbs haven't really Changed.

Thanks For sharing your Find though !
Keep searching :coffee2:
Thanks for Being respectful. You earned a like by me thanks for Being respectful once again.

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GoDeep, if you don't like what someone is posting please move on to a different thread, if you have an issue, report it to a mod. Members don't decide if someone is spamming, a moderator does.

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last item looks like a heat senser that attaches to a wood stove to shut off fan

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Probably costume but any jewelry is always a good find!

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