What if the treasure is gone?

Don't know, but when the dogs used to "visit" our school, they still alerted to where drugs once were. Gold may be the same.

Hey Rob in KS...funny you should ask that question today..I had a map sent to me yesterday from a gentlemen I have done maps for....I found gold coins but for some reason it did not feel right to me...So I ask him to send me a photo of the marked area... He answered back that it was a spot where he dug a box full of coins before he sent the map to me..So....I don’t know the answer to your question...Art

I have a very good dowser that will tell me if what I am looking for is gone. Usually when you are dowsing something if you ask if it been recovered you will get the answer you are looking for. Has worked so far.

When looking for treasure I always carry a weight check device. When the rods close I check the weight of the target...If it is to small I don’t want to dig it..If it is not there I get no reading...There are a couple of commercial weight checkers on the market but you can make one using a household light dimmer switch. Simply tape a small refrigerator magnet or a small piece of a magnetic bussiness card to the green wire. Hang it on your belt and turn the dial to maximum. When the rods close turn the dial down until the rods open...If it does not work turn the magnet over...Art

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That is interesting. How does it work do you think? I am gonna make one tonight if I know how to?

I know of sites that the old cache holes can still be dowsed. I was asked once to locate where the carved rock and trees indicated buried treasure. I marked a spot on a close up map for metallic treasure marker. The treasure hunter recovered it with a metal detector. The iron marker was a beautiful artifact of the type Jesuits (or is it KGC) used sometimes with the hole notches along the one flat side. I did mark the spots the treasures had been buried, problem is they didn't fill in their holes or the impression from the chest (or box).

Sorry buddy, but the real answer is no. And just for spagetti and giggles, who would care anyway? "Well, now we know a treasure was here at one time, but now it's not." OK, so what? Same is true for thousands of caves and holes. But, I guess folks are still looking for the Lost Dutchman's "mine," and the Beale "treasure," so Have Fun!

Hey Guys and Gals..As I have aged I have found that the hunt is what I enjoy. The people I am with, going to new places and seeing this great county. Finding a treasure just makes the experience more fun...Just the other day I rode up a nasty 4 wheel drive road just to see if a Spanish Marker was on the top of the mountain..I learned enough that I am working on maps of what I could see from the top of the mountain...Have fun and enjoy your hobby...Art

Sorry buddy, but the real answer is no. And just for spagetti and giggles, who would care anyway? "Well, now we know a treasure was here at one time, but now it's not." OK, so what? Same is true for thousands of caves and holes. But, I guess folks are still looking for the Lost Dutchman's "mine," and the Beale "treasure," so Have Fun!

I'm sure glad you know all the "real" answers. I'll make sure I come to you whenever I have a question that I want a worthless answer to. I think a very good reason for wanting to know if something had been buried there and was now gone would be to verify that whatever lead you to that area to begin with was correct and you can move on.

I'm really not sure why you even bothered posting that...

to these guys that can locate buried treasure by looking at a map, I'm not saying I don't believe you, but shouldn't you be able to recover caches by the dozens?

If so, how about some pics?

Pertaining to #11, is very true. I believe that treasure can be find on maps. Good luck to all of you. Use a metal detector where the treasures is suppose to be.

A very, very reasonable question. I recommend reading this. It will give you a little more insight in to dowsing. It's not so much about greed and what you "want" to find as it is about what you are "supposed" to find...it's tough for me to explain as I am not an expert by any means. I dowse a map and what I'm shown is what I'm supposed to see right now...If I dowse for someone else I imagine that what I am shown is what they would be shown should they be able to dowse it themselves as I dowse with only the intention to relay information. I don't know if that helps. Maybe someone else can explain it a bit better.

I took a dowsing class from Sam Wolfe in 1974. He taught that after getting a "Hit", then you should point the index
finger of the other hand towards the "Hit" and dowse again while still pointing. If the target is gone you won't get a
reaction, but if still there, you will continue to "Hit" the target. This was using swing rods (Carl Anderson Antenna Rods)
in the field or on the map. Anderson Rods are now sold by Simmons Scientific Products.
Let me know how this works for you.

When looking for treasure I always carry a weight check device. When the rods close I check the weight of the target...If it is to small I don’t want to dig it..If it is not there I get no reading...There are a couple of commercial weight checkers on the market but you can make one using a household light dimmer switch. Simply tape a small refrigerator magnet or a small piece of a magnetic bussiness card to the green wire. Hang it on your belt and turn the dial to maximum. When the rods close turn the dial down until the rods open...If it does not work turn the magnet over...Art

Thanks for the tip... ok so i made the homemade weight check device.. when the rods close how can you then check the weight of the target whether it is small or big or whether it does not exist??? you said' "When the rods close turn the dial down until the rods open".. I don't understand.. ok the rods open, then what does this mean?? does this mean that the treasure exist or not?? and if it exists is it small or big??? please teach me how to interpret the response of the homemade weight check device.. thanks a lot in advance.

I used a flake of gold , a ¼ and ½ nuggets, 5 pound ingots of lead. I put them down and checked each one and marked the spot on the dial where the rods opened. I took a photo of the dial and labeled the photo..I now have something to judge the approximate weight of what is there up to 125 pounds. It is not perfect but at least you have an idea before you dig

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I used a flake of gold , a ¼ and ½ nuggets, 5 pound ingots of lead. I put them down and checked each one and marked the spot on the dial where the rods opened. I took a photo of the dial and labeled the photo..I now have something to judge the approximate weight of what is there up to 125 pounds. It is not perfect but at least you have an idea before you dig


rob, i know some will disagree with me but money will leave remnance rays once removed. there are ways to remove the rays but you may have to experiment to learn. it can get complicated. keep after it as you will get some good info here.

On the topic of Simmons Scientific Products. I've been practicing quite a bit and now my confidence level on a 1-10 scale is around an 8 or higher at times. If anyone is interested in sharing their methods and experiences with Simmons UAR, PMR's, drop a line and I'll share what works for me.

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