What Have You Ever Found WITHOUT the Detector, While Metal Detecting?


Hero Member
Aug 12, 2013
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Nokta Legend, Garrett AT MAX
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
While metal detecting I have found various sight find items not found by the detector.

I guess the most valuable would be a broken swiss watch that I got $50 for parts on Ebay.

I have also found some nice goggles, sunglasses, and about 2 dozen fossils, mostly giant clam fossils, some fairly large about as big as a softball.

Also found a couple of cool pieces of driftwood and some holy limestone pieces that would fetch a few dollars.

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Human jaw bone in the creek about 10 years ago. Turned out to be native American.

3 weeks ago, I found a fresh dead fish in the middle of a plowed field and a LONG way from any water anyone would be fishing in. I'm figuring a bird of prey dropped it, but it was still a head scratcher.

IMGP4764.webp The arrowhead bottom center.

Eyeballed a white gold necklace in a parking lot while getting the detector out of the truck. Also found a 14k first communion pendant on the surface dirt of a lakefront park. Did I mention I’ve never located a piece of gold with my detector ever, in ten years?

One time while out detecting I found a Stanly Thermos filled with coffee that someone had left sitting there. O course Indian arrow heads I find because of looking down. One time a teen aged girl came up to me and asked what was the most interesting thing I had found that day. I told her "well, I found you didn't I?" She wasn't expecting that answer.

Detecting along some pine trees but the branches hung too near the ground to detect. I saw what looked like a nickel far under one of them so I crawled in on my belly to see. Yes, it was a nickel; an 1858 nickel! It was in very good condition,too.
Remodeling an ancient house in St. Louis we tore down a wall and found a strange bundle. It was heavy, oil-soaked burlap which had set up as hard as wood. We stuck it in a bucket of diesel fuel to soften it up. Eventually we peeled off the cloth to reveal an 1860 Colt .44 revolver! It had 3 loaded and 3 fired chambers. Except for a deep spot of corrosion on the barrel it looked as though it was nearly new when it was hidden. We gave it to the home-owner since it was not our property, and she TOOK IT TO THE POLICE! I guess she thought it may have been used in a crime 100 years earlier. (This was around 1975). We were just sick about it and I swore if I ever found something similar in the future no one would ever know. Of course, I never found anything to compare with this.

Love, well, at least physical intimacy. Chicks dig explorers....

Gold Nuggets By Far is the best Items I have found with a medal detector Most treasures of value are at 6 ft or more way out of the reach of a medal detector .. Even most Nuggets are out of the reach of a medal detector But if you can find bedrock in gold bearing area then you have a good chance of finding Nuggets with a medal detector.

Amen to those gold nuggets! It's quite a rush when they come out of the dirt!

I found my wife!!!!! :icon_thumright: :hello2:

Lots of flour gold. Pet wood, smaller gems few coins in areas on the beach where clay was exposed after a storm just moved my had around in one of the pools found some old square nails and old pennies

Found this knife in the back yard & not with a Metal Detector LOL

My wife was digging out rocks for around some flowers & found it...

it's about 1/4" thick down to the cutting edge. I figured the handle would be up into the width part an inch or two so it'd not roll but how would it stay there?

I've seen Corn Knifes but not like that ? knife.webp

My son and I were metal detecting a pasture. I didn't think we would find anything due to the fact it has been a pasture for probably over a hundred years and as far as I've known there weren't any buildings or anything there in that time. Regardless, I wanted to just go out and try. As we are walking my son picks something up from the tall grass and asks me what it was. I take it and lo and behold it was a Go-Pro attached to a suction mount. It looked to be in good condition and had a memory card so we went back to the house and I popped it into my phone and sure enough there were several clips on there.

On one you could see a plane flying and then the mount gives out and the camera spins for a few seconds before crashing into the mud in our pasture. That had been like 3 or 4 years before we found it. I still have it and it still works!

My son and I were metal detecting a pasture. I didn't think we would find anything due to the fact it has been a pasture for probably over a hundred years and as far as I've known there weren't any buildings or anything there in that time. Regardless, I wanted to just go out and try. As we are walking my son picks something up from the tall grass and asks me what it was. I take it and lo and behold it was a Go-Pro attached to a suction mount. It looked to be in good condition and had a memory card so we went back to the house and I popped it into my phone and sure enough there were several clips on there.

On one you could see a plane flying and then the mount gives out and the camera spins for a few seconds before crashing into the mud in our pasture. That had been like 3 or 4 years before we found it. I still have it and it still works!

I would love to find a GoPro Lol, The best I've found so far by sight has probably been Golf Balls outside of a course I have been detecting nearby.

Those can add up if you are a golfer so I give them to my friend who golfs.

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