I talked to Bernie today and as of right now being that I love the Gold Well sluice, I am going to once again be endorsing it fully now and doing my best to help him get it going again. He has had some bad breaks and also some serious patent infringement that basically flat out broke him but he is in the process of working with a new machinist and having them made. I will be talking with him in a couple of weeks to see how the new company is doing with the new die's, tooling, etc. that they are making to get everything up and ready for production and then Karen and I along with some others will move from there into promoting and selling it because it is a great product. I am going to do my best to get some good trustable dealers lined up for him. The new Gold Well that we saw on Yukon Gold is actually one of the Canadian knock-off's and not an original. These are made by a guy who was working with him and basically took his patent to Canada and set it up for himself. So Bernie has been had by some dishonest people, so to speak. Were they breaking the law? Well not technically here in the US because they made some minute changes to his design. Unfortunately these minute changes also made the sluice not work and even though they were using another name and being made elsewhere, Bernie got blasted for the imitation's inferiority and gave them Gold Well's to replace them...
Man I really like the Gold Well Sluice, so I told Bernie today that I will do what I can to help. As of right now Bernie is alone in his business, but in a few weeks, after the Miners Bash, we are going to head down there and see what we can do to help get things rolling