Customx_12 said:
It's clear that you either did not read my whole post or are picking and choosing particular aspects to address. As I conceded, it may not have anything to do with the rollerskate patent. I have said that a number of times now but you seem to continue to overlook it. However, I do believe that the fastener has something to do with skating. I believe your axe fastener has something to do with camping and being outdoors. I think you're being silly in your statement of being "sure" that it has nothing to do with skating. You have no possible way of knowing that and to write it off as being factually wrong because your opinion differs is pretty stubborn and close-minded. Both of those qualities aren't very helpful when investigating an artifact or item.
You haven't offended me at all, but you really shouldn't make your opinion out to be fact when it really is nothing more than opinion. You have the right to disagree all you want, but that doesn't mean that you're right. I don't much care for you trying to belittle my opinion even more with the "trying to be nice" comment. As for your doubts about the patent date information I provided, I gave you a link and a simple Google search reveals several other sites that assert the year of that patent.
Again, I'm not offended but having a little respect for a differing opinion would be nice. I provided a link to back up my claim but that wasn't sufficient for you. I stated my opinion and you were "sure" I was wrong even though you have no reason to be sure other than disagreeing with me. This isn't a debate nor is it a court of law. I have my thoughts, you have yours. No need to belittle and disrespect differing opinions.
The connection to rollerskating is the fact that she is wearing rollerskates. It's really not hard to see. I'm still not sure why you find this to be so illogical but it seems pretty obvious to me that someone who didn't care for rollerskating probably wouldn't be wearing a rollerskate fastener.
Thanks for your opinion. I recognize this type of style with people on antique buttons. Its just a style of children running, playing, skating, etc. My opinion is that this has nothing to do with skating just as the pick axe button has nothing to do with camping but I could be wrong. I cannot prove it wasnt on a skating bag.
As far as the skating patent
1876 date in your link you keep referring to, I am not wrong because I have just proven to you that the date is in fact
1875 but my guess you didnt even bother to read my research.
Thanks for your opinion and Im truly sorry if I offended you. Sometimes there is no nice way to disagree. I am certainly not try to belittle you and sorry for my ill attempt to be nice..
This is not worth it.