What do these signs mean? !!!


Oct 14, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello fellow treasure hunters,

There's always been stories about some ancient [very precious] treasures in my village. For as long as I can remember, our elders (their elders told them and so on :-)) told us, that the people who lived on this land before us, hid their riches and fortunes in some unknown places.
For years, we have searched for them but to no avail. The only things we could find were these markings (/signs):

IMG 4 noice.jpg IMG 2.jpg IMg 3 i guess.jpg wat 6,2.jpg wat 6.jpg wat is dis 5.jpg wat 8,2.jpg wat 8.jpg
wat 7.jpg fish.jpg fish2.jpg fish3.jpg
fish 4.jpg niceou desu nei.jpg

Does anyone know what they mean?

Can’t tell you anything about cliff carvings, but you can go back in history until you reach a point where there was no “treasures” , at a time when no monetary system existed, if you couldn’t eat it or use it to kill food, it was useless, you bartered and traded for useful things.

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I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard MonumentHunter! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE) - members may have more success helping you (your location may help, etc.)...

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Welcome to the Tnet forums MonumentHunter! :occasion14:

From what I can see, these rock pics look like natural geological formations made by erosion, running water and possibly the cooling of prehistoric volcanic rock.
As vpnavy suggested, it would be helpful to know what part of the world you're located in to help I.D. your 'markings'.


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Yalls, first of all im sorry for the low quality pics.

I want to explain this picture particularly - since I've already done some research on stones like these. It's really hard to see from these pics, but I believe that this stone is coated with khorasan, a special material used to mark symbols on stones. If you look carefully enough, one can make out a fish with fish with fish bones [IRL at least].

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Khorasan is wheat. Are you located in Central Asia?

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I took these pictures in Samsun, Turkey. This place has a very long historical past, I will skip through parts and cut it short while explaining: "According to ancient myths the delta east of Samsun was the land of the Amazons. The geographer Strabo (64 BC-23 AD) describes the Amazons as a people of female warriors." (source: Samsun - All About Turkey) Some people believe that amazons lived there, some do not. It's a legend after all. But after them, it came under the kings of pontus, was then again conquered by the romans. At the very last, the Seljuq Turks came, took it and a large trading colony of Genoese was established. etc. etc.

The village I live in particularly was inhabited by a special folk, that was then driven away by the government. They knew they wouldn't be able to live in this place peacefully forever, so these folks had a tendency to hide their precious things somewhere in the nature, in case they would be driven off (which eventually was the case), so they can come back after the political tenseness calmed down and recontinue to live there or just take their precious things with them.

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