What do I do with this....?? (eBay transaction)

I didn't know I was under the gun to make replies on this forum. Last time I checked I was here to amuse myself, but finally when I did reply look what it got me.

Arrogant? Because I'm giving you advice based on the 10+ years I've been doing this for a living.

...and a non paying bidder does not make you lose $200, it makes you lose your fee, which lately means you lose nothing because a lot of the time listing is free.

Enjoy your ice cream. ;)
IP.. i give the same advice you gave him … But there are some sellers on Ebay that need there cash right away and i under stand that .. But if you want paid right away something like this seems to happen … I had a friend that was laid off work and it seemed like every time he sold something he had to wait for payment… Most were he had to wait for a check to clear on paypal...

IP.. i give the same advice you gave him … But there are some sellers on Ebay that need there cash right away and i under stand that .. But if you want paid right away something like this seems to happen … I had a friend that was laid off work and it seemed like every time he sold something he had to wait for payment… Most were he had to wait for a check to clear on paypal...

I've been in the same boat plenty of times because my Paypal is what funds my purchases, and there has been MANY times I'd run low on money, have sales, but they were taking their time paying me. I just think it's bad for business to rush people, and that's why I never do it. I'm also probably one of the few people on this forum that has both a lot of ebay transactions both as a buyer and seller, so I have a long list of things that sellers do that tick me off as a buyer. Just in the last few days I had a non payment claim filed on me because the seller had it automatically set that way, and the reason I was waiting was to buy more. Then for another seller I went to bid after winning 10 items, and was blocked because there was a limit! Jesus, talk about biting the hand that feeds you, and had that been something I really wanted I would be been extremely sour I'm buying so much from this person, and they don't have the curtsey to see I was at 10 wins so it was time to put me on their exemption list. I have bought from them before, so it just a matter of not being too bright I guess. These are the type of things that tick off buyers, and as I said earlier it's something I try not to do because I see how valuable it is to have regular customers. I used to have a guy from New York who bought so much for me there was many nights it was basically him bidding against everyone else. It was like having a shill bidder that paid! :)

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I agree IP. A lot of the expectations that both buyers and sellers have of instant service, payment, and delivery is caused by Ebay pushing for faster and faster sales and payments, and delivery. Instant gratification. No one needs money more than me, but I understand that sometimes things come up. It would be nice if the buyer emailed the seller before bidding.

I agree IP. A lot of the expectations that both buyers and sellers have of instant service, payment, and delivery is caused by Ebay pushing for faster and faster sales and payments, and delivery. Instant gratification. No one needs money more than me, but I understand that sometimes things come up. It would be nice if the buyer emailed the seller before bidding.

I definitely don't disagree with that, and have had many people over the years write me to ask. There's even one who buys some of my more expensive items and I let him make payments. Now some on here would say.... Ebay ain't no Walmart with a layaway plan! But a good sale is a good sale and even if it takes a few weeks or a month to get the money, you still get the money! I know this person has bought more from me because I do this, and now I am usually the one to bring it up to try to push him over the fence when I know he wants something. I do think you're right that Ebay pushes for quick results, kind of the same way a boss pushes their employees, and that's probably another reason I prefer to play it cool because I worked for some real tools when I was young.

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