What do I do with this....?? (eBay transaction)


Gold Member
Apr 15, 2005
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What the heck...?? ??? I got this short letter from a bidder.

Dear mudswat,

Good evening! I, ************** promise to pay you 4/3/14 when I get my SSI check. TY!



Why is this person bidding on things with no money.... :BangHead: They had a huge bidding war the item sold High... Should I leave bad feedback and relist the item ? Should I wait for payment ? Should I offer the Item to the other bidder at their last bid ? :dontknow: I don't know what to do. :icon_scratch: Any advice would be great, thanks everyone !! :notworthy:

Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

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How about take a chill pill and let the guy get his money and pay you. :)

Wow! That's not good! That's a tough call. What's their feedback like?
Do they have many buys or do they sell items? If they have a lot of FB with 100%
positive FB I would give them some time but if anything looks sketchy I'd do a second
chance offer to the next highest bidder
They are under an obligation to purchase and pay within a certain time frame,
as you know, so if they have had a lot of activity they should know better!
I be p.o. If that happened to me!

Thanks everyone for the Advice, I'm going to give him time. :dontknow:
The question now is though, how long does eBay give people to pay normally ? :icon_scratch: Will eBay do something themselves about him not paying promptly ? ???

Thanks everyone,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

Do you need their money immediately to prevent your lights from being shut off ? If not wait. They "should" have informed you that this was the case prior to bidding and made sure you were ok with it but the fact that they didn't dosn't make them bad people.

Do you need their money immediately to prevent your lights from being shut off ? If not wait. They "should" have informed you that this was the case prior to bidding and made sure you were ok with it but the fact that they didn't dosn't make them bad people.
I waited 2 weeks once. I got paid and an apology for having to wait. My policy is payment within 3 days of auction end. but, if they do not pay within 3 days, e bay automatically opens an unpaid item case. That can (and has..) been a pain in the ass!

I agree with checking his feedback and then I would go off gut feeling...

I wouldn't trust 'em. I JUST had a bidder win one of my vintage Macintosh computer. $152.50 which was going to fund my Spectrum. I expertly packaged it and got it ready. 2 days later, I get an email in broken English "most apologize my son bid on this and I cannot be able to buy so sorry". eBay SUCKS. I wouldn't hold your breath for for moola. Give it a couple days but if too many go by, submit a non-paying bidder and get your fees back. You'll never get your time and trouble back.

Last I checked, you don't offer lay-a-way, so offer it to the next bidder. That's BS expecting someone to wait 2 weeks for their money. Cancel it and move to the next bidder or relist. It has nothing to do with if you need the money or not, its a matter of people shouldn't be bidding on things if they don't have the money to pay. If he thinks its ok to conduct business in this way, you could very well be looking at bigger issues down the road. Move on!

Thanks again everyone for more advice. :notworthy: Their feedback is great 100% Positive. A few hundred transactions. :thumbsup: The thing is they only have been a member since 2012. :icon_scratch:
I guess I'll give them time, if they don't pay when they said they would. I'll file a complaint and leave bad feedback or whatever. :dontknow: I don't like risking getting bad feedback myself. If anyone has an idea here to avoid that I'd love to here it. :occasion14:

Thanks again,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

Thanks again everyone for more advice. :notworthy: Their feedback is great 100% Positive. A few hundred transactions. :thumbsup: The thing is they only have been a member since 2012. :icon_scratch:
I guess I'll give them time, if they don't pay when they said they would. I'll file a complaint and leave bad feedback or whatever. :dontknow: I don't like risking getting bad feedback myself. If anyone has an idea here to avoid that I'd love to here it. :occasion14:

Thanks again,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

I think your doing all you can to avoid bad feedback already.

sent from a potato...

I would be willing to wait..But just to get it clear in my mind.Did he message you during the bidding and you just did not get to ansewer him before ending or did he ask after winning bid ? But I would wait the time ,looks like he will pay.

When you have a concern like this and can't find the answer, give eBay a call!
I have and it always works out for the better!
Without the proper information you don't know where you stand.
Best of luck!

Thanks again everyone for more advice. :notworthy: Their feedback is great 100% Positive. A few hundred transactions. :thumbsup: The thing is they only have been a member since 2012. :icon_scratch:
I guess I'll give them time, if they don't pay when they said they would. I'll file a complaint and leave bad feedback or whatever. :dontknow: I don't like risking getting bad feedback myself. If anyone has an idea here to avoid that I'd love to here it. :occasion14:

Thanks again,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

If those few hundred transactions are all purchases a few hundred since 2012 is a lot. I'd bet very few on here have bought anywhere close to that in the last two years.... so really what does that mean? If the feedback includes sales, then the person should know and understand where you're coming from. I personally just don't get excited by much these days, especially a payment that I figure is coming but will take a while. Heck, many on here get more stressed waiting for $20 than I do on a non payer for $200.... and I seriously mean that. Ebay is just a program, they try to come up with something that works well for both sides, but at the end of the day you're always going to deal with people of all types and some are going to pay late, and some not at all. Just be thankful any time you walk away from a bad transaction and don't lose anything, or the loss is minimal. I also think I see things a little different than most on here because I always sell the same type of items and have a very good customer base, with lots of regulars. I got that because I make things easy, and don't chase people down for money, and I'm sure buyers appreciate that. I have many many people who combine items, and they often do it over a few days, a week, or even in some cases a few weeks or a month.... and it's all good! The vast majority always pay, and they keep coming back. So even though you didn't really like my comment to take a chill pill, for anyone who actually wants to run a steady business on ebay and keep customers, then maybe think about what I'm saying. But if you just want to sell a few items and be paid fast, and than go by ice cream ;) ...that's cool too!

If those few hundred transactions are all purchases a few hundred since 2012 is a lot. I'd bet very few on here have bought anywhere close to that in the last two years.... so really what does that mean? If the feedback includes sales, then the person should know and understand where you're coming from. I personally just don't get excited by much these days, especially a payment that I figure is coming but will take a while. Heck, many on here get more stressed waiting for $20 than I do on a non payer for $200.... and I seriously mean that. Ebay is just a program, they try to come up with something that works well for both sides, but at the end of the day you're always going to deal with people of all types and some are going to pay late, and some not at all. Just be thankful any time you walk away from a bad transaction and don't lose anything, or the loss is minimal. I also think I see things a little different than most on here because I always sell the same type of items and have a very good customer base, with lots of regulars. I got that because I make things easy, and don't chase people down for money, and I'm sure buyers appreciate that. I have many many people who combine items, and they often do it over a few days, a week, or even in some cases a few weeks or a month.... and it's all good! The vast majority always pay, and they keep coming back. So even though you didn't really like my comment to take a chill pill, for anyone who actually wants to run a steady business on ebay and keep customers, then maybe think about what I'm saying. But if you just want to sell a few items and be paid fast, and than go by ice cream ;) ...that's cool too!

I appreciate what your saying, but you don't need to be so arrogant about it... It took two conversations and two days for you to say anything actually even helpful... :dontknow: So what your successful, and from your comments your very proud but not very grateful. I'm not a rich successful person never have been. If I can make extra money in anyway I'm very happy when I do and its important to me no matter the value... So as you can shrug off $200 its hard for me to lose even $25... Can you imagine how this makes me feel ?? :sadsmiley: Not everyone is as fortunate as you, in fact most the world is not...
So I'll be happy to earn my "ice cream" money...:notworthy: Thank you for the advice you did give good advice and I'll keep it in mind. :thumbsup: Just wish it was not such a battle getting that advice. ???

Thanks again,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

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Yes most on here is right .I get a lot of sales that ask me to wait and i do and i have always got paid .. It is only about 2 weeks no harm meant to you or done to you… Every body doe's not have money handy to to them these days … So be nice and wait..

Yes most on here is right .I get a lot of sales that ask me to wait and i do and i have always got paid .. It is only about 2 weeks no harm meant to you or done to you… Every body doe's not have money handy to to them these days … So be nice and wait..

Not everyone has money for sure...however I really have to wonder why they were bidding, as well as why they felt it was OK to bid without being able to pay. Maybe the husband or wife spent money without telling the other one and they never intended for this to happen. Either way though I would just give them a little time...

sent from a potato...

I appreciate what your saying, but you don't need to be so arrogant about it... It took two conversations and two days for you to say anything actually even helpful... :dontknow: So what your successful, and from your comments your very proud but not very grateful. I'm not a rich successful person never have been. If I can make extra money in anyway I'm very happy when I do and its important to me no matter the value... So as you can shrug off $200 its hard for me to lose even $25... Can you imagine how this makes me feel ?? :sadsmiley: Not everyone is as fortunate as you, in fact most the world is not...
So I'll be happy to earn my "ice cream" money...:notworthy: Thank you for the advice you did give good advice and I'll keep it in mind. :thumbsup: Just wish it was not such a battle getting that advice. ???

Thanks again,
Keep @ it and HH !! :hello2:

I didn't know I was under the gun to make replies on this forum. Last time I checked I was here to amuse myself, but finally when I did reply look what it got me.

Arrogant? Because I'm giving you advice based on the 10+ years I've been doing this for a living.

...and a non paying bidder does not make you lose $200, it makes you lose your fee, which lately means you lose nothing because a lot of the time listing is free.

Enjoy your ice cream. ;)

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