What did Native American smoke in their pipes ?

This is going to sound like a joke, but I'm serious. They never smoked marijuana ? And is their any signs of them using hemp fibers? I don't know first hand, but some one told me marijuana makes you think deep and hungry enough to eat a buffalo. I was told, don't know!Lol! Seems like one would need to be a pretty deep thinker to innovate a rock to the point of being able to kill a buffalo with it.
"Marijuana"has been around since the dawn of time you may as well say. It's first uses go further back than any recorded history, the same goes for it's actual true origins.

Hemp history

No mention of the "American Indian" as a rule but many other cultures used it, so one would have to assume certain tribes may have too, if it was geographically accesible to them. Though not like it is smoked today, it was probably part of the "mixture". This is just my take on the subject so take it with a grain of salt.

Religious and spiritual use of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More info on the history of weed- Marijuana in the Old World

And the most in-depth history of the hemp plant i've ever read- Marijuana - the first 12,000 years - Earnest Abel

I'm not gonna get into the pro's and con's of the legalization of Marijuana here, that's another topic. For the record, I don't smoke but I will say this... as we all know (or should know)-

Marijuana prohibition is an unconstitutional and oppressive policy, violating citizens’ right to control their own bodies without harming others or their property. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, all you lawmaking scum!


...or how about killing a mastodon! "hey Little Bear, how's about we go jab pointed sticks into that huge harry beast over there...that sounds like a great idea..."

unclemac said:
...or how about killing a mastodon! "hey Little Bear, how's about we go jab pointed sticks into that huge harry beast over there...that sounds like a great idea..."

I think that was the peyote tribes that had such ideas as that. Y'all know that I joke around a lot. I mean nothing by it.

Heres a little tidbit of marijuana history for everybody.Heres one of the first recorded use of marijuana,it was made by Napoleons men when they invaded Egypt. They liked smoking marijuana better than drinking their issued brandy because it didnt give them hangovers.So they ended up bringing it back to france with them.

I think that was the peyote tribes that had such ideas as that. Y'all know that I joke around a lot. I mean nothing by it.

in all honesty if you eat peyote you don't go kill mastodons....you SEE GOD!!!!......

Marijuana occurs naturally on every continent.

I remember reading an account written by a priest settling in the new world, that recorded seeing large fields of wild hemp.

I have never read any accounts of the natives smoking it....but if it was here, they surely knew about it, and what better way to ease the stress of survival.

Recorders of history are famous for white washing the truth. It can make history interesting...trying to read between the lines.

This summer I went camping with a guy that used to work for a Native American archeologist. He pointed out Kinnikinik to us and actually dried some over a fire and smoked it. Said it tasted like inhaling a leaf fire.

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