“What color is the blood?”


Silver Member
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
Golden Thread
South Western PA
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
ACE 250 with DD coil
Equinox 600
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
I was trying to locate the 1800’s farmstead overlay dot at the top center of a new big park.
Zig zagging through the sloping former farm field I heard from the path above a guy yelling something to me. Pull out an earbud and yelled back “what’s up” and the dude with his big German Shepard yelled back “What color is the blood?”. Not understanding this statement, I lifted my detector so he could see what I was doing. Turns out he thought I was tracking a wounded deer, not sure about the blood color thing. Oh yeah, time to wear orange in PA.

It took about an hour of trying to find some patches low enough to swing until I found this.
Tiny pewter tea cup. Knew I had found the home site. Spent a couple hours trying to get the coil close enough to pick up some signals, definitely have to go back in the winter.

ID’d as a diary lock.

Some roundness.

Buff has a date! 1916, only my second with a visible date.

This is my 6th turn of the century Pittsburgh beer token, group shot.

Some flat buttons with back marks.
The petal shaped one has a partial shank on the back.

Found a bunch of iron horse tack and some brass.
The piece in the upper right looks like an 1800’s MacGyver job for some type of carriage reigns guide thingy.

Also recovered a soda bottle and mason jar on a couple lunch hunts this week.

Good luck out there!

Upvote 26
Nice!!! Congrats!!!

Nice finds you have a great site there!!! There has got to be some 1800's silver there! Thanks for sharing!

Lung blood is light in color and frothy while heart blood is a deep red with no air bubbles.

Nice finds. I will add one more to Gophers. Dark red blood (almost Brown) indicates a Liver shot which means you should be waiting about 7 or 8 hours to start tracking your deer.

Wonderful Finds PA-Dirt!
Thanks for the PSA (public service announcement) regarding ORANGE
I'll leave my 10 point rack and fuzzy white tail at home thru the season :laughing7:

Nice finds. I will add one more to Gophers. Dark red blood (almost Brown) indicates a Liver shot which means you should be waiting about 7 or 8 hours to start tracking your deer.

Thx! I was there at 8am Sunday, hunting season opened on Saturday (no hunting allowed on Sunday in PA), tracking a liver shot the next morning would make sense.

nice work finding the homestead. Looks like it is panning out for you. Congrats!

That's pretty funny

Nice research to find your site, nice buttons & coins, cool token & some nice relics, congrats & HH

Nice mix of finds. Love that Buffalo nickel. I have only found a few, all of which were in poor condition with no dates. Like the buttons too. Good luck out there.

Nice job...time for the orange vest! :icon_thumleft:

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