What changed that original mineral survey plan and it’s focus ?

djui5 said:
Azhiker said:
As far as the FS and State are concerned, once the ink is dry, all bets are off.

Figures ::) ::)

Thanks for the info. :headbang:

Still - if that is true, and the owner didn't make the assumption that a handshake on that fact was ok - its got to be in writing somewhere.

Personally, its a PITA, that people have to make their own government follow the laws. (when I was a youngster, I wanted to be a constitutional lawyer) - but, its a good thing I didn't, I'd probably be completely broke, because I would be doing way too many pro-bono lawsuits, just for
principal's sake. I just hate it when the little people (us) get walked all over - even though, we are the majority, we are, too often, the silent majority. And the "big boys" seem to be able to convince people and courts that they know best, and we are a bunch of stupid, land-raping, bog-trotting, half-bred idiots. "ug, we dig hole - ug - big hole, ug - we want food, ug, we dig more, ug, we need more food, ug, we need metal rock, ug -) -Sorry- :dontknow: Ticks me off, just how many people believe the garbage that Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy tell them.


mrs.oroblanco said:
....."ug, we dig hole - ug - big hole, ug - we want food, ug, we dig more, ug, we need more food, ug, we need metal rock, ug -) -Sorry- :dontknow: Ticks me off, just how many people believe the garbage that Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy tell them.


Ha ha. Reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker from Colorado in the 1970's: Ban Mining And Let The Ba$tards Freeze In The Dark

I like THAT bumper sticker!!!!!!!!!



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  • ROFLMAO.gif
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Sought after since the beginning of recorded history, gold remains a highly valued metal, reaching record highs recently, climbing over 135% in value in the past year alone. The recent rise in the price of gold comes just as annual worldwide mine production has decreased. Recent scientific satellite photo-imaging technology confirms that the early miners only scratched the surface.


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Springfield, when I replied to Mrs Oro I was not focusing on the supers. I believe Mrs Oro was talking in general when she made the quote I replied to.
I also said that regulation is required. But it seems to go beyond regulation. For example Nick Flemming has a mining claim and treasure trove permit and yet the BLM have made it impossible for him to make a recovery even though he has all the required paperwork.
And thats how it starts little by little eroding the rights of the people, I have seen it first hand.


I got an email from the president of PLP.

He has given me a personal phone number, and has asked me to call tomorrow, so he can get a better idea of what they are trying to do in the Supers.

I will update, if anyone is interested.


Peerless67 said:
Springfield, when I replied to Mrs Oro I was not focusing on the supers. I believe Mrs Oro was talking in general when she made the quote I replied to.
I also said that regulation is required. But it seems to go beyond regulation. For example Nick Flemming has a mining claim and treasure trove permit and yet the BLM have made it impossible for him to make a recovery even though he has all the required paperwork.
And thats how it starts little by little eroding the rights of the people, I have seen it first hand.

Understood. The erosion you speak of is systemic and I am just as upset as the next guy when I encounter locked gates and NO signs in more and more locations. I've been involved in small scale mining and plenty of two-track exploration for the past 40 years and believe me, I don't like the trend. Notwithstanding some interesting Big Brother explanations, one of the direct reasons that we see this erosion of our rights is the callous misbehavior of a number of boneheads who create damage to areas with no regard for either the land they despoil or the rest of us who pay the price for their lack of judgement or personal responsibility. If the door is open for irresponsible behavior, our country has a legion of scum who will happily act irresponsibly. It's their god given right, you know.

As far as Mr. Flemming is concerned, I suspect most of his pain is self-inflicted. If the light is green, the pressure is there to produce results. If the light is red, then, well, his hands are tied aren't they?

I talked to the president of PLP today, and it was an interesting conversation.

He has suggested that someone write a letter, using the Freedom of Information Act, to get a complete look at what they have in mind.

He gave me an outline of how to do that, and I wrote the letter today.

Apparently, money may NOT be at the root of the evil, but rather, the "roads" committes. Apparently, there is a group comprised of both private citizens (the kind that is part of Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy) and some government folks who want all the roads in the west closed off to wilderness areas and protected areas. In California, they "negotiated" for 10 acres to be completly closed off, and then proceeded to take the first 5 acres at one end of a road, and the other 5 acres at the other end of the road - of course, what that does is make everything in between inaccessible to the public.

During the conversation, I got a whole lot of information on what has been going on under our noses - in fact, in case anyone would like to know, a GPAA member, on a GPAA claim has been arrested, his "little camel" his detector and his truck taken. They got his truck returned, but they will not release his equipment until he agrees to pay a fine, equal to the original fine (a fine that he shouldn't even have to pay), and he admits guilt to littering a protected place. Of course, they are going to court.

Anyway, I have written this letter, with a copy, and sent it out certified mail, as instructed - and of course, one of the questions that they must now answer, by law, was what the deal was when Tortilla was put into their hands. They have a certain amount of time to answer, so I will be counting the days.

More to come..........................


mrs.oroblanco said:
I talked to the president of PLP today, and it was an interesting conversation.

He has suggested that someone write a letter, using the Freedom of Information Act, to get a complete look at what they have in mind.

He gave me an outline of how to do that, and I wrote the letter today.

Apparently, money may NOT be at the root of the evil, but rather, the "roads" committes. Apparently, there is a group comprised of both private citizens (the kind that is part of Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy) and some government folks who want all the roads in the west closed off to wilderness areas and protected areas. In California, they "negotiated" for 10 acres to be completly closed off, and then proceeded to take the first 5 acres at one end of a road, and the other 5 acres at the other end of the road - of course, what that does is make everything in between inaccessible to the public.

During the conversation, I got a whole lot of information on what has been going on under our noses - in fact, in case anyone would like to know, a GPAA member, on a GPAA claim has been arrested, his "little camel" his detector and his truck taken. They got his truck returned, but they will not release his equipment until he agrees to pay a fine, equal to the original fine (a fine that he shouldn't even have to pay), and he admits guilt to littering a protected place. Of course, they are going to court.

Anyway, I have written this letter, with a copy, and sent it out certified mail, as instructed - and of course, one of the questions that they must now answer, by law, was what the deal was when Tortilla was put into their hands. They have a certain amount of time to answer, so I will be counting the days.

More to come..........................



Any news yet?


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