Almost all of my womens clothing purchases have been disasters. I never spend more than $15 on a clothing item unless it's an absolutely foolproof buy, so no big loss, but I'll never stop feeling violated by the particularly cutthroat nature of womens clothing returns. Every couple months I'll see a deal "too good" to pass up in the womens dept, then kick myself when I see "RETURN STARTED" 13 days after the sale. Then they sit for weeks and generally sell for less.
I also had mint pairs of Gucci, Prada, Ferragamo women's shoes representing about $100 total investment that simply would not sell, ended up giving them away a few months later. They were admittedly ugly, but still, thought the condition and brands would be worth something.
Then I had a destroyed (as in, torn to pieces) pair of Chanel sandals that sold for over $100. Buyer left me positive feedback and seems to have been satisfied.
It's just not a market I'll ever understand.