What are you in it for ?

northeast hunter

Bronze Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Golden Thread
I see people like big treasure you know buried gold bars,coins,etc but that thought never goes through my mind at all.I am in metal detecting for the old lost coin or ring or even that nice old relic and it is very satisfying.
Was just wondering why you all got in to this addictive hobby.
May you all find what you are looking for.H H

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gollum said:
Paul is Dead said:
This forum has taken a turn of some kind. People used to argue about what machine was best, now, now I don't know what to think! I was detecting on the beach and a young lady, who seem to knew something about the machines, had asked,"What kind of depth, where do you think it bottoms out?" I didn't know what to say, so I reacted like I was confronted by a bear. I passed out, and played dead...

You should have said, "How deep doesn't matter. Mine always bottoms out!" You might have gotten treasure of another kind that day! ;) ;D

And Il....Bob,
FINDING BOTTOM DEPOSITS???Notice color ;D Is that some kind of Illinois slang term for digging up outhouses? Picking dingleberries?.....or something worse???

beats me i from illinois only depsits i know of are at the bank and on the bottom of your shoe after walking threw a yard that has dogs

Paul is Dead said:
This forum has taken a turn of some kind. People used to argue about what machine was best, now, now I don't know what to think!

Ya I know, it used to be fun round here...kickin and a gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

Now it's more like love thy neighbor and all that good stuff. 8)

Michigan Badger said:
Paul is Dead said:
This forum has taken a turn of some kind. People used to argue about what machine was best, now, now I don't know what to think!

Ya I know, it used to be fun round here...kickin and a gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

Now it's more like love thy neighbor and all that good stuff. 8)

KUMBAYAA MY LORD, KUMBAYAA, KUMBAYAA MY LOORD, KUMBAYAA! Like, whoa man. Let's like make with peace and love. Flowers, not guns, brothers and sisters! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Those stories of people looking for,and sometimes finding;the big treasures makes for good reading;its exciting-BUT,I dont become obsessed over those things....I have found some really nice things(4 rings buried in the ground in a 12"circle-3 silver,1 gold with diamonds is my personal best) that are just as thrilling to me as finding the big stuff would be...

I like to have fun and I want to get old coins/new coins or anything with value like rings.

I started metal detecting some 28 years ago. My folks had a house in a very old town in southeastern Pennsylvania. One time they had some fill dirt brought in to level out a depression in their yard. When the handyman they hired started to spread the dirt out he started finding some old coins in the dirt. He never would say what they were or where he got the dirt from. Since I was already into coin collecting, I could imagine what they could have been. I told my mom that I would like to get a metal detector and go over the yard to see what else was in there. The next Christmas, I had a brand new a metal detector. It was only a basic White's model, a TR-1, or something like that. But I could hardly wait for Spring, so I could hunt that yard, visions of three cent pieces and seated half dimes dancing in my head. But alas, when I finally hunted the yard, all I found was a clad quarter.

Nevertheless, I was not too discouraged. It took a month or so before I found my first silver piece, a 1946 Roosie, in an old project in Upland that they were tearing down and rebuilding. I next hunted an old carnival grounds nearby and over the summer found almost 100 silvers there, including two Canadian silver dollars. I also picked up at least twice that many ticks, but that didn't deter me. I was definitely hooked. Over the years, I have found several collector quality coins, which were in better shape then some of the ones I had previously bought for my collection. I've found almost complete sets of Barber dimes, mercury dimes, Indian head cents (yes,even two of the 1877's) and Barber quarters. I'm also working on sets of Standing Liberty Quarters and Walking Liberty Halves. It's been a thrilling ride, folks. It's always exciting to get that first glimpse of silver in the hole. That's why I'm in the hobby.

What interesting and wonderful stories/reasons you all have for metal detecting. Mine are not quite as exciting as yours, but I have always had the desire to metal detect.

I never liked history in school...was so boring...but as I grew and travelled (while in the Navy)...I learned to appreciate what was around me and tried to learn everything I could about the town, city, county, state and even country I was currently stationed. I have to say, between Italy and Greece....I don't know which one I love the most about the history of those countries. In Italy, no matter where you step, you are walking on history. Wish I had a detector back then. Rome, being my most favorite city I ever visited, lived there for 3 years, in Naples. The Vatican alone is beautiful in it's setting and meeting Pope Paul!!). Greece, Athens is a beautiful city and seeing all the ruins. I was in total awe!! Also, with genealogy, I have learned to appreciate history more as well, putting history in the time line of my ancestors...makes for a great story!!!

But I have been blessed to see Spain, Bahamas, Jamiaca, St Thomas, Mexico, Gitmo, France, Germany, Netherlands, even riding through the Panama Canal. to name a few. Each place so rich in it's own history and treasures, and not so much the treasures you dig up...but the treasures of the people, the town, the traditions, all so exciting to learn. I have, in my own genealogical research, found "lost" traditions of my ancestors that I practice in my home with my kids. I believe, 'In order for us to know were we are going, we need to know from where we came from.' Preserving our past is so important to me and something I want to give my children and hopefully, they too, will feel somewhat like I do, I hope :)

I have always had an interest in archaeology, as well. Even had digs done on my husbands property (Outer Banks), that was exciting!!! Will watch anything and everything regarding that subject matter...love watching Dr. Zahi Hawass and all the wonderful Egyptian treasures and tombs he has uncovered!!! Also Robert Ballard, who discovered the Titantic and quite frankly, got screwed!!! We saw the Titantic museum when it came through Hampton Roads couple years ago...OMG...awesome!! So fascinating. And to know, I walked around those pyramids and saw the sphinx and all....makes it more exciting, because I have been there :) Even rode a camel....STAY OFF THE CAMELS!!! They stink, nasty, ugly BIG teeth and will try to bite you. I tried to get down and that darn thing turned it's head to bite my leg!! And the guy would not help me down until I paid for my ride!!! UGH >:(

So, in Dec of last year, hubby got our oldest boy a metal detector. He tried it a few times in the yard, but the interest did not kick in. It sat in the corner till this past April and we were watching some Treasure Hunting show on tv. Well, I got out the detector, went in the front yard and well, the rest is history now LOL. Been lucky on some finds in the yard and even at the beach. But have not found that big diamond yet :)

Well, this past Mother's Day and my Birthday (only a couple weeks apart)...hubby got me my very own...a Minelab Explorer II...unfortnately, it's too heavy for me...so he uses that and I still use my sons. He plans to get me the Garrett Ace 250 (we have the 150). I like it..it works, it helps me find things, I don't need all kinds of fancy gadgets on it :)...just point me to the silver and gold LOL

We will get a 150 for the youngest son also and then the 4 of us will go detecting as a family!! Right now, they just help us dig, but that is about it and want to keep everything we find. I told them they will inherit it...LOL.

So, we (hubby and I) are finally doing something we always wanted to do and hopefully, we will be able to get the boys interested as well. My dau on the other hand, laughs at me. I said, "Watch your laughing, someday I will be laughing you all the way to the bank!!" and she says, "I hope you do Ma!!"

Metal Detecting, I have found, is very healthly, gets me off this computer LOL...I have lost almost 15 pounds (and I have no intentions of detecting to find where I lost it at either!!) from all that walking and bending and squatting and swinging!!! And I find myself drinking more WATER!!! Drinking soda, I have learned, only makes you more thirsty and puts on the pounds LOL.

So, what do I want to find? I really don't know...so much out there yet to be found. I am just excited to find a broken match box car or a screwdriver...but I dispise those BOTTLE CAPS, PULL TABS and NAILS!!!! UGH >:( I would love to find an old coin!! That would be exciting for me and oh, my diamond ring!!!! LOL

Happy Hunting to you all and I hope you find the treasure of your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!

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