What are these Indian (Native American) artifacts?


Nov 9, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Recently, during a hike at a friend's ranch, we discovered these things (among other more recognizable things) and really don't know what they are. They were all right on top of the ground in an area that water erodes during the spring thaw.

I remembered to include a penny for size reference on several of the pictures. The pictures of the shards with dots on them are all from 1-3cm on the longest side. The dots (and a few lines) are on the surface, not penetrating into the rock at all. I can't imagine these patterns forming naturally. Combined with their presensce in what was obviously a seasonal camp, these must be something....

The round piece with concentric circles surrounding a dot is an atypical type of stone that I have seen used in this area. It looks like some sort of limestone or basalt. The front (pictured is smooth), while the back is rough like it may have been broken off of some sort of larger carving or something.

The half-moon is obviously an obsidian shard that has some delicate work on it, making a tool (or adornment) for some purpose.

Click on the thumbnails to see larger, detailed pics...

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


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The last piece does look like a Stockton crescent....Indian Piece
Nice Buff!!!I shot one with my bow a few years ago

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the second to last thing looks like a fossil to me...i'm thinking a gastropod...a snail like fossil...500 million years old? give or take a million.

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OWG, I appreciate your help, but I am fairly certain that it is not a fossil. The only marks are the ones on top and they are concentric (meaning that the rings do not touch as in a spiral type like a snail), and the dot (center) if off-center, plus the back and sides do not look anything like the top or have any identifying marks.

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I agree the 2nd and 3rd to last does look like a fossil...doesn't have to have any signs on bottom or side to be a fossil. I found several very, very similar I thought were artifacts, took them to Univ Of Missouri archeological dept only to find out they were fossils.

Just my opinion...

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the first few pics definitely look like flakes that fell off as someone was forming stone tools (arrowheads, scrapers, etc.) but the dots are puzzling. they don't look natural, but I don't see why someone would intentionally make those marks on a rock only to chip it apart to make tools...

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