what a find

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I went looking for this but found a bunch of shit people missed using the Garret AT MAX i would not using nothing less other than a equniox 800
Still no gold coins i know they are out there
I just got to find the camp sites but the trail is grown over

Go get 'em tiger!

I went looking for this but found a bunch of shit people missed using the Garret AT MAX i would not using nothing less other than a equniox 800
Still no gold coins i know they are out there
I just got to find the camp sites but the trail is grown over

There is gold in them thar hills, and you are the man to find it, lackof.

And are you starting to get the feeling everyone is a bit jealous of your superior knowledge and fantastic finds? Just curious if you are starting to feel that way.

Oh , there were nuts.

It started with the wagon trains leader not being one to heed the advice of others.
Combined with his choice of guides. Though his attitude is what made finding a willing guide so difficult.

Two weeks of beans and biscuits later and after ignoring every suggestion of detours from his guide and instead charging forward the leader stood on a cliff looking at the wooden skeleton of a wagon at it's base.

"We'll lower the outfit one rig at a time right here" , he told his guide.
Here , hang on and let me help , the guide said ; unfastening his sword rig he'd won in the tavern shortly before meeting this "leader" needing his help. (?)
We'll tie my hanger around the rear axel of this first wagon and tie my bandanna on it for a parachute in case we slide the ropes too fast.

1,2,3 , PUSH!
The oxen bellowed briefly and then thudded hard the hundred feet below with the wagon close behind.

Train leader who'd never istened to the guides advice until the cliff then asked ,"maybe we should have unhooked the oxen first ?
What should we do now?"

The guide leaned over the edge looking at the freshly killed beefs , felt the edge of his sword to find it still sharp and looked at the leader to say , now we build a fire!
That,s pretty damn good RC! I liked that!

you spelled the name wrong it is lackaff not lackof blocked?
lackaff,if there,s one thing I,ve learned on here it,s that these guys know what they,re talking about.They have many years of combined experience finding and IDing stuff. many of them have great knowledge as to old stuff and can tell you what it is or isn,t as the case may be. Learn from them instead of arguing with them or do your own research if you disagree with them so vehemently. That,s the best way to learn anyway. lackof? think about that!

Wrought iron does not rust
Wrought iron does rust if it is not treated and protected correctly.

"Wrought Iron is much easier to recondition and repair than cast iron. So if there is an out of the ordinary impact it can be saved. Cast iron would likely just need to be replaced. Rust is the only enemy of wrought iron due to the amount of carbon in the metal. It does resist rust better than cast iron but lasts longer with the right care and coating."


Members can not delete threads, only mods and admins can delete a thread.

Members, please keep posts cordial.

With the first post deleted, I disagree and thnk it should be deleted.
I get it....you buy a machine and expect to find the world and then reality hits and you hope that the trash you dug up is not totally worthless...

I just hate to see the good replies gone.ARC,Alloy II,and TH all have good informative posts.I refer back to stuff like this a lot.It helps my own learning curve a bunch.I like to acquire knowledge,that,s what it,s about.The derogatory posts can simply be ignored.

follow the origiral lauer hill post on this site from 2008


Gentlemen, making fun of members' names can earn timeouts, I highly recommend it end.

Lackaff, please do not wholesale delete posts, it destroys the threads, occasional deletes is acceptable, deleting all posts in a thread is not.

If members are making posts that they feel need to be deleted then obviously they shouldn't have been posted, to begin with.

I understand some members may have cabin fever due to the winter, but please try to post by our rules.

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