We're not hungry...yeah right!


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
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XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
My daughter and family showed up and I was prepared for hungry people. My son-n-law quickly informed me that they had a late breakfast and weren't hungry. The oldest grandson just went to college and has payed football for years (big kid). The middle one was the grand daughter and she plays basketball and is nearly as tall as I am. The youngest boy is playing everything, baseball, basketball and football plus fishing on a school team (6'1 husky and still growing). Anyways, there is smoked Kielbasa, smoked burgers, Wonder Bread hamburger buns, creamy potato salad and BBQ beans with brisket. Also have my cream cheese green apple pie and a cream cheese cherry pie.

Within minutes, the two boys have made their way to what smells good and are fixing their plates. The grand daughter quietly gets up and claims that she is going to check on her brothers, yeah right. Moments later, the youngest boy walks in with his plate and strolls by the son-n-law while biting off a piece of Kielbasa. The son-n-law crumbles and is up and headed to the kitchen. My daughter smiles and tells me, "Well that didn't last very long," and then she gets up. Suddenly everyone is happier than they were and I smile to the wife. The boys keep snacking on everything and then it is time for them to leave. They still have two more places to stop at but I am pretty sure they will still eat some, just not as much as before LOL. Me, we have just enough left to have a good meal the next day and that is okay with me. This is how you bring the year to an end, great food and family or good friends. May your new year be filled with prosperity, peace and joy. Oh yeah, some awesome finds as well. Jerry and Betty

doing right when they still come and eat.

Kinda like my kids [who are arriving today].. When they do come, you can bet it will be like a flock of locusts hitting the place..:icon_thumright:.. But to be fair, I would not have it any other way..

Luckily, we have a farm and things were good this year.. The fruit trees [28 apple, 7 cherry, 2 plum,pear, peach, etc] all did very well.. plus the gardens went wild..That plus a deer
wound up in the freezer.. so the larder is full..

We love having the grandkids, and the parents.. they make it every year.. I guess they take pity on the 'old folks'..


Another great family story, thank you for sharing! :icon_thumleft:

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