Went to the "Bank" and got a roll of Spanish Silver


Bronze Member
Dec 19, 2006
Colonial Virginia
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Made it out today to 1600s home site on the York River in Gloucester County Virginia. The house site is on the bank of the river but is in the middle of really high corn stubble which is near impossible to detect in. Right on the bank is a clearing where I was able to swing freely in and made a few nice finds. First I found KG III copper which is pretty worn:


Then I got a really loud silver signal which turned out to be four Carolus III 1/2 reals fused together:



I also found an assortment of buttons and other period brass pieces:



As I was leaving and putting the chain back on the gate I found 1926 SLQ sitting on top of the ground.


Hopefully they'll plant bean in the spring so come next winter I'll be able to really hit the house site hard and find some 17th century artifacts and coins.

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Few years ago I hit Mathews,VA right there at Whites Creek (Old house woods road) and found a-lot of good colonial relics and a few coins. Never did make it back, they say this spot is the most haunted place in Virginia. It did feel strange being out there and the smell of what smelled like Rotten Eggs roams all over that beach but i heard that is common. If you ever get a chance and wanna go out to Mathews with me before spring, let me know I still remember the spot we dug some fairly good stuff. :occasion14:

That was an awesome day Joey!!! That counts as 4 colonial silvers in one day which is quite a feat. Is there any way you can separate those without damaging? Actually, those coins might look best if displayed as is. You dug some nice early buttons too. Did you find the iron patch? Any sign of a trash pit? Regardless of the stubble you definitely need to go back there and get what you can this season. Congrats on a great hunt!

now that is cool. I found some largecents like that once before...make sure it was not in a shallow pit. Mine were which is what i believed caused them to be fused together.


I found the big iron patch in the stubble so I concentrated just outside of it where it was clear. I've toughed through some stubble before but this stuff is hard to navigate. Half of it is laying at a 45 degree angle which makes swinging impossible.

You and Dan had a great day yesterday!!!

now that is cool. I found some largecents like that once before...make sure it was not in a shallow pit. Mine were which is what i believed caused them to be fused together.


I did dig out the area a little because I was getting some scratchy signals but it was just iron. I did find a high concentration of glass and brick in the ravine heading down to the creek but I think that's where the farmer had pushed what was left of the house. There has to be a trash pit there somewhere though.

Nice hunt. I wonder what has them fused together? It looks like they will be in great shape. Very cool.

Wow! 4 Spanish silvers at one time!!:notworthy: Hope you can get them apart without damage.

In my book, You had a great day! What you found clearly tells you it is a good location and as you've said you will be going back so good on ya for that choice. I think this location will be giving you plenty to do in the future............63bkpkr

Also, very nice title for the Thread! Kudos for that!!

Joey.. Look for little depressions in the ground kinda like a fallen tree type of depression, they can be big in size or almost unnoticeable but just alittle hump in the ground, then get the shovel or probe and see if you hit the golden trash pit, you prolly know all of this anyhow. Good luck.

Hey hutsitedigger, I thought the creepiness and rotten egg smell, which of course is sulfur, is more reminiscent of lower regions, not ghosts, but it would explain the "hauntings".

Yep Smokeythe:cat: , When I first got too Whites Creek area after reading all the haunted info people wrote on the net, it just made it feel strange, then of course that smell of rotten eggs will make most people think "oh this is haunted" but in all reality like you said It is common and it can even give you a headache which can make you again think its haunted.. IMO I think it is perfectly safe, If you do see a ghost make sure your buddy runs one way and you another, that way you all got a 50-50 shot of getting out of there :laughing9:

Awesome finds wow what a score congratulations, hope you get back in there when the corn stubble is gone:thumbsup:

If I see a "ghost", which I certainly don't believe in anyhow, I'll send it back where it came from (and tell it what to do when it gets there.) I'll have to look up your reference to the area. Are you going to leave the silvers together or separate them?

Wow, sounds like a great spot you got there!

WOW! You made some great finds there! The stack of Spanish silver is Awesome! And the LC & SLQ are a nice too, Way to go.

I found the big iron patch in the stubble so I concentrated just outside of it where it was clear. I've toughed through some stubble before but this stuff is hard to navigate. Half of it is laying at a 45 degree angle which makes swinging impossible.

You and Dan had a great day yesterday!!!

Joey - maybe you should venture into the iron patch with a small coil. Might be a little easier to navigate through the stubble, and would help with hunting in the iron as well.

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