Went to Baghdad today.

Cool pics Sgt Ski! Get ride of all the riffraff there before you leave because I will be there in three months.LOL I hear it is a lot more quiet now. :thumbsup: Thanks for serving !!

Sgt. Ski you keep styin safe and birdman you keep yourself safe when you get there and both of ya keep us posted, til you are home safe and sound and hunting on the home soil! We are proud of all our service people and prayers for your safty are said every night!

god speed! our thoughts are with you. & yes thank you for giving so much for our country. we DO appreciate all you do, no matter what the media says.

I think everyone that goes to B-Dad gets a similar pic I know my platoon we all went and got one..

Stay safe over there man and Hope and pray for you a safe return.

Just get home safely. Finding treasure will be a relief for you. My generation was the Vietnam War. Getting home in one piece is always the best.

Theres only one thing harder than being a soldier, and thats loving one....

God Bless ya Sgt.

Great pics Sergeant Ski!

Just got news a friend of mine was hit by an IED in Iraq, he survived, the guy next to him didn't.

Stay alert...

ouch...glad your friend survived Jim. Definitely stay safe over there Sgt Ski!!! Prayin for ya!

I have a daughter who was over there for more than a year. My prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for your service, keep safe. Bob

Awesome, I know you are ready to get back to God's Country. I was in Desert Shield and Storm and getting back to the good ole USA was a joy beyond words after living in a sea of sand and women in black for 8 months. Take care and let us know when you warm up that detector when you return! Bryan [email protected]

Big hats off to ya sgt , and all the guys and gals over there ,, I'll keep you all in my prayers . Stay safe . GOD BLESS Guzz1

The proverb goes..."The meek shall inherit the earth"....But its Warriors like you Sarge.that will have to stay and run it for them!!....Big Bonzai and Thanks for all you do.........Beachnick

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