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Rich in Texas

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Jun 23, 2003
San Antonio, Texas
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B E A UTIFUL Rich. Looks Like you have found a Great area to hunt. OK so give me the directions here again......LOL ;D

I will need to do a bit of looking at some files to answer that one. I liked it when I heard it and have used it since. A beautiful way of saying "Finish the job!!" ;D

It's Plagerizm; Another version of "He who hesitates is lost."

rvbvetter said:
? ? ? ? It's Plagerizm;? ? ? Another version of? ?"He who hesitates is lost."
OK RV ,While the definition of the word ?Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else?s work and lying about it afterwards.?[5]

Plagiarists are oblivious of the fact they are not only cheating others but also themselves.

By changing the words of the original source, through paraphrasing, retaining the original idea of the source and by also not citing the original source they are committing an act of plagiarism.[5]

Maybe the people who plagiarize believe in the following saying

?If you steal from one author its plagiarism; if you steal from many its research.?

So RV without going in to the general discussion of who said what first. How do we know that He who Hesitates first was the original Idea? since you believe that Richs quote is the false one or the Idea copied. I dont think so. When you think about Phrases and there meanings the Idea changes through the generations as to the substance and the situation that they relate to.Therfore you could say that all ideas have been Plagiarized from the begining of time. Does history repeat itself ?I believe that all thought has been thought and the sorting of this mass of information has been sorted and resorted through out time. Logic tells us that all Ideas will be tested and used thousands and millions of times so when the written word is used but relays the same idea as another Idea in a different format and text then will we be guilty of Plagiarism again or will it be hailed as a brilliant thought and verse just worded differntly to accomadate a current issue or style. Riddle me these my friend and I will not object to your use of the word Plagiarised. HH

PS Besides were MDers and cant use those big words here. ;)

? ? ? Actually you beat me to it. My come back was going to be, who's to say which was first?
But when it comes down to it.? It really doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

? ? ? ?Dang!?? ? I think i just plagerisededed.? OOPS!? I knew i shouldn't have slept through spelling.

And you could of saved yourself a lot of typing by saying " Recycled " ;D

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?What i've said here was intended as good natured fun.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Maybe i was feeling particularly smart, because i stayed at Holiday Inn last night.
? If anyone, including the original auther to this post and Floater, have been offended.
? ? ? ?I sincerely? ?Apologize

My Brain Hurts from all this reading.. I know I borrowed the saying from someone hear at this forum,,but does that make it not true ? I think Not....I have to get an Asprin now...L.O.L..........Hey dude,can come over and coinshoot with ya now ?..........How about Now ?.................How about Now ?.................How about Now ?........L.O.L.......Nice Digs

Floater said:
rvbvetter said:
? ? ? ? It's Plagerizm;? ? ? Another version of? ?"He who hesitates is lost."
OK RV ,While the definition of the word ?Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else?s work and lying about it afterwards.?[5]

Plagiarists are oblivious of the fact they are not only cheating others but also themselves.?

By changing the words of the original source, through paraphrasing, retaining the original idea of the source and by also not citing the original source they are committing an act of plagiarism.[5]

Maybe the people who plagiarize believe in the following saying

?If you steal from one author its plagiarism; if you steal from many its research.?

So RV without going in to the general discussion of who said what first. How do we know that He who Hesitates first was the original Idea? since you believe that Richs quote is the false one or the Idea copied. I dont think so. When you think about Phrases and there meanings the Idea changes through the generations as to the substance and the situation that they relate to.Therfore you could say that all ideas have been Plagiarized from the begining of time. Does history repeat itself ?I believe that all thought has been thought and the sorting of this mass of information has been sorted and resorted through out time. Logic tells us that all Ideas will be tested and used thousands and millions of times so when the written word is used but relays the same idea as another Idea in a different format and text then will we be guilty of Plagiarism again or will it be hailed as a brilliant thought and verse just worded differntly to accomadate a current issue or style. Riddle me these my friend and I will not object to your use of the word Plagiarised. HH

PS Besides were MDers and cant use those big words here. ;)

A very interesting dissertation and although I wasn't offended by it, I do have an observation. Besides being fragmented and virtually unintelligible, I counted at least 20 grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

Those who attempt to lecture others in writing should at least be able to put together a cohesive paragraph and click on the spell check button.


n 1: a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work 2: the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own [syn: plagiarization, plagiarisation, piracy]

Source: WordNet ? 2.0, ? 2003 Princeton University"

surfrat96 said:
Hey Float, seems like you got a lot of time on your hands waiting for the Excal! LOL
Isn't that the truth LOL I'm using the Bounty Hunter but its my first time with that one so its a little strange.
rvbvetter said:
What I've said here was intended as good natured fun.
Maybe i was feeling particularly smart, because i stayed at Holiday Inn last night.
If anyone, including the original author to this post and Floater, have been offended.
I sincerely Apologize
RV I was just screwing around I hate that word and someone used it before in a post but was really serious and I let them have it. I tried to be polite this time because it was you. I could never be mad at ya.

OK JG It may have been a rambling Observation to a question that to this day still haunts authors and Scholars alike. As far as it being unintelligible or not cohesive i believe everyone understood it. I was not writing a term paper. Typing and thinking as fast as I can has its limits.( I only have half a brain) I will endeavor to correct this in my next Diatribe aimed at a cause celeb .
Humbly yours.~Floater~

Now look what I started! :P
I guess I need to look for my next quote that can get things stirred up ;D

rvbvetter said:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Maybe i was feeling particularly smart, because i stayed at Holiday Inn last night.?
? Oh Yeah, Well I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico!!!

ROFL . I think I may need sleep and insurance if this keeps up. LOL :D

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