I am in Downingtown. Right off Rte. 30 near Thorndale.
I was out yesterday in the woods on a hunt and found it still grown up a bit, I think first week in October probably best. But as I have said a recon trip is in order. I am in Dialysis tues.,thurs., and sat. Mornings till 11 am, but retired and open most other times.
I have spoken to Stefano about the Fitzgerald gang in and around Coatesville, and have done some research on his caves in Hands Pass. But haven't heard from him in a while. I have a couple of GPS's which are portable we can use.
We should all meet up for coffee locally to all of us and discuss the game plan. I think baspinall is closer then anybody else, so where, when is good! Let's put a date and time on this instead of asking back and forth! Sundays and Mondays are best for me as the wife who is a avid MDer is off them two days.