Welsh Mountain...Lets go!

During the week is best for me since being laid-off. I have the kids on he wknds when my wife works the hospital. But if need be I can get my mom-in-law to babysit.

This up coming week is screwy for me but the following week I can get a day during the week. i have a friend Stefano who also has some week days open.

I am in Downingtown. Right off Rte. 30 near Thorndale.
I was out yesterday in the woods on a hunt and found it still grown up a bit, I think first week in October probably best. But as I have said a recon trip is in order. I am in Dialysis tues.,thurs., and sat. Mornings till 11 am, but retired and open most other times.
I have spoken to Stefano about the Fitzgerald gang in and around Coatesville, and have done some research on his caves in Hands Pass. But haven't heard from him in a while. I have a couple of GPS's which are portable we can use.
We should all meet up for coffee locally to all of us and discuss the game plan. I think baspinall is closer then anybody else, so where, when is good! Let's put a date and time on this instead of asking back and forth! Sundays and Mondays are best for me as the wife who is a avid MDer is off them two days.

I guess the one the with most limited schedule should pick the day. How about someplace in New Holland for coffee. That way we can use the town as a reference on the maps. I'll bring all my research paperwork and maps that I have. I'm in the middle of reading "Four days from Wingate" about the lost Adam's gold and getting very much in the mood :laughing9:

Ok guys, I found the Buzzard homestead in the 1870 census as being located at Lot 246 in East Earl Twp. The tip of Welsh Mt is in East Earl. Trying to locate an old map to find the lot. Maybe the local historical society. ???

Sounds like you guys are on to a good site. Read the articles and the part about the trash everywhere...Well, we all know how old, old trash piles go. Who knows what was trash back in them days. Today's treasures!! Keep us posted on your research and finds. I'll be anxiously waiting.


I'll get a hold of Stefano this weekend and see what days are good for him as well. I work for myself and can usually work around things. I also agree with the growth still being high. Still fighting the poison ivy in some areas as well but that will hang around for a long time. Long pants .............


I just checked my 1876 Lancaster County atlas and found the Welsh mountain area and it looks interesting. The map shows a race course listed in the mountain area, that would be a good place to check. I am from the York area and new to mding but would like to tag along if you need some more help.

I live in Thorndale just off rt. 30 as well. I'd love to join in too. I work during the week so Sundays would be best for me. Let me know if you decide to head out that way.

The more of us the better! Theres a lot of ground to cover and we'll have safety in numbers. I'm still looking for a land parcel map and the site of the christian mission.

Although it is still a christian ministry it is a retirement home now for unfortunate low income elderly.
Was reading that in one of the history on the Welsh Mtns. Online somewhere. The mission was sponsored out of Lancaster.

sounds like a very cool location ta hunt, if you guys come up with a date (weekend or during the week)and wouldn't mind an extra person please let me know, i'm in berks county and i'm very familiar with morgantown and that surounding area. also keep in mind that if its a wooded area that hunting season is very soon, i think bow season might of already started, but i'm not positive. if ya don't wanna deal with hunters a sunday might be your best day.

Was in a local state park hunting yesterday and wandered off into the wooded area only to find it still overgrown! The oppressive heat is keeping it from dying off. We need some cooler nights to help rid us of this growth.

Dogpound, as Don stated the more the merrier! Welcome aboard, we are on hold right now as Don locates some info in the archives and I think mostly for insects and vegetation to die off. Keep checking back to this post for an update.

thanks, sounds great and i'll keep checkin in for updates. i've also got my cc permit for pest control :thumbsup: some rain soon would also be nice, ground feels like concrete.

I am always traveling back and forth to Allentown from York.
I would love the opportunity to join you guys.
I have a GPS as well.

Did you guys get to the mountain, or is it still in the works? New to this, but I'd love to join if it's still in the works.

mikhen said:
Did you guys get to the mountain, or is it still in the works? New to this, but I'd love to join if it's still in the works.
check your mail

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