Well Here We Go! Impressive Equinox Salt Water Footage

I ve gotten like 40 stud earings that others have missed - mostly cause they fall thru most scoops - others cause guys go to fast
Use a dense mesh sifter + scoop with small holes.

Now as far as the 600...

It is a 4 Frequency- (Multi, 5kHz, 10kHz, 15kHz)

Excal 2 = is BBS with 17 freqs... (1.5kHz – 25.5kHz)... with an RCB.

Now.. the 800 has a 6 Frequency (Multi, 5kHz, 10kHz, 15kHz, 20kHz, 40kHz)

And not sure if either of the Equinox's have an RCB.

As far as I can tell... the main things that are the "draw" on the EQ's...

Finding tiny chains
Cost... relatively cheap.
lighter and more compact.


Where are the "sacrifices" made ?
Overall and long term.

I wanna see RING tests BURIED.
Various karats... various depths.

Screw tiny chains IMO. :P

I might add...

Far more rings are lost than any other jewelry IMO.

The tests Ive seen so far of gold rings in the wet sand aren't good...meaning the depth isn't good...but who knows if the machines are set up right...time will tell...we need to see some tests in the wet sand with the 3030, CZ21, Excal, etc. and the Equinox swinging over the same buried targets.

i use the same method as casper matter of fact thats were i learned it have 2 cz21s i hunt slow and dig it all and i know i dont get it all but would wager there isnt much left that any else could reach until the next turnover.

Im starting to think the equinox isn't going to be able to replace my CZ21.

I haven't tried one yet and was pretty excited until I saw a video in the wet salt sand/shallow water showing the nox 800 sounding off on bottle caps with the same vdi as a common gold ring (13). Adjustments were attempted to null them but it came at the expense of disc. out gold. I did notice that most of the caps were corona which still fool my excal when deep. I guess we'll see as more water hunters chime in

a lot is just learning your machine - I'm sure there are gonna be guys that will stick with it and play with settings and master it
and do great with them
I got plenty of small gold with my pi pro I used for like 10 yrs - many said it was no good on small gold - went to many "cleaned out" spots
and did well on deep small older gold ...I learned my cz21 and feel I do pretty good = can show many examples but here is one - found at hammered cape beach
- not out far but about thigh deep where many other hunters hammered - found very deep down- ring is smaller than a dime - whisper signals in all metal
DS0060.JPG I cleaned all the shallow junk out so I could crank sensitivity and go slow and get deeper good targets
was like a like 30 ft by 20 ft area ---many aren't gonna take the time to do this --I wont do this every where but some beaches that produced
lot of larger old gold and silver over the yrs - I will now and then - specially when finds are slow

a lot is just learning your machine - I'm sure there are gonna be guys that will stick with it and play with settings and master it
and do great with them
I got plenty of small gold with my pi pro I used for like 10 yrs - many said it was no good on small gold - went to many "cleaned out" spots
and did well on deep small older gold ...I learned my cz21 and feel I do pretty good = can show many examples but here is one - found at hammered cape beach
- not out far but about thigh deep where many other hunters hammered - found very deep down- ring is smaller than a dime - whisper signals in all metal
View attachment 1560975 I cleaned all the shallow junk out so I could crank sensitivity and go slow and get deeper good targets
was like a like 30 ft by 20 ft area ---many aren't gonna take the time to do this --I wont do this every where but some beaches that produced
lot of larger old gold and silver over the yrs - I will now and then - specially when finds are slow

Just like people saying large coils want pick up small gold yet the 15" coils on my excals picked a .04 of a gram baby's gold ring, .05 gold lobster clasp that came off a gold chain and several tiny gold earrings.

Just check your beach targets with the “all-metal” mode by hitting the Horseshoe icon and that will give you a low iron ferrous tone at the edge of your coil on the bottle caps.

Just check your beach targets with the “all-metal” mode by hitting the Horseshoe icon and that will give you a low iron ferrous tone at the edge of your coil on the bottle caps.
which I was told are sprayed with a micro thin brass wash so they don't rust as quick like some brands do when you leave them in ice/icey water
for days

Good question on the Corona caps. I have a few in my collection and will test for that.
My question is: Does a Corona gets its lime when one throws away the cap into the sand? :laughing7:

Does the Equinox have a mode that sounds just like the CZ21 in auto tune?...then you can switch to disc mode to id the target....Im still trying to learn everything about it.

which I was told are sprayed with a micro thin brass wash so they don't rust as quick like some brands do when you leave them in ice/icey water
for days

Or the caps wrapped in foil? Those are the ones that drive me crazy! They just sound too good to ignore!

Modelo beer has the foil caps I got one of those last night and I also found Platinum...Bud platinum that is lol The dang coronas still get me even with the Bottle cap determination method. Also be careful on high tones as the bottle cap determination method is not 100% effective as me and another detectorist found that a quarter can give an Iron tone when using that method dont know why but it did it twice. HMMMM

I've yet to understand why so many detectorist run off and buy the latest and greatest machine with too high of expectations before it's even had any time to gather any feedback from the real world users out in the field. In reality there hasn't been any great tech advancements in beach metal detectors since the introduction of the Excal, just more bells and whistles and sleeker packaging. The Excal and the CZ have been around for a long time and they still remain as reliable top producers so until something comes along to challenge them why rush to go anywhere else?

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