Well guys, I am going into see the sawbones again this Friday (the 3rd at 8am)


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Well my throat has been hurting for about a month now and I just recently started tasting blood everytime I swallowed, well come to findout that my tonsils are infected. Like it says in the title, I am going back to the doctor again but this time I have insurance so I don't get stuck with another $60,000 bill like in October. lol Hopefully they will just cut the damn things out and let me be on my way. I was told by a few people that if they are infected that I will have to be on antibiotics for a few days before they would actually remove them.

This would be the 2nd damn thing cut outta me in less than 8 months. Again sorry guys I really wanted to go out hunting but I have either been really busy or just plain old under the weather. I hope to get back out soon and find some more goodies. :thumbsup:

Get better and get out here!

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
If they go in & take them out ask to take out your adenoids too ...

It will make a world of difference ... and usually they do it with no problems ...

~ Nick

Yeah, had 'em remove my androids and all of a sudden I could dance!

I had my tonsils removed a couple of years ago and I'm much happier for it. My breath used to smell like crap and I was always so self conscious about it. I never really had much trouble with infections or pain but my doctor was still able to get it covered. He didn't remove my adenoids because he said it wasn't necessary. I wouldn't assume that you should just go in and have them removed "just because". If he says you need it then go for it. But I wouldn't press it assuming that everyone has them both removed at the same time. It just isn't true.

What I will tell you is that you should be prepared for some pretty rough times for about 10 days following the surgery. The pain gets really bad at night because your mouth dries out. I would wake up at night and just bury my head in my hands from the pain hoping that the pain killers would kick in soon. But despite the pain it is still worth having it done. I never have to worry about it ever again! Hooray!

Good luck!

Thanks guys, I just want them out!!! Actually its just my left one that is infected, the right one is fine. Whats weird though is the left one popped out from being swollen I guess, its like a little finger hanging out in my throat and everytime I swallow I can feel it sweeping past in my throat. Oh yea and it does taste like something crawled in and died in my mouth no matter how many times I brush my teeth or rinse my mouth out... Fun times :tongue3:

Goodluck with the ordeal! Maybe they'll give you some ice cream afterwards. :thumbsup:

Laying around in your jammies, watching cartoons & eating ice cream! :thumbsup:

I hope you're feeling better soon, Kermit! :wink:

Maybe they'll give you some ice cream afterwards.

I wish! Actually, I was in and out pretty quickly. I actually stopped and had a bag of potato chips on the way home. My doctor told me that the best thing you can do is eat and drink. A lot of people stop eating and drinking and it causes them to have problems because the sockets dry out. It's really hard to make yourself keep eating though when you are in pain.

I took the opportunity to give up all forms of soft drinks though which was a major plus. I used to drink about 6-8 cans of Diet Pepsi per day. I quit cold turkey once I had my tonsils out. I've never had one since which is a good thing.

I also lost 10 pounds during the ordeal. That is a HELL of a lot of weight to lose in 10 days. Even when I'm working out hard and watching what I eat I can't lose any more than about 5 pounds in 10 days. I attribute it to the fact that my body was recovering which burns a LOT of calories. It's not like I was really active during that time. I pretty much sat on my butt and watched TV. I also had plenty to eat as well. So be prepared to lose a few pounds. That was a nice added benefit as well.

So overall it was a positive experience for me. I hope yours goes well too. Good luck.

Gad, horrible description no smooching from me until you are cleaned up, he he he . Luck my friend. Remember MOST Hospitals do have pretty nurses to leer at. Just tell the interns to bug off.

Don Jose de La Manhca


Get well!
I hope the correct decisions can be made about the adenoids and that after your recovery time you'll be much better than before. Bummer about not getting out hunting much lately; I am sure there are some goodies waiting for you when you are recovered.


I can't say much on the subject cause I have never gone through it... But I do hope you get better soon so you can get back out there to use that new coil you got....Good Luck......

Kermit, I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. . . you can have ALL the ice
cream you want after surgery, that's what my parents told me when I
had mine out when I was ten.

Take care bud :icon_thumright:

Good Luck Bud!

It's 7:00am Friday, so you must be just getting ready to go in. I'll give you a buzz in a few days to see how you're doing. The more I think about it, ice cold beer might just kill two birds with one stone....kill the pain and keep the swelling down, but I'm no doctor. ;D

TreasureFiend said:
Thanks guys, I just want them out!!! Actually its just my left one that is infected, the right one is fine. Whats weird though is the left one popped out from being swollen I guess, its like a little finger hanging out in my throat and everytime I swallow I can feel it sweeping past in my throat. Oh yea and it does taste like something crawled in and died in my mouth no matter how many times I brush my teeth or rinse my mouth out... Fun times :tongue3:

Dude... that's way too descriptive! LOL. Way gross... but I can totally relate to the dead body in your mouth part. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, they did both sides at once, and had stitches that I had to go back to get removed after 3 weeks or something. Well some time passed after they removed them and I could NOT brush my teeth and tongue enough to get rid of the dead body smell emanating from my mouth. Well I got to digging around in my mouth and saw that they forgot to remove some stitches! Food had been collecting in them and rotting away. Nasty stuff... well I wasn't going back to let them be incompetent again, so I got my swiss army knife and using the little scissors cut the stitch in the mirror, and then used the little pliers to pull the stitch out. Easy peazy... no more dead squirrel breath!

Hope everything goes well for you!

Re: Well guys, I am going into see the sawbones again this Friday (the 3rd at 8a

Hope you feel better soon Kermit.

I sure hope all went well today,
But hey, tonsils are tonsils. If you were meant to have em they will grow back.

Mine did.


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