Welcome to the site! Please post an introduction thread.

Hi I Am AuRenegade And I Just Got Introduced To The Wolrd Of Gold Prospecting. I Am In Post Falls Idaho, And I Could Use Some Pointers On Where To Find Some Color. I Will Be Joining The GPAA Soon, And Cant Wait For The Book Of Claim. I Have Been Panning All PurposE Sand In The Back Yard With Flattened Out 7 1/2 Shot Bbs. I Can Keep The Bbs In, But Would Love To See Some Gold. I Know That Nobody Likes To Give Up The Honey Hole Location And Thats Not What Im Looking For. Just A Creek Name Or General Finger Point Would Be Graciously Appreciated.

Hello, I'm a beginner. I would like to know about the gold Mormon coins found in Red Rock Canyon, NV. Any ideas?

Thanks Old dude.... your piece of advice is very inspiring to me.... last weekend I went for hunting... I took some digging tools and other stuff which could help me in finding something... well I also referred to written resources and memories of old folks... That day I went to ruins of one very old palace which is about 2 miles north from my place... I dug some place inside the palace which I thought I would find something. guess what.... I found one old leather shoes which is I think of 50s and later on one rusty axe used for chopping woods for firewood and I dont have any idea of how long its been there.... I expected to find some silver coins but I didnt.. but it was very exciting for me.... On coming weekend I will go to same place to find something.... man if you wanna know more about my country please let me know... I will share with you... it is fascinating specially to metal hunters... byeee...

Good for you, UL! We like to hear from people outside our continent. Good luck!

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Hello y'all, I'm new to all this. I have a mine lab Quattro an not been out yet to dig any, kinda have no idea on what I'm doin so any feed back would be great, thank you

Welcome and browse all the sub forums here. There's a lot to read, but well worth it. Good luck to you.

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Hello to all on TNet. I'm a newcomer to this. I use a Garrett 350, and have found a lot of rusty metal, aluminum scrap, flattened drink cans, and a whisky bottle neck with the cap still on. most of these were about two shovels deep so I know I'm getting good signals. The area I have hunted was cleared for development. This is only my second try. Hop to have better luck in the future.
Ron Nickell, Houston

Hello all, I will be entering the world of treasure hunting when im done here in Afghanistan. I come home to Georgia and after 5 tours, I'm done. I will forthwith rush out and purchase 1 each CTX 3030 for my VLF fix. And for my pulse induction side I will grab up the Garrett ATX. Armed with these beasties, I will set out on my new career of full time Treasure Detecting. Signing up here is my first step. So with that, the air game is not working any more....time for the GroundGame.

Hello all my new to md from Annapolis, MD

Hello all I am new to treasure hunting I got myself a garret ace 150 a couple weeks ago. My new hobby is so exciting and I just love it. Plan on stepping up I a better garret in the future. I find plenty of pocket change which is great and exciting. Found my first wheat penny yesterday. I have a few questions for someone is familiar with the 150 what does gold generally be shown by on my md iron, nickel, p tab, ring or old? When I'm md I always walk by the p tAb alerts

Hi, fellow hunters!! I am new to this site... (OF COURSE...lol) Just moved to CDA, Idaho. I am looking for places to run my Tesoro Cibola.... What a GREAT site!!! HAPPY HUNTING ALL!!! :thumbsup:

Hi, I'm a newbie in North Carolina.

Hey everybody, so far I've mostly been in to finding Native American artifacts but now I'm looking into gold. I'm surrounded by old gold mines and I can't wait to get started. Thanks to Treasure net.:hello2:

Bonjour je suis nouveau sur le site mais aussi en détection
Je suis passionné par la nature l'histoire les veille pierre. Je fais beaucoup de randonnée dans les montagnes des Pyrénées du côté de Luchon avec mes enfants, on aime la pêche en rivières et la chasse mais je ramasse plus de douille que je ne tire, avec mon fils on se passionne pour la détection
Pour le moment on n'a pas de détecteur mais la semaine prochaine je pense aller en acheter un surement un Déus de chez XP
Si quelqu'un est proche ou passe des vacances dans le coin penser à me laisser un message pour faire une sortie ensemble
Sinon a plus sur le forum ou je manquerai pas de vous montrer mes trouvailles

Hello I am new to the site but also detection
I am passionate by nature the story eve the stone. I do a lot of hiking in the mountains of the Pyrenees on the side of Luchon with my children, we love river fishing and hunting, but I collect more sleeve that I pull with my son on a passion for the detection
At the moment there is no sensor but next week I think probably go buy a home a Déus XP
If someone is near or spends holidays around the corner think to leave me a message for an outing together
If not more on the forum or I'll miss not show you my findings
Sorry for the translation but I use a translator

Welcome to the site. Perhaps until you can get some equipment, you can make use of written resources or the memories of your elders and search with digging tools and sifting tools. It seems you have the desire. We have an old saying here - " Where there is a will, there is a way". Good luck to you.
. I was thinking the same exact thing.. Where theirs a will there's a way. !! Lots of tools can be makeshift.

Hello folks,

My name is Joe trying to get into metal detecting have had them for a while just did not do much of it due to working so much we now relocated to North Carolina from Pennsylvania so I live in Harnett county and do not know were is a good place to go and start getting better at it also been a miner for fossil and gems last year started prospecting for gold can't retire yet but now want to start detecting more also my grandchildren love to use it and this weekend they will be with me so would like to take them out with me so we can learn it together plus will be buying my grandson his first detector this July so if any one has any help were we can go detecting around the area would be great and love the site.

Hi Joe. Welcome to the site! Probably the best shortcut I can give you is do a search on a member here named ModernMiner. Study his face very carefully in case you see him in NC. If you do, follow him to discover the best places to hunt, lol. All kidding aside, read everything you can and I bet you are about to be told this, but there is a sub forum for your state on this site that may direct you to clubs, events or other members from your area. Good luck to you and I look forward to your finds.

Hello, I'm here in Wyoming, and I'm new to prospecting. I've got some land up in the snowy range (gold hill district). I inherited it when my mom passed away, she from her parents, who bought it years ago. Anyway there are several claims listed in my grandfathers estate, including Acme, and Bridal Veil. I'm interested in finding people that know of the area, especially on the Acme Mine located on Stamp mill Lake on Gold Hill, as we own 274 acres including the lake. Last summer 13', I camped on our 40 acres over by Turpin Reservour, and did a little panning on the bow river. This year I plan to see if there is any color in the East Pass and Hardin Creeks. Any help on info would be much appreciated. Thanks, Curt.

Hi, My name is Joe, Im new to Treasurenet , and metal detecting. I just got a Garrett AT Pro to start out with. I live in Dartmouth,Ma. And looking for people to hunt with, in my area.

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