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Reminds me of the time I was installing some flooring years ago at a Seminole Tribal Council office and there was a desk in there belonging to one of the Billie clan (without naming specific names), and sitting on that desk was a small like baby food jar and there was a big old gnarly looking fingernail inside of it. I didn't touch it and didn't ask.Edit: Though it's something I dug, not a thrift store find.
Now that I think about, I feel like this qualifies as "weird." Maybe it made sense at the time, but having a bottle of fingernail polish with a cap...that has a fingernail on it...is just weird, and a bit unsettling.
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I found someone's glass eye in a bunch of junk jewelry from an antique store I buy from regularly, the detail work is incredible. I plan on making a pendant with it at some point but at the moment I'm preparing for a trans-atlantic move later in the year and it's currently boxed up with a bunch of shadow box stuff.
I found someone's glass eye in a bunch of junk jewelry from an antique store I buy from regularly, the detail work is incredible. I plan on making a pendant with it at some point but at the moment I'm preparing for a trans-atlantic move later in the year and it's currently boxed up with a bunch of shadow box stuff.
One of my friends had a glass eye. He was a little kooky, and would do things like pop his eye out, hold it on someone & tell them "I've got my eye on you." His best one was when a group of us ended up in a small town café being ignored. He finally goes out to his truck and comes back in grinning. The waitress comes by with the I'll be right with you look. He stops her and tells her we're starving to death hungry as he pops his eye out pops it (it appeared) in his mouth and starts crunching it up. She literally runs for the bathroom! Seems my friend always carried a jar of pearl onions for such an occasion! Oh, never had a restaurant owner serve me so fast. One of his other ones was a really really realistic looking cut off finger. He'd pull it out and hold it like he was holding up an amulet casting a spell. When asked what the heck he was doing, he'd reply "Oh, just giving you the finger......" He was always a blast to hang with! Hope that gives you a couple ideas for your find!I found someone's glass eye in a bunch of junk jewelry from an antique store I buy from regularly, the detail work is incredible. I plan on making a pendant with it at some point but at the moment I'm preparing for a trans-atlantic move later in the year and it's currently boxed up with a bunch of shadow box stuff.
I found someone's glass eye in a bunch of junk jewelry from an antique store I buy from regularly, the detail work is incredible. I plan on making a pendant with it at some point but at the moment I'm preparing for a trans-atlantic move later in the year and it's currently boxed up with a bunch of shadow box stuff.