Weird event in Philadelphia suburbs, maybe treasure related?

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Please Direct me to where he brings up Sepa's thread.

after a Little quick research I am fairly sure John is another member here.
If I can confirm this we may be loosing two Members shortly. :sadsmiley:

John, My apologies If I / we are wrong.
I hope you realize we have to research this possibility in order to try and keep
TreasureNet & the tales told here to be as Legit as Possible.

Jeff if you read the op you will see numerous references to the sepaman story. It will become apparent that john is verifying the crap spewed by sepaman. So much stuff that it cant be a coincidence

John, Due to the Fact Sepaman attempted to make Fools of us with his stories from that Area,
I am not going to be real open minded on this .

If you & members wish to discuss your Find.

OK, However If you start sounding Like sepaman, trying to organize treasure hunts,
etc. and then sending a proxy in his place. I may not tolerate it.

We were attacked once.

Naturally if you are or Real, You are welcome to discuss your story here.

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I'll be damned. The script looks like handwritten 16th or 17th century Ottoman Turk Diwani.



Home Page

like your second post (now removed), I had great difficulty in reading this. With respect, I must admit I gave up trying to understand what was being said because my old eyes started swimming and my two brain cells were somewhat overloaded. Please think of the old and decrepit and at least use paragraphs.

I offer a free detecting trip to the UK to the first person to make sense of John's post by making an understandable summary in no more than 100 words. At least threads like this attracts others. I wish my posts were half as successful!

BTW, the free trip was hyperbole - simply for effect - I didn't really mean it! Sorry.


Well John, I will certainly help out here. The translation of the script is roughly "please return the patio statue....or else".

I have no idea what that would mean but I hope it helps. The other answers you seek may be found at Ted's (or at least according to my ex-neighbor's friend).

Good luck.


Edit: and welcome to the forum

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I looked at the individual characters. The one similar to a Greek mu (μ) and double mu, the "b" with the serif to the left at the top, etc. Have no idea what the note says but there are more than a dozen similar characters to the Diwani writing I posted.

If I may attempt a summary of the original post:
Hello. My name is John. I live in Warrington, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. We are on the order of 20 miles outside Philadelphia.

I chose a home on Phillips Avenue near the lake and my wife enjoys watching the water birds.

To go on, when we moved in we heard the absolute strangest stories from the neighbors. I have lived in the city most of my life but my grandfather Hiram was from upstate New York and told the best campfire stories so I am familiar with small town legends. Warrington had it all. A UFO crash, knights jousting in the woods, secret societies, even a hunter damned by The Almighty to ride until Judgment Day, and of course the gold standard of buried treasure.

[Lots here jumping around, but at some point he went outside in the dark]

For the little lady's sake I decided I would keep the lights of our neighborhood visible and not out walk them but broke that promise when I saw stranger lights ahead. They were red and reminded me of the discharges or ball plasmas I had seen on the ocean during my navy days. What they call Saint Elmo's fire and all that.

There was one monk or something looking like a monk because he was wearing a white cloak and hood. This man was walking far ahead of the others with a white light that could have been a single candle, it was so dim if not for the color. More like a glow than anything. The next three were dressed like Bedouins. I could see them very well because they were carrying brilliant, and I mean absolutely brilliant red fires. What reminded me of the ball plasmas. Either the lights were on their heads or it was the angle of my viewing but they also were carrying something else similar to sparkler type fireworks. Possibly magnesium, something that dripped an ignited substance. It looked every bit like molten steel.

Finally the rear guard if you will was eleven men in tunics with ordinary torches, dressed vaguely European I would warrant. Maybe post Roman or from an age before the Renaissance. Clothing you might see in a Robin Hood picture. Errol Flynn, 1938. I will never forget! I do not claim to be an expert on costume so I could in no way shape or form say for sure. They carried swords as well. Some of them had burning spears or staffs. My eyes are certainly not what they used to be make no mistake but I am confident they did not deceive me. Now if you follow still we have a monk, three Bedouins, and eleven what I would guess were dark age warriors or soldiers all together and that does not agree!

The men with the lights went toward the lake out of the woods. Making every effort to not throw out my back I caught up to them outside of the tree line where I very distinctly saw them bury something in the fields. Hence this post here.

. . . I found this website and references to a massive discussion not only about buried treasure right here in Warrington and all the rumors and gossip of years past but what I think was exactly what I saw on January the sixth people dressed as classic Arabs or Middle Easterners, the Bedouins of my estimation, conducting an annual ceremony by the lake in which they burn torches and bury three treasures as some kind of offering. Three! One of which I recovered.

[W]hat if anything can you tell me about treasure burying ceremonies involving three men dressed as Arabs putting three treasures into the ground? Why is it done annually on January the sixth? Is this common elsewhere?

To go on, one day not too long after the bell rings and there's a young man at the door. Notes. Sketches. Photos. All bursting out of a shoulder bag and the air of an unemployed college student with too much time on his hands. Bouncing around since 2012 collecting every scrap of information about the goings on by the lake. His own admission. A confessed goose chaser with conclusions far removed from reason but a list going back decades to many January the sixths and many Bedouin sightings. If I am to believe what he said I was not the only witness this year or others. Something he showed me was a computer rendered illustration of the lights I saw. Identical lights. How did he know? This was described to him by a neighbor who enjoyed a view of the same spectacle in 2013. It was already a year old, the drawing. Again if I am to believe.

Meaning I am just one of perhaps many who saw the Bedouins. He knew he had me then. I saw the grin on his face. I could not help but show this upstart the shot I took with my phone.
We held them side by side and whistled. I let him download the photos in exchange for a picture of his rendering.

I was surprised to hear that more than a few people saw the ship building and the burning ships which is the buzz around here lately.

What am I looking at, what did I see?

.....a young man at the door. Notes. Sketches. Photos. All bursting out of a shoulder bag and the air of an unemployed college student...

I recognize this character.


I am glad this thread is unlocked. I spent the time the other day to read through the whole original post. Although it was very hard to keep my eyes in the right place because of the lack of paragraph breaks, I did find the "train of thought" writing style to be very interesting, and amusing, which I think was the posters main intent. Who cares about what may or may not be happening in the woods around Warrington, I just enjoyed the amusing wit of the storyteller. HH

please keep comments serious.

at least till we see if the OP is

Ok, I'll be serious.

How in the world can a run on paragraph like the one at the start of this thread be taken seriously?

I have to do lots of technical reading in my job, along with a lot of legal papers, so reading isn't a problem. I can do geek speak and legal speak, but I am lost with that gobbledy gook in that first post.

Someone should have a bit of consideration for those of us reading on screens wider than 400 pixels. Impossible to follow for me.

Ok, I'll be serious.

How in the world can a run on paragraph like the one at the start of this thread be taken seriously?

I have to do lots of technical reading in my job, along with a lot of legal papers, so reading isn't a problem. I can do geek speak and legal speak, but I am lost with that gobbledy gook in that first post.

Someone should have a bit of consideration for those of us reading on screens wider than 400 pixels. Impossible to follow for me.

although it was hard for me to Follow & get through also.
not all of us have degrees in English Composition.
I've probably posted worse over the years.

I know I've written allot worse on paper & in Emails

Fellas, I would like to apologize for my cruel words on November the nineteenth. Please try to understand. I got the cold shoulder and lost my temper. For me it was a long road here. I was not prepared for a rebuff to my curiousity. If you follow me. Hobbies have customs, etiquette of their own and I am not familiar with yours. I am sorry for offending with my language or the subject at hand. I meant no harm. I took your advice and became better acquainted with it on this end. On the beat with the rest as best as an old man can, rapping knuckles. Problem is everyone here with a different story to tell. Meanwhile this forum TNet had all the information in one place. I checked the cache pages time and again, that is my conclusion. The internets are new to me and I cannot find another source online but right here. My son tells me the same thing that there is nowhere else serious online or otherwise, so this is it. And boy howdy do your replies raise more questions than answers! The discussion in the bin, the man who started it you say attempted to make fools of you but how exactly. Did he receive a warmer welcome than I? Jeff you write you were attacked, by who him. My copies of the discussion now lost are puzzle pieces. Though from what I can gather he came here asking for help. The same person I met face to face after I told my story maybe, if so he is among the friendliest neighbors I have had in years an attack would be out of character. On the internets how does an attack take place, are we talking hacking or what? Please forgive my ignorance I am at the age where the learning curve for new technology is unkind. Jeff the proxy you mention is also an online term correct? Confusing and make no mistake. Maybe this is another ramble and going nowehere, what I want to know is how was the attack mounted and who was made to look a fool. I felt like a fool under attack myself when I first posted what I saw. I reckon it is a taboo subject being the burying of treasure instead of digging it up? Still I dug something up, yin to yang. Should balance out! I do not know the customs of this community and for that I apologize once more.

The old discussion was binned so I read because it was deemed not credible, bs, crap, unbelievable then and forever, my question is who did the deeming and why what parts and what authority for the deeming. My version of the debate is incomplete. I was incredulous, very much so that different people would supposedly find the treasure every so often. I did not have access to the end of that subject, is it without credibility? If so I agree but I cannot be sure I am in agreement with the rest of you. I am unsure what you yourselves agree upon, some make cryptic allusions without detail. If you follow. It would be pleasant to read an explanation such as "this is what I think because a, b, and c". I cannot figure what is meant otherwise. Doubter you write that a topic is banned but what to what topic are you referring, the old discussion looks like several dozen topics or more. Which one. Now to say that I am impressed with the linguists here would be an understatement, with Bedouins I expect nothing less than a language from the Middle Eastern countries or Asia. Still my anthropologist friend says, I am looking into it. But to me it seems like far too many characters to equate your translation vor unless some are placeholders, also the message makes no sense. To me at least. What is the language?

More advice taken to heart, I broke my ramble into paragraphs! My wife the little lady tells the best way to avoid a good ramble is to avoid writing more than one sentence about our son at any time. She says "you are as old as you act and only farts go on that much about their children" so basically zip it to be young again. A tall order as I am very proud of him, though I will do my best. I will break once more yet and say that my son has taught me how to respond using the phone, yes the phone that caused this trouble to begin with. I no longer need the library, still I like the smell of old books and may visit again. He says that having to type on a small screen with arthritic hands will limit the rambles and pare them down to, just the facts, but I aim to prove him wrong!

Once more I would like to apologize for my curiousity and any offense was not intentional. I may very well be wrong make no mistake but I feel as though all the answers are on the far side of a wall whose purpose I do not rightly understand.

Jeff as I have been told, you are responsible for reopening this discussion. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss what I saw and found.

Sorry John, The original thread and results are Best Forgotten,
And to do that, I feel it is best not to Hash it back up.

So lets just start from the Beginning here with your experiences :thumbsup:

Why do people spend so much time and energy on things they don't believe in?:dontknow:

I would like to think that I am no fool but, the jury is still out maybe. I do not claim to know your customs or what makes a buried treasure taboo. If you follow me. Please bear along. I will examine the forums in more detail. At the moment I cannot figure why this Bedouin treasure if you want to call it that, is a touchy subject. I see here on the forums Templars, Knights of Golden Circle, Treasure of Solomon. But we stay silent on Warrington. Bless my soul, I would hope it has nothing to do with the costumes, language of the people involved. Middle Easterners, if that. I may be an old man from an early generation but I do not tolerate ignorance. I raised my son better than that and in others, I look for the best. And expect it. We are all grown men here so I ask what do we have to be afraid of? By thunder, is someone fearing retaliation from the Bedouins, that is ridiculous. I am still here after almost a year much to the wife's dismay! Again I must be unaware of something intrinsic to your community, I cannot tell from reading about other treasures why people are nervous about digging them up in my home. Doubter I have cache pages. Everything though from start to finish was here. Cache pages are puzzle pieces, part of a larger whole that has the answers. I have no desire, whatsoever to tramp about if that is the case. If everything is in one place. Becoming familiar is one thing consolidated information is another. You say the discussion or thread is banned that it was incredible but no one is willing to say why or lay cards on the table "this is what is wrong with Warrington buried treasure" and make it clear. I too have trouble swallowing some of the stories, like Hiram's tall tales. It is an insult to talk with someone who lets on more than he knows but refuses to spill the beans. Is it fear. The bottom of it is somewhere, I cannot get to it without help or people afraid to dig. Not one bit, do I appreciate your cheeky Epiphany remark. I am a God fearing man and know the Three Kings story but, never have I heard a version in which the gentlemen bury their gifts rather than give them to Christ. Nor are they accompanied by dark ages warriors, good gracious like some fearful blend with paganry. Hence my curiosity. Never would I have expected for treasure hunters to fear something buried so, that they would not even discuss it above a whisper. What may I ask is everyone afraid of?

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