Wedding band returned to owner

DJ_Quinn said:
Tom, that warm fuzzy feeling that you get from doing a good deed makes it all worth it. A couple of months ago, I found a man's gold and diamond ring, I didn't even use my detector, I found it out in the carpark at the gym. I turned it in and never even got a thank you, but that doesn't matter, what matters is doing the right thing and one thing I really like about the T-Net site is reading posts from so many members who go to great lengths to try to return lost items that have sentimental value to the owners. That speaks well for our members and for detectorists. Well done, and may the detecting gods smile down upon you!


Thanks :)
I have found many great people here on TNet. My only regret is that I haven't met many of them yet. If the Lord is willing and the creek doesn't rise, I hope to meet more of you :)


Well Done! - not only do your action show the type of person you are but it also shines a little bit of goodwill on MDer's everywhere.

A great big Atta Boy!!!
here have a cup of joe :coffee2:
TN Joe

doing the right thing --its a wonder feeling ain't it ? to be a beam of light in a dark world --- mere money can't buy that feeling--- Ivan

Harry_Morant said:
Well Done! - not only do your action show the type of person you are but it also shines a little bit of goodwill on MDer's everywhere.

Thanks HM,
Our local paper did a story on our club (Oklahoma Territory Treasure Hunters), a few years back, and then later did one on me, speaking to an Elementary School class about metal detecting. Those articles were a big help to our local hunters :)


ivan salis said:
doing the right thing --its a wonder feeling ain't it ? to be a beam of light in a dark world --- mere money can't buy that feeling--- Ivan

Yes it is. Thanks buddy :)


Beautiful! 8) GREAT story and pics, TW! 8) You're one of the best! :wink:

Nana :)

Tennessee-Joe said:
A great big Atta Boy!!!
here have a cup of joe :coffee2:
TN Joe

Thanks Joe,
I believe I will ;D :coffee2:


Nana40 said:
Beautiful! 8) GREAT story and pics, TW! 8) You're one of the best! :wink:

Nana :)

Thanks Nana, you are a sweetie :)
Are you all gonna make it to CTH2? I sure hope so :)



Everybody has said exactly what I was about to say..............YA DONE GOOD! There is no doubt that you saved him a lot of heartache. And, my friend, who knows....maybe this was really a "test" for you? Think about it.

Great job.


borninok said:

Everybody has said exactly what I was about to say..............YA DONE GOOD! There is no doubt that you saved him a lot of heartache. And, my friend, who knows....maybe this was really a "test" for you? Think about it.

Great job.


Thanks Mel :)

I am a little tired, so thinking is out of the question, lol.
You might need to spell it out for me :D


Well, maybe the Good Lord was giving you a great chance to help your fellow Christian.......??? Possible.



Ahhh, I get it ;D
As a matter of fact, I sent this thread to my boss and he asked what the guy's last name was. Turns out he goes to church with my boss, so yes, he probably is a Christian :)


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