we need more guns

Cato Institute study says armed citizens prevent thousands of crimes

By*Bruce Vielmetti*of the Journal Sentinel

Feb. 8, 2012*

Researchers at the Cato Institute have reviewed eight years worth of news reports about shooting in self-defense and conclude, "the vast majority of gun owners are ethical and competent, and tens of thousands of crimes are prevented each year by ordinary citizens with guns."

The libertarian Washington, D.C. think tank has released "Tough Targets: When Criminals Face Armed Resistance from Citizens," just a few days after*Wisconsin's first instance*of a concealed carry permit holder shooting at an armed robber, at a Milwaukee grocery store. In fact, the incident is already on the Cato Institute's*interactive map*that accompanies the report.

The report's authors argue that because only when a citizen actually shoots a criminal subject does the incident make the news, there are likely thousands of times when the mere display of a legal weapon stops a crime from happening.* But the study also acknowledges that prior estimates range widely, from less than a million to more than 2 million a year.

So the authors instead turn to about 5,000 news reports of defensive gun use to draw conclusions about the actors, their circumstances, motivations and outcomes. While concealed carry proponents will likely see the collection as a kind of* greatest hits of the 2nd Amendment, there are are few counter-examples.

"Not every defensive gun use ends*well— the data set identifies 36 incidents in which a defender was killed," the report states.

Analysis and history accounts for about a third of the 58-page report, while short summaries of defensive shooting makes up the rest.


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I saw an article once that was titled - "anti-gun idiot has right to spew his garbage in a Country given to him by people who were brave enough to own guns" < - I thought it spoke volumes;)

I saw an article once that was titled - "anti-gun idiot has right to spew his garbage in a Country given to him by people who were brave enough to own guns" < - I thought it spoke volumes;)

Sounds real open minded :(


I can not debate a liberal response, it does not compute......

I am not a Liberal, Or any other political Designation you can come up with ,

Other then "Uninvolved" :tongue3:.

But I do know the constitution & agree with it.

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I am not a Liberal, Or any other political Designation you can come up with ,

Other then "Uninvolved" :tongue3:.

But I do know the constitution & agree with it.

If you agree with the Constitution - then I agree with you.!


If you agree with the Constitution - then I agree with you.!

View attachment 885939

No I don't have any problem whatsoever with "anyone"
over the age of 15 Owning a Gun or Guns of any type,
as long as they know the correct use of them.
or think they are Cooool :thumbsup:

But I also feel those who are against guns have a right to their opinion,
even if it's wrong.

And No I do not own, & at this point, I have no use for Guns.
If we ever get invaded by Zombies, I may go look for one or 3 under the table though.
I refuse to sign my Name, use a credit card,
or show my Drivers License, to buy a gun.
I don't think George Warshington did

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I love the freedom of speech! As long as everyone knows where each other is coming from we have real discussions.
Censoring speech or hiding your beliefs(which is what Progressives do to get elected) doesn't actually start an honest discussion on the direction of the country or belief systems. If Obama had said in his speeches what he states in his book,, he would never have been elected to start with. When a Progressive tries to out conservative a conservative then you should realize you are being lied to and that you will be lied to again.

Hiding political intentions has been in vogue since Wilson aired the movie "Birth of a Nation" in the White House, and had political dissidents beaten.
Bet you wonder why Americans stopped political discussion around the turn of the century?

I love the freedom of speech! As long as everyone knows where each other is coming from we have real discussions.
Censoring speech or hiding your beliefs(which is what Progressives do to get elected) doesn't actually start an honest discussion on the direction of the country or belief systems. If Obama had said in his speeches what he states in his book,, he would never have been elected to start with. When a Progressive tries to out conservative a conservative then you should realize you are being lied to and that you will be lied to again.

Hiding political intentions has been in vogue since Wilson aired the movie "Birth of a Nation" in the White House, and had political dissidents beaten.
Bet you wonder why Americans stopped political discussion around the turn of the century?

although absolute freedom of speech would be my choice too,
(I want to be able to yell Fire ! in a crowd, So I can get to the front of the Line.
I want to tell certain officials where to french kiss, when necessary
as far as Freedom of speech goes, there are limits though.
there are many who Cannot handle true freedom of speech.
You see that on how many teen suicides happen over verbal bullying. :(

although absolute freedom of speech would be my choice too,
(I want to be able to yell Fire ! in a crowd, So I can get to the front of the Line.
I want to tell certain officials where to french kiss, when necessary
as far as Freedom of speech goes, there are limits though.
there are many who Cannot handle true freedom of speech.
You see that on how many teen suicides happen over verbal bullying. :(

I don't disagree there! And do you notice how some get their feelings hurt fast? Americans are getting a thinner skin all of the time,, kind of a "pansying" of the states?

But I am strictly talking a free exchange of ideas, real beliefs. Not a politicians made up beliefs that he or she thinks you want to hear so they can destroy you later. And not libelous speech. Free speech should not trample my liberty.

HELL YES WE NEED MORE GUNS in the hands of the responsible citizens! Too bad the teacher the other day wasn't packin'.

I love the freedom of speech! As long as everyone knows where each other is coming from we have real discussions.
Censoring speech or hiding your beliefs(which is what Progressives do to get elected) doesn't actually start an honest discussion on the direction of the country or belief systems. If Obama had said in his speeches what he states in his book,, he would never have been elected to start with. When a Progressive tries to out conservative a conservative then you should realize you are being lied to and that you will be lied to again.

Hiding political intentions has been in vogue since Wilson aired the movie "Birth of a Nation" in the White House, and had political dissidents beaten.
Bet you wonder why Americans stopped political discussion around the turn of the century?

"It has to start someplace, it has to start somehow. What better place then here, what better time then now?"

"It has to start someplace, it has to start somehow. What better place then here, what better time then now?"

That is a good quote Crispin! We have to understand also that freedom of speech means we may not agree with the statement made by the other. But in our universe, we are obliged to be judged on our truthful beliefs. A lie told to obtain the ends you seek would not be acceptable in my mind.

And although you and I may not agree on everything, I have never felt that you did not believe what you say. The REAL test of Humanity to me is, can we be offended and still maintain a levelheaded conversation on the topic at hand? I am often guilty of talking plainly and not pulling punches, I have known you to do the same upon occasion, doesn't lessen my opinion of you either. What say you?

I refuse to sign my Name, use a credit card,
or show my Drivers License, to buy a gun.

I dont know them off hand Jeff,But,check your gun laws in PA.If all you need is a drivers license to buy a rifle in a gun shop,then, thats all you need to buy one through private sale.No paper work in a private sale.

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